Archive of modules no longer running

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1HI500A 1HI500A Module
1QTSE1 backup 1QTSE1BACKUP Module
21st Century Music Business 1MP109 Module
2QTSEY1backup 2QTSEY1BACKUP Module
2QTSP15 - The role of the teacher 2QTSP15 Module
2SR100: Professional Development 2SR100_PROFDEV201718 Module
3CF060/070 FD Route 3CF060 Module
3CF060/070 Progression Route 3CF070 Module
3DG00X Client Project: Furniture 3DG00X Module
3QTSAA1backup 3QTSAA1BACKUP Module
3QTSP1 - The emerging professional and SE3 3QTSP1 Module
3QTSP15 - Emerging professionals 3QTSP15 Module
3QTSP2backup 3QTSP2BACKUP Module
3SDS01 MSDS01 - Understanding learning and teaching and school experience (secondary) 3SDS01 Module
3SDS02 MSDS02 - The emerging professional and school experience 3SDS02 Module
3SDS05 MSDS05 - Introduction to subject specialism: science/biology 3SDS05 Module
3SDS07 MSDS07 - Teaching strategies: planning for learning teaching and assessment in mathematics 3SDS07 Module
3SDS12 MSDS12 - Introduction to subject specialism: modern foreign languages 3SDS12 Module
3SDS13 MSDS13 - Teaching strategies: planning for learning teaching and assessment in science/chemistry 3SDS1 Module
3SDS16 MSDS16 - Teaching strategies: planning for learning teaching and assessment in modern foreign languages 3SDS16 Module
3SDS17 MSDS17 - Introduction to subject specialism: religious education 3SDS17 Module
3SDS18 MSDS18 - Teaching strategies: planning for learning teaching and assessment in religious education 3SDS18 Module
Academic Practice Enhancement Project MAC014 Module
Academic Practice in Higher Education MTS001 Module
Acquiring and developing literacy 1SL250 Module
Acting 1DD007 Module
Active and Productive Ageing MPH306 Module
Activity, Participation and Personhood in Dementia MPH302 Module
Additional Educational Needs - APF 3QTSAA1 Module
Adults and Older People MSW7002M Module
Advanced Legal Research LAW6004M Module
Advanced Musculoskeletal Practice MMS001 Module
Advanced Performance Conditioning 3ST030 Module
Advanced Practice in Disability and Mental Health Social Work MSW7006M Module
Advanced Research Methods MCJ001 Module
Advanced Research Methods 1 MSR001 Module
Advanced Research Methods 2 MSR002 Module
Advanced Research Methods and Dissemination MSP001 Module
Advanced Sport and Exercise Therapy Skills 3SR205 Module
Advanced Subject Specialism 3QTSS1 Module
Advanced Training Principles 3SR107 Module
Advancing Occupation-focused Practice 3OT500 Module
Advancing Occupational Therapy Practice 3OT611 Module
Advancing Occupational Therapy Practice: Practice Placement 3OT612 Module
Advancing Practice 3PS400 Module
Advancing Practice 3PS502 Module
Advising Enhancement Project MAC013 Module
Age of nationalism 1849-1914 2HI092 Module
AHP Leadership Service Innovation and Transformation MPH304 Module
AHP Leadership Workplace Stress and Resilience MPH305 Module
Alternative Educations EDU5010M Module
Alternative educations 2ED110 Module
Alternative Educations 2ED209 Module
America's Century: United States Foreign Affairs in the 20th Century 1AS201 Module
American Foundations 1AS200 Module
American Studies at Work 2AS202 Module
Analysing and Applying the Evidence 2OT503 Module
Applied Biomechanics for Performance 3SR101 Module
Applied Functional Anatomy 1SR104 Module
Applied Pedagogy Key Stage 3 2SR110 Module
Applied Pedagogy Key Stage 4 3SR110 Module
Applied Pedagogy Key Stages 1 and 2 1SR110 Module
Applied Research Methods and Design 2SR203 Module
Applied Sociology of Sport 2SR111 Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Biomechanics 3SR206 Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology 3SR207 Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology 3SR202 Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology Interventions 3SR105 Module
Applied Sport Science for Coaches 2SR112 Module
Applying Theory in Sport & Exercise Psychology 2SR102 Module
Argufying: Rhetoric, Reason and Reflection 0FH002 Module
Assessment Strategies in Physical Education 3SR111 Module
Athlete Development from Child to Athlete MCY003 Module
Attachment and Brain Development 2YP040 Module
Attachment and Brain Development ECY5004M Module
Audit Research and Service Evaluation MPS004 Module
Autobiography and Narrative - Writing Educational Journeys 3ED206 Module
Autobiography and Narrative – Writing Educational Journeys EDU6007M Module
Awareness of learning and teaching 1QTSP15 Module
BA Theology and Religious Studies: Student Research BATRSRESEARCH1819 Module
BA Theology and Religious Studies: Student Research BATRSRESEARCH1718 Module
Becoming a Teacher 2QTSP2 Module
Becoming a teacher 2QTSP1 Module
Being Human 1: Structure, Agency and Identity 0FH003 Module
Being Human 2: Culture, Truth and Myth 0FH004 Module
Bereavement and Loss 2CY208 Module
Bereavement and Loss CYP5008M Module
Biochemistry and Metabolism 1BI005 Module
Biochemistry and Metabolism 1BI104 Module
Biological Molecules and Reactions 1BI102 Module
Biological Molecules and Reactions 1BI003 Module
Biology of Disease 3BI103 Module
Biology of Disease 3BI004 Module
Biomechanics for Sport and Exercise 2SR106 Module
Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise 2SR206 Module
British Government and the State 2PT005 Module
Cancer Biology 3BI101 Module
Caring for Children with Trauma and Attachment Issues 0GV101 Module
Cell and Molecular Biology 2BI004 Module
Cell Biology 1BI103 Module
Cell Biology and Genetics 1BI004 Module
Cellular Pathology 2BI105 Module
Cellular Pathology 2BI006 Module
Charged: Anatomy of a Crime (1) LAW3003M Module
Charged: Anatomy of a Crime (2) LAW3004M Module
Child and Adolescent Development ECY4002M Module
Child and Adolescent Development 1YP020 Module
Child and Adolescent Development in Sport 1SR111 Module
Child Development and Early Learning 1 1EC001 Module
Child Development and Early Learning 1 ECS4001M Module
Child Development and Early Learning 2 ECS4004M Module
Child Development and Early Learning 2 1EC004 Module
Child Protection 2EC003 Module
Child Protection ECS5003M Module
Childhood and youth development 1CF010 Module
Children and Young People MSW7001M Module
Children curriculum and change 1SA001 Module
Children curriculum and change 2 3SA005 Module
Children young people and values 1WY240 Module
Children's and Young People's Development 1CY201 Module
Children's and Young People's Development CYP4001M Module
Children's development and learning 1SL200 Module
Children's learning in English TEST5_1QTSE1 Module
Children's learning in English TEST4_1QTSE1 Module
Children's learning in English TEST3_1QTSE1 Module
Children's learning in English TEST2_1QTSE1 Module
Children's learning in English TEST1_1QTSE1 Module
Children's Learning in English 1 (Reading) 1QTSE1 Module
Children's Learning in English 2 2QTSE1 Module
Children's Learning in Mathematics 1 1QTSM1 Module
Children's Learning in Mathematics 2 2QTSM1 Module
Children's Learning in Science 1 1QTSS1 Module
Children's Learning in Science 2 2QTSS1 Module
Children's Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage 3-7 2QTSEY1 Module
Children's Learning in the Wider Curriculum 2 2QTSW1 Module
Children's Learning in Wider Curriculum 1 1QTSW1 Module
Children's Learning Outside the Classroom 2QTST1 Module
Children's Play and Active Exploration 1EC005 Module
Children's Play and Active Exploration ECS4005M Module
Children's Thematic Learning 1 1QTST1 Module
Children, Young People, Families and the State 3CF040 Module
Cinema and Society 1AS202 Module
Clinical Biochemistry 2BI003 Module
Clinical Biochemistry 2BI102 Module
Clinical Genetics 3BI003 Module
Clinical Genetics 3BI102 Module
Coaching in Practice 3SR112 Module
Coaching Strength and Conditioning 2SR104 Module
Community Development 3CY207 Module
Community Development CYP6007M Module
Community development 2YC002 Module
Community Psychology in Practice MPH170 Module
Community Work 2YP170 Module
Community Work ECY5017M Module
Comparative international education 2ED061 Module
Comparative Politics 1PT005 Module
Conditioning Techniques 2SR108 Module
Conducting Inclusive Research MSE004 Module
Conflict on the East Asian Mainland 3HI270 Module
Connecting practice 2YC005 Module
Constitutional Law LAW4003M Module
Constructions of Childhood and Youth CYP4002M Module
Constructions of childhood and youth 1CF020 Module
Constructions of Childhood and Youth 1CY202 Module
Contemporary Crisis 1HI501 Module
Contemporary Educational Issues 3QTSC1 Module
Contemporary Educational Issues 3PCI01 Module
Contemporary Issues in Educational Leadership MED103 Module
Contemporary issues in Law and Social Science LAW3005M Module
Contemporary Issues in Physical Education and Sports Coaching 3SR203 Module
Contemporary Issues in Sport Development 3ST140 Module
Contemporary Issues when Working with Children and Young People ECY4015M Module
Contemporary Issues when Working with Children and Young People 1YP150 Module
Contemporary policy in action 1CF060 Module
Contemporary Practice MPS008 Module
Contemporary Sports Issues Forum 3ST130 Module
Contemporary themes in educational operations and decision making 3SA003 Module
Contexts of Professional Practice MOT003 Module
Contexts of Professional Practice continued MOTZZ003 Module
Contextualising Issues in Professional Practice 8PD002 Module
Contextualising Law and Social Science LAW3007M Module
Contract Law LAW4002M Module
Contributing to Communities MOT005 Module
Contributing to Occupational Therapy Practice 3OT610 Module
Controversies in Criminal Justice MCJ003 Module
Corrective Exercise 3ST060 Module
Counselling and Communication CYP4005M Module
Counselling and Communication 1CY205 Module
Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring Skills ECY6015M Module
Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring Skills 3YP150 Module
Creating an Environment for Learning 2SL220 Module
Creativity and Learning EDU5009M Module
Creativity and Learning 2ED208 Module
Creativity in Primary Education (Professional Elective) 3PEC01 Module
Creativity in Primary Education - APF 3QTSCA1 Module
Crime, Deviance and Youth Justice CYP6001M Module
Crime, Deviance and Youth Justice 3CY201 Module
Crime, Deviance and Youth Justice 3CF010 Module
Criminal Law LAW4004M Module
Criminological Theory MCJ002 Module
Critical Contemporary Issues in Education in a National Context MED004 Module
Critical Perspectives in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion 3ED204 Module
Critical Perspectives in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion EDU6005M Module
Critical Perspectives of Special Educational Needs 2YP050 Module
Critical Perspectives of Special Educational Needs ECY5005M Module
Debate and Current Opinion in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Education MSP004 Module
Democracies 2PT008 Module
Designing Effective Exercise Programmes 3SR104 Module
Designing Social Research MSR003 Module
Developing Active Lifestyles 3ST110 Module
Developing Active Lifestyles 2SR105 Module
Developing Classroom Literacies 2SL270 Module
Developing Criticality MED001 Module
Developing Occupational Therapy Practice 2OT510 Module
Developing Occupational Therapy Practice: Practice Placement 2OT511 Module
Developing Self and Others MED101 Module
Digital Learning (Professional Elective) 3PED01 Module
Digital Learning - the Future of Education? EDU6004M Module
Digital Learning - the Future of Education? 3ED203 Module
Dissertation MED106 Module
Dissertation MSR004 Module
Dissertation MSE007 Module
Dissertation 3ST020 Module
Dissertation 3PS404 Module
Dissertation 3SR100 Module
Dissertation MCJ008 Module
Dissertation 3PS500 Module
Dissertation MSW7011M Module
Dissertation: Children Young People and Families 3YP020 Module
Dissertation: Children Young People and Families ECY6002M Module
Dissertation: Contributing to the Evidence-base 3OT501 Module
Dissertation: Early Childhood MED011 Module
Dissertation: Early Years ECY6003M Module
Dissertation: Early Years 3YP030 Module
Dissertation: Education MED009 Module
Dissertation: Mentoring MED017 Module
Dissertation: Post-compulsory Education MED015 Module
Dissertation: Research-engaged Setting MED013 Module
Dissertation: Special Educational Needs and Inclusion ECY6004M Module
Dissertation: Special Educational Needs and Inclusion 3YP040 Module
Dissertation: Youth and Community Work 3YP050 Module
Dissertation: Youth and Community Work ECY6005M Module
Early Childhood Provision and Practice ECS5001M Module
Early Childhood Provision and Practice 2EC001 Module
Early Victorian England : poverty and prosperity 3HI112 Module
Early years and primary curriculum 3SPD01 Module
Early Years and Primary Curriculum 3PGC07 Module
Early Years and Primary Curriculum (primary) 3SDP01 Module
Early years and the primary curriculum 3PGC08 Module
Early Years APF 3QTSEA1 Module
Early Years Education (Professional Elective) 3PEE01 Module
Early Years' Innovations ECS6002M Module
Early Years' Innovations 3EC002 Module
Eboracum: York, Space and Place 0FH001 Module
Educating children young people and families 2CF030 Module
Education and Contemporary Ethical Issues EDU6003M Module
Education and Contemporary Ethical Issues 3ED202 Module
Education and Contemporary Ethical Issues (20 credits) 3ED060 Module
Education and Development 2ED207 Module
Education and development EDU5008M Module
Education and diversity 1ED110 Module
Education and faith 1ED100 Module
Education and globalisation 2ED120 Module
Education and meaning 1ED090 Module
Education and policy 1 1ED060 Module
Education and Policy 2 3ED080 Module
Education and Social Justice 2ED201 Module
Education and Social Justice EDU5002M Module
Education and Society 3ED090 Module
Education and the Environment 3ED207 Module
Education and the Environment EDU6008M Module
Education and Values 3ED070 Module
Education for all 1ED080 Module
Education, democracy and caring 2ED090 Module
Education, Health and Well-being 3ED100 Module
Education, Health and Wellbeing EDU6006M Module
Education, Health and Wellbeing 3ED205 Module
Educational leadership and management 2SA001 Module
Effective communication and developing positive relationships 1WY210 Module
Effective Planning in Physical Education and Sports Coaching 3SR210 Module
Effective teaching and learning 1SL210 Module
Empires 1HI502 Module
Employability and Service Development 3PS401 Module
Employability and Service Development 3PS501 Module
Enquiring about education 2ED130 Module
Equality and social justice 2CF050 Module
Equality, Inclusion and Diversity 2YP020 Module
Equality, Inclusion and Diversity ECY5002M Module
Equity and diversity in sport education 1SR112 Module
Ethical Issues Relating to Children, Young People and Families 3YP100 Module
Ethical Issues Relating to Children, Young People and Families ECY6010M Module
Ethical Issues Relating to Special Educational Needs and Inclusion ECY6012M Module
Ethical Issues Relating to Special Educational Needs and Inclusion 3YP120 Module
Ethical Issues Relating to the Early Years ECY6011M Module
Ethical Issues Relating to the Early Years 3YP110 Module
Ethical Issues Relating to Youth and Community Work ECY6013M Module
Ethical Issues Relating to Youth and Community Work 3YP130 Module
Ethics in Sport and Physical Education 2SR113 Module
Europe in the Age of Nationalism, c.1848-1914 2HI500 Module
Evaluating Evidence and Effecting Change MPH311 Module
Evaluating Inclusion MSE006 Module
Evaluating Interventions and Therapies 3ED209 Module
Evaluating Interventions and Therapies EDU6010M Module
Evidence Based Practice in Physical Education, Sport Coaching and Sport Development 3SR113 Module
Evidence Based Principles of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Practice 2PS402 Module
Evidence Based Principles of Musculoskeletal Practice 2PS400 Module
Evidence Based Principles of Neurological Practice 2PS401 Module
Evidence-based Practice and Research MOT004 Module
Exercise Referral 3ST090 Module
Exercise, Rehabilitation and Health Promotion 1PS403 Module
Exercise, Rehabilitation and Health Promotion 1PS502 Module
Experiential Learning for War Studies 2WS001 Module
Exploring Neurodiversity and Learning 2ED210 Module
Exploring Neurodiversity and Learning EDU5011M Module
Exploring Society LAW3001M Module
Family Contexts and the Hostile Environment MSW7003M Module
Family Diversity and Early Childhood ECS5006M Module
Family Diversity and Early Childhood 2EC006 Module
Family Interventions 0-19 1YP030 Module
Family Interventions 0-19 ECY4003M Module
Fieldwork placement 2 2YC004 Module
Fieldwork Placement 3 3YC004 Module
Foreign Policy 2PT012 Module
Foundations of Advising and Tutoring MAC011 Module
Foundations of Occupational Therapy 1OT500 Module
Foundations of Physiotherapy Practice 1PS500 Module
Foundations of Physiotherapy Practice 1 1PS400 Module
Foundations of Physiotherapy Practice 2 1PS402 Module
Foundations of Sports Coaching 1SR113 Module
Freedom and Justice 0FH005 Module
From Slavery to Freedom 2AS201 Module
From Slavery to Freedom The Black Experience in the United States 2AS032 Module
Fundamental Sociological Issues in Sport, Culture and Society 1SR205 Module
Fundamentals of Law LAW4001M Module
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Biomechanics 1SR204 Module
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Physiology 1SR201 Module
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1SR202 Module
Fundamentals of Sports Injury 2SR103 Module
FY Education module 1FH001 Module
FY Geography and History module 1FH002 Module
FY Language and Linguistics module 1FH003 Module
FY Literature and Media module 1FH004 Module
FY Psychology and Social Sciences module 1FH005 Module
FY Theology, RS and Philosophy module 1FH006 Module
Gender and Identity Construction ECS6003M Module
Gender and Identity Construction 3EC003 Module
Gender and Sexualisation 3CY203 Module
Gender and Sexualisation 3CF030 Module
Gender and Sexualisation CYP6003M Module
Gender, Sexuality and Law LAW6005M Module
Getting started in Primary Education 1QTSNEW Module
Global Crime MCJ007 Module
Global Development and Education 1ED204 Module
Global Development and Education EDU4005M Module
Global Issues in Youth Sport 3SR114 Module
Global Perspectives CYP6002M Module
Global Perspectives 3CY202 Module
Global Perspectives on Early Childhood 3EC001 Module
Global Perspectives on Early Childhood ECS6001M Module
Global Perspectives on Education MED003 Module
Global Perspectives Relating to Children, Young People and Families 3YP060 Module
Global Perspectives Relating to Children, Young People and Families ECY6006M Module
Global Perspectives Relating to Early Years 3YP070 Module
Global Perspectives Relating to Early Years ECY6007M Module
Global Perspectives Relating to Special Educational Needs and Inclusion 3YP080 Module
Global Perspectives Relating to Special Educational Needs and Inclusion ECY6008M Module
Global Perspectives Relating to Youth and Community Work 3YP090 Module
Global Perspectives Relating to Youth and Community Work ECY6009M Module
Haematology and Transfusion Science 2BI005 Module
Haematology, Immunology and Transfusion Science 2BI101 Module
Health Coaching and Behaviour Change MPH301 Module
Health, Well-being and Participation: Groups and Communities 2OT504 Module
Health, Well-being and Participation: Individuals 1OT504 Module
History of Youth and Community Work 1YP060 Module
History of Youth and Community Work ECY4006M Module
History, Community and Culture 2HI502 Module
History, Film and Television 2HI507 Module
Housing and Inclusive Design MPH308 Module
Housing and Welfare Law LAW6008M Module
How we learn 2 2ED030 Module
Human Anatomy and Physiology 1BI002 Module
Human Anatomy and Physiology 1BI101 Module
Human resources management 1SA003 Module
Identifying and Articulating Issues in Professional Practice 8PD001 Module
Imagining the Future: Environment, Apocalypse and the Digital Revolution 0FH006 Module
Inclusion and diversity 1YC006 Module
Inclusion and Special Needs 2EC002 Module
Inclusion and Special Needs ECS5002M Module
Independent Project 0FH007 Module
Independent Project LAW3006M Module
Independent project 1SA007 Module
Independent project 2 2SA007 Module
Independent project 3 3SA007 Module
Independent Research (40 Credits) 2WY270 Module
Independent research (Harrogate) 2WY270H Module
Independent Research 40 credits 2SL280 Module
Independent study 1SA006 Module
Independent study 2 2SA006 Module
Independent study 3 3SA006 Module
Induction MOTZZ1 Module
Induction (Occupational Therapy) 1ZZ350 Module
Induction (Physiotherapy) 1ZZ340 Module
Inequalities and Young Children's Lives ECS5005M Module
Inequalities and Young Children's Lives 2EC005 Module
Infection and Immunity 2BI002 Module
Influencing and Impacting on Issues in Professional Practice 8PD004 Module
Infrastructure ethics and integrity 2SA004 Module
Innovating Practice for Young People with Special Educational Needs MSE001 Module
Innovative Education within a Museum Context EDU7033M Module
Inspiring Learning MAC002 Module
Interdisciplinary Working in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Education MSP003 Module
International or Global? Globalisation in Debate 1PT003 Module
International Organisations in the Twentieth Century 2HI508 Module
International Relations: Theory and Practice 2PT011 Module
Intervention: Assessment, Implementation and Evaluation 2YP180 Module
Intervention: Assessment, Implementation and Evaluation ECY5018M Module
Introducing Politics: Key Concepts and Skills 1PT001 Module
Introduction to American Literature 1AS203 Module
Introduction to Biomechanics 1SR105 Module
Introduction to Exercise Physiology 1SR107 Module
Introduction to Microbiology and Immunology 1BI006 Module
Introduction to Microbiology and Immunology 1BI105 Module
Introduction to Museum Learning EDU7032M Module
Introduction to Occupational Therapy Practice 1OT410 Module
Introduction to Occupational Therapy Practice: Practice Placement 1 1OT411 Module
Introduction to Occupational Therapy Practice: Practice Placement 2 1OT412 Module
Introduction to practitioner research MTS530 Module
Introduction to Research Methods in Sport 1SR203 Module
Introduction to Research Skills in Sport 1SR101 Module
Introduction to sociological and psychological perspectives 1CF030 Module
Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology 1SR106 Module
Introduction to Subject Specialism: Computer Science (secondary) 3SDS11 Module
Introduction to subject specialism: Drama (secondary) 3SDS22 Module
Introduction to Subject Specialism: English (secondary) 3SDS03 Module
Introduction to subject specialism: Geography (secondary) 3SDS20 Module
Introduction to subject specialism: History (secondary) 3SDS19 Module
Introduction to Subject Specialism: Mathematics (secondary) 3SDS04 Module
Introduction to subject specialism: Music (secondary) 3SDS21 Module
Introduction to subject specialism: Physical Education (secondary) 3SDS27 Module
Introduction to Subject Specialism: Religious Education (secondary) 3PGC09 Module
Introduction to Subject Specialism: Science: Chemistry (secondary) 3SDS09 Module
Introduction to Subject Specialism: Science: Physics (secondary) 3SDS10 Module
Introduction to UK Sport 1SR114 Module
Introduction to War Studies 1WS001 Module
Investigating Learning 3ED201 Module
Investigating Learning 3ED030 Module
Investigating Learning EDU6002M Module
Investigating Play ECY4017M Module
Investigating Play 1YP170 Module
Key Changes in Modern Schooling EDU4001M Module
Key Changes in Modern Schooling 1ED200 Module
Key Pedagogical Behaviours of Sport Educators 2SR202 Module
Kinesiology for teaching & coaching 1SR115 Module
Knowledge and the Curriculum EDU5006M Module
Knowledge and the curriculum 2ED010 Module
Knowledge and the Curriculum 2ED205 Module
Land Law LAW4005M Module
Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain 3HI122 Module
Law in Action 1 LAW4006M Module
Leadership and management MTS550 Module
Leadership and Service Development MPS006 Module
Leadership in Health and Social Care - Service Innovation and Transformation MPH313 Module
Leadership in Health and Social Care Workplace Stress and Resilience MPH314 Module
Leadership innovation and educational change 3SA001 Module
Leadership, Service Development and Employability MPS108 Module
Leading Across Professional Boundaries MED105 Module
Leading and Evaluating Change in the SEN Context MSE002 Module
Leading and Managing Change through a Project MED102 Module
Leading and Managing in the Wider Workforce 3CF020 Module
Leading and Managing in the Workforce 3YP170 Module
Leading and Managing in the Workforce ECY6017M Module
Leading and managing youth and community work 2YC003 Module
Leading collaborative relationships 3SA004 Module
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) MPG092 Module
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) MPG090 Module
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum MPG096 Module
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (Primary) MPG094 Module
Learning as a Researcher 2ED200 Module
Learning as a Researcher EDU5001M Module
Learning as a student 1ED070 Module
Learning as a Student EDU4002M Module
Learning as a Student 1ED201 Module
Learning Beyond the Classroom EDU4003M Module
Learning Beyond the Classroom 1ED202 Module
Learning in Practice 2CY201 Module
Learning in Practice CYP5001M Module
Learning Outside the Classroom (Professional Elective) 3PEL01 Module
Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education MAC001 Module
Life Chances and Education 2ED202 Module
Life Chances and Education EDU5003M Module
Local Independent Project MED006 Module
Local Independent Project MED008 Module
Local Independent Study MED005 Module
Local Independent Study MED007 Module
Local Politics: Government, Community and Policy 2PT007 Module
Location of education 2ED080 Module
Long Term Conditions MPS001 Module
Major Project: Early Childhood MED012 Module
Major Project: Education MED010 Module
Major Project: Mentoring MED018 Module
Major Project: Post-compulsory Education MED016 Module
Major Project: Research-engaged Setting MED014 Module
Making of Britain Nations, Cultures and Identities 1HI101 Module
Management for Sport Development 3SR115 Module
Management, Innovation and Creativity: Occupational Therapy MOT007 Module
Management, Innovation and Creativity: Occupational Therapy continued MOTZZ007 Module
Managing behaviour 1SL220 Module
Managing Behaviour 2YP150 Module
Managing Behaviour ECY5015M Module
Managing risk 1SA004 Module
Media and Dis/ability EDU5004M Module
Media and Dis/ability 2ED203 Module
Medical Microbiology 3BI002 Module
Medical Microbiology 2BI104 Module
Mental Health CYP5004M Module
Mental Health 2CY204 Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Person-centred Approach to Youth and Community Work 1YP140 Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Person-centred Approach to Youth and Community Work ECY4014M Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Person-centred Approach when Supporting Special Educational Needs and Inclusion ECY4013M Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Person-centred Approach when Supporting Special Educational Needs and Inclusion 1YP130 Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Person-centred Approach when Working in the Early Years ECY4012M Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Person-centred Approach when Working in the Early Years 1YP120 Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Person-centred Approach when Working with Children and Young People ECY4011M Module
Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Person-centred Approach when Working with Children and Young People 1YP110 Module
Methods of Enquiry EDU7002M Module
Methods of Enquiry MED002 Module
Molecular Biology 2BI103 Module
Movement Analysis 1SR103 Module
Movement Analysis of Sports Performance 3ST070 Module
MPGC02 - Understanding learning and teaching and school experience MPGC02 Module
MPGC05 - The emerging professional and school experience MPGC05 Module
Multi-professional Approaches to Long-term Conditions MPH300 Module
Museum as a Source for Art Learning EDU7036M Module
Museum as a Source for History Learning EDU7034M Module
Museum as a Source for Science Learning EDU7035M Module
National SENCo Award Outcomes Portfolio MSE003 Module
Nature and Role of the Family CYP4004M Module
Nature and Role of the Family 1CY204 Module
Nature and the role of the family 1CF050 Module
Nature of History 3HI161 Module
New acquisitions: Social Studies NEWACQSOCSTU Module
Nutrition & Lifestyle Strategies for Wellbeing 3ST100 Module
Nutrition for Active Lifestyles 2SR109 Module
Occupational Beings MOT001 Module
Occupational Therapy: Cases and Contexts of Practice 2OT500 Module
Organisational Structures in Education ECY5013M Module
Organisational Structures in Education 2YP130 Module
Organisational Structures in the Children and Young Peoples Workforce 2YP110 Module
Organisational Structures in the Children and Young Peoples Workforce ECY5011M Module
Organisational Structures in the Early Years ECY5012M Module
Organisational Structures in the Early Years 2YP120 Module
Organisational Structures in the Youth and Community Work Sector ECY5014M Module
Organisational Structures in the Youth and Community Work Sector 2YP140 Module
Participation and Engagement: Elections and Beyond 2PT009 Module
Participation and Voice ECY6001M Module
Participation and Voice 3YP010 Module
Patient Management MPS005 Module
Pedagogical Processes in Physical Education and Sports Coaching 2SR205 Module
Penology MCJ004 Module
Performance Analysis MST001 Module
Performance Analysis in Strength and Conditioning 3SR103 Module
Personal, Academic and Professional Development in Sport 1SR100 Module
Pharmacology and Toxicology 3BI005 Module
Pharmacology and Toxicology 3BI104 Module
Philosophy and Thinking for Children (Professional Elective) 3PEP01 Module
Physical Activity and Nutrition for Long Term Conditions 3SR108 Module
Physical education, sports coaching and pedagogy: professional practice 3ST120 Module
Physiological and Nutritional Basis of Performance 3ST040 Module
Physiology of Sport and Exercise 2SR201 Module
Physiotherapy Practice MPS002 Module
Physiotherapy Practice 1 MPS100 Module
Physiotherapy Practice 2 MPS104 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement 1 MPS009 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement 1 1PS404 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement 2 MPS010 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement 3 MPS011 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement 4 MPS012 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement 5 MPS013 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement Level 2a Musculoskeletal 2PS403 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement Level 2b Cardiovascular and Respiratory 2PS404 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement Level 2c Neurological 2PS405 Module
Physiotherapy Professional Practice Placement Level 3a and 3b 3PS403 Module
Placement in Sport, Exercise, or Physical Education MSP002 Module
Placement Module for Biomedical Science PBI100 Module
Plague, Piety and Power: Europe c. 1300-1550 2HI510 Module
Planning and leadership projects 1SA005 Module
Policing MCJ006 Module
Political Analysis: Theory and Method 2PT001 Module
Political Ideologies 2PT002 Module
Political Parties and Politicians in the UK 2PT006 Module
Political Philosophy: Themes and Thinkers 1PT006 Module
Politics and an Interdisciplinary View 1PT004 Module
Popular Protest 1HI506 Module
Practice Placement 1 MSW7005M Module
Practice Placement 1a 1OT502 Module
Practice Placement 1a MOT008 Module
Practice Placement 1b 1OT505 Module
Practice Placement 1b MOT009 Module
Practice Placement 1b continued MOTZZ009 Module
Practice Placement 2 MSW7010M Module
Practice Placement 2 2OT502 Module
Practice Placement 2a MOT011 Module
Practice Placement 2a 2OT505 Module
Practice Placement 2b MOT012 Module
Practice Placement 2b 2OT506 Module
Practice Placement 3 3OT502 Module
Practitioner research project/dissertation MTS730 Module
Preparation for Practice 1 MSW7004M Module
Preparation for Practice 2 MSW7009M Module
Preparing for External Examining: Academic Standards and Enhancing Student Learning MAC003 Module
Principles of Teaching, Coaching and Instructing 1SR102 Module
Problem planning for school improvement: a problem-based planning approach 2SA002 Module
Professional Conduct and Ethics LAW6003M Module
Professional Development 1PS401 Module
Professional Development 2SR100 Module
Professional Development 1PS501 Module
Professional enquiry 3SA002 Module
Professional Placement Module EDU7037M Module
Professional Practice 3ST010 Module
Professional Practice Placement 1 MPS102 Module
Professional Practice Placement 1 1PS503 Module
Professional practice placement 1 1YC004 Module
Professional Practice Placement 2 MPS103 Module
Professional Practice Placement 2 2PS502 Module
Professional Practice Placement 3 MPS106 Module
Professional Practice Placement 3 2PS503 Module
Professional Practice Placement 4 2PS504 Module
Professional Practice Placement 4 MPS107 Module
Professional Practice Placement 5 MPS109 Module
Professional Practice Placements 5 and 6 3PS503 Module
Professional Skills and Reasoning (1) 1OT501 Module
Professional Skills and Reasoning 2 2OT501 Module
Professional Skills and Reasoning 3 3OT503 Module
Professional Skills for Biomedical Sciences 1BI100 Module
Professional Skills for Biomedical Sciences 1BI001 Module
Professional Studies 1 - Awareness of Learning and Teaching 1QTSP1 Module
Professional Studies 1: Starting the Journey to QTS 1PPS01 Module
Professional Studies 2: Becoming a Teacher 2PPS01 Module
Professional Studies 3: The Emerging Professional 3PPS01 Module
Professional Values and Approaches ECY5003M Module
Professional Values and Approaches 2YP030 Module
Promoting Social Justice 3YP160 Module
Promoting Social Justice ECY6016M Module
Property Law and Practice LAW5004M Module
Property Law and Practice LAW6018M Module
Providing for inclusion 1SL240 Module
Psychological Dimensions of Coaching MST002 Module
Questioning the Purpose of Education: Philosophical Perspectives 1ED203 Module
Questioning the Purpose of Education: Philosophical Perspectives EDU4004M Module
Race, Religion and Law LAW6012M Module
Reds! The Rise and Fall of Soviet Communism 2HI503 Module
Reflecting on Learning 2ED206 Module
Reflecting on Learning EDU5007M Module
Rehabilitation Practice with Health Promotion MPS003 Module
Representations of Early Childhood ECS4002M Module
Representations of Early Childhood 1EC002 Module
Representations of Education EDU4007M Module
Representations of Education 1ED206 Module
Representations of education 2ED100 Module
Research and Analytical Methods 2BI001 Module
Research and Analytical Methods 2BI100 Module
Research Design and Analysis 2SR200 Module
Research in Physiotherapy Practice MPS007 Module
Research in Practice 1 MPS101 Module
Research in Practice 2 MPS105 Module
Research Methods 2PS501 Module
Research Methods MID182 Module
Research Methods in Sport 2SR116 Module
Research Methods in Sport 2SR101 Module
Research Paper MID183 Module
Research Paper 3SR200 Module
Research Preparation 2OT512 Module
Research Project 3BI100 Module
Research Project 3BI001 Module
Research Project MOT006 Module
Research project (3CF060 3CF070) 3CF060-3CF070 Module
Research Project (DA) 3BI110 Module
Research project (Tony Leach's group) 3CF060-TL Module
Research Skills ECY5001M Module
Research Skills 2YP010 Module
Research Study ECS6006M Module
Research Study ECS6007M Module
Research Study 3YC002 Module
Research Study 3EC006 Module
Research Study 3EC007 Module
Research, Practice and Citizenship 1SR200 Module
Researching and Presenting 1SS001 Module
Researching and Presenting the Past 1HI503 Module
Researching children young people and families 2CF040 Module
Researching Children, Young People and Families CYP5006M Module
Researching Children, Young People and Families 2CY206 Module
Researching Early Childhood ECS5004M Module
Researching Early Childhood 2EC004 Module
Researching in an Educational Context 3ED200 Module
Researching in an Educational Context EDU6001M Module
Researching Issues in Professional Practice 8PD003 Module
Researching student voice MTS670 Module
Rights, Risks and Safeguarding Children and Young People 1YP070 Module
Rights, Risks and Safeguarding Children and Young People ECY4007M Module
Rights, Risks and Safeguarding in Schools 1YP090 Module
Rights, Risks and Safeguarding in Schools ECY4009M Module
Rights, Risks and Safeguarding in the Early Years ECY4008M Module
Rights, Risks and Safeguarding in the Early Years 1YP080 Module
Rights, Risks and Safeguarding in Youth and Community Work 1YP100 Module
Rights, Risks and Safeguarding in Youth and Community Work ECY4010M Module
Risk trust and safeguarding 1CF040 Module
Risk, Modernity and Young Children 3EC004 Module
Risk, Modernity and Young Children ECS6004M Module
Risk, Trust and Safeguarding 2CY202 Module
Risk, Trust and Safeguarding CYP5002M Module
Roundhead and Cavalier 3HI250 Module
Safeguarding children and young people 1WY250 Module
Scholarly and Professional Development 1YP010 Module
Scholarly and Professional Development ECY4001M Module
School Experience 1 3PG005 Module
School Experience 1 1PSE01 Module
School Experience 2 3PG006 Module
School Experience 2 2QTSSE2 Module
School Experience 2 2PSE02 Module
School Experience 3 3QTSSE3 Module
School Experience 3 3PSE03 Module
School Experience 3 3PG007 Module
Social Justice in Sport: Ethical Perspectives 2SR204 Module
Social Justice in Sport: Sociological Perspectives 3SR204 Module
Social Policy and Special Educational Needs and Inclusion ECY5009M Module
Social Policy and Special Educational Needs and Inclusion 2YP090 Module
Social Policy and the Early Years 1EC006 Module
Social Policy and the Early Years ECS4006M Module
Social Policy and the Wider Children's Workforce 2WY240 Module
Social Policy and the Wider Children's Workforce 2YP070 Module
Social Policy and the Wider Children's Workforce ECY5007M Module
Social Policy for Youth and Community Work ECY5010M Module
Social Policy for Youth and Community Work 2YP100 Module
Social Policy in Action CYP4006M Module
Social Policy in Action 1CY206 Module
Social Policy Relating to the Early Years ECY5008M Module
Social Policy Relating to the Early Years 2YP080 Module
Social Research Methods 1 2SS001 Module
Social Research Methods 2 2SS002 Module
Social Sciences PhD reading list 1SSPHD Module
Society, Culture and Political Context of Social Work MSW7007M Module
Sociological perspectives on youth 1YC003 Module
Soft Tissue Therapy 2SR107 Module
Special Needs and Inclusion CYP5003M Module
Special Needs and Inclusion 2CY203 Module
Special Study 3CY206 Module
Special Study CYP6006M Module
Special study in education 3ED997 Module
Special Study in Education (40 credits) 3ED991 Module
Specialisms of Physiotherapy 2PS500 Module
Sport and Exercise Therapy Skills 2SR207 Module
Sport and Spirituality 3ST150 Module
Sport and the Body 3ST160 Module
Sport for Development and Contemporary Issues 3SR116 Module
Sport in the community 1SR117 Module
Sport Policy and Practice 2SR114 Module
Sport Psychology 3ST050 Module
Sport, Culture and Society 1SR118 Module
Sport, Development and Society 2SR210 Module
Sport, Globalization and Development 3SR209 Module
Sports Injury Management 3ST080 Module
Sports Injury Prevention 2SR208 Module
Sports Injury Prevention 3SR102 Module
Sports Injury Reconditioning and Return to Sport 3SR208 Module
Sports Injury Rehabilitation 3SR106 Module
State Intervention and Family Life 3CY208 Module
State Intervention and Family Life CYP6008M Module
State Intervention in Childhood ECY5016M Module
State Intervention in Childhood 2YP160 Module
Storybook Childhoods ECS6005M Module
Storybook Childhoods 3EC005 Module
Strategic finance 2SA003 Module
Strategic marketing for school effectiveness 2SA005 Module
Student Success Through Advising and Tutoring MAC012 Module
Student voice MTS610 Module
Study for Success CYP4003M Module
Study for Success 1CY203 Module
Successful Study in Higher Education LAW3002M Module
Support for Learning in Practice (SLIP Programme) 3PH220 Module
Supporting Additional and Special Educational Needs 2SL210 Module
Supporting Families and Parenting 1YP040 Module
Supporting Families and Parenting ECY4004M Module
Teaching and Coaching for Lifelong Participation 3SR201 Module
Teaching and education in health and social care 3PH290 Module
Teaching and the Role of the Teacher EDU6009M Module
Teaching and the Role of the Teacher 3ED208 Module
Teaching Strategies: Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Computer Science (secondary) 3SDS15 Module
Teaching Strategies: planning for learning, teaching and assessment in Drama (secondary) 3SDS26 Module
Teaching Strategies: Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in English (secondary) 3SDS06 Module
Teaching Strategies: planning for learning, teaching and assessment in Geography (secondary) 3SDS24 Module
Teaching Strategies: planning for learning, teaching and assessment in History (secondary) 3SDS23 Module
Teaching Strategies: planning for learning, teaching and assessment in Music (secondary) 3SDS25 Module
Teaching Strategies: Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Physical Education (Secondary) 3SDS28 Module
Teaching Strategies: Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Religious Education (secondary) 3PGC10 Module
Teaching Strategies: Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Science: Biology (Secondary) 3SDS08 Module
Teaching Strategies: Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Science: Chemistry (secondary) 3SDS13 Module
Teaching Strategies: Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Science: Physics (secondary) 3SDS14 Module
Teams and team working within the children's workforce 1WY260 Module
Teams and teamwork 1SL260 Module
Teams and teamwork in the wider children's workforce 2CF060 Module
The Age of Anxiety: Culture and Society in the USA, 1929-1960 2HI230 Module
The Age of Anxiety: Culture and Society in the USA, 1929-60 2HI504 Module
The Age of Revolution c. 1780-1830 2HI505 Module
The Coaching Process 2SR115 Module
The Developing Professional (Primary) MPG095 Module
The Developing Professional (Primary) MPG097 Module
The Developing Professional (Secondary) MPG091 Module
The Developing Professional (Secondary) MPG093 Module
The Early Years Foundation Stage 2PEY01 Module
The Emerging Professional 3QTSP2 Module
The Emerging Professional and School Experience MSDP03 Module
The Emerging Professional and School Experience MPGC04 Module
The Emerging Professional and School Experience (Secondary) MSDS02 Module
The Emerging Professional and School Experience (secondary) MPGC06 Module
The Enquiring Leader MED104 Module
The European Union 2PT010 Module
The Face of Battle 2WS002 Module
The Flowering of the Middle Ages, c. 1000-1300 2HI501 Module
The Globalisation of Education Policy 2ED204 Module
The Globalisation of Education Policy EDU5005M Module
The Great Society 3HI260 Module
The Making of Britain 1HI504 Module
The making of modern America (The Making of Modern America) THE-MAKING-OF-MODERN-AMERICA Module
The Making of Modern America: 1877-1929 2HI509 Module
The Modern American: Fact, Fiction, Myth 1AS204 Module
The Power of the Past in Early Modern Britain 2HI511 Module
The Primary Core Curriculum 1 1PCC01 Module
The Primary Core Curriculum 2 2PCC01 Module
The Primary Wider Curriculum 1 1PWC01 Module
The Primary Wider Curriculum 2 2PWC01 Module
The Psychology of Early Childhood ECS4003M Module
The Psychology of Early Childhood 1EC003 Module
The Research Informed Professional 1 2PRI01 Module
The Research Informed Professional 2 3PRI01 Module
The Role of the Police DPP4001M Module
The Sleeping Dragon: China 1911-1997 2HI506 Module
The State 2PT004 Module
The Visible Past 1HI505 Module
The World After Rome (500-1000) 2HI512 Module
Theory and Foundations of Occupational Therapy MOT002 Module
Theory and Research in Sport and Exercise Psychology 2SR209 Module
Thinking and Philosophy for Children - APF 3QTSPA1 Module
Training Interventions MST003 Module
Transitions 2CF020 Module
Transitions - Key Moments of Change CYP5005M Module
Transitions - Key Moments of Change 2CY205 Module
Transitions Across the Life Course MSE005 Module
Trauma Informed Practice and Grief MSW7008M Module
UK Politics: Tradition and Change 1PT002 Module
Understanding and Reviewing the Evidence 1OT503 Module
Understanding Care ECY6014M Module
Understanding Care 3YP140 Module
Understanding Care in a Multi-agency Context 2WY250 Module
Understanding children and young people's development 1WY230 Module
Understanding Learning and Teaching and School Experience MPGC01 Module
Understanding Learning and Teaching and School Experience MSDP02 Module
Understanding Learning and Teaching and School Experience (secondary) MPGC03 Module
Understanding Learning and Teaching and School Experience (Secondary) MSDS01 Module
Understanding Life-chances 2WY210 Module
Understanding Risk 2WY230 Module
Understanding school business and finance 1SA002 Module
Understanding Special Educational Needs EDU4008M Module
Understanding Special Educational Needs 1ED207 Module
Understanding Special Educational Needs ECY4016M Module
Understanding Special Educational Needs 1YP160 Module
Understanding Trauma and Attachment 0GV100 Module
Using Political Philosophy 2PT003 Module
Valuing Difference and Inclusion DPP4002M Module
Victimology MCJ005 Module
Virtual Realities 2CY207 Module
Virtual Realities CYP5007M Module
Vision and Change CYP6004M Module
Vision and Change 3CY204 Module
Volunteering and the role of the third sector 2CF010 Module
War and Society 1HI500 Module
War and the Media 1WS003 Module
War in the West 2WS003 Module
What is Inclusive Learning? 1ED205 Module
What is Inclusive Learning? 1YP050 Module
What is Inclusive Learning? EDU4006M Module
What is Inclusive Learning? ECY4005M Module
Whose Values, Whose Voice? 3CF050 Module
Whose Values? Whose Voice? 3CY205 Module
Why Wars Begin 1WS002 Module
Wider Skills for the Student Teacher 1PWS01 Module
Working with groups 1YC005 Module
Working with individuals 1YC002 Module
Working with Individuals and Groups 1YP180 Module
Working with Individuals and Groups ECY4018M Module
Working with parents and families 1WY220 Module
Working with Parents and Families 2SL250 Module
Working with parents and families (York) 1WY220Y Module
Young People, Globalisation and Comparative Youth Studies 3YC003 Module
Youth Work Pedagogies 2YP060 Module
Youth Work Pedagogies ECY5006M Module
Youth work theory and practice 1YC001 Module
Youth work theory and practice 2 2YC001 Module
Youth Work Theory and Practice 3 3YC001 Module

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