Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
3D Graphics Programming COM6025M Module
Academic Support SPO4007Z Module
Access to Postgraduate Study in Helping and Allied Health Professions: Qualifying Module 3ID130 Module
Active and Productive Ageing PHC7005M Module
Activity, Participation and Personhood in Dementia PHC7003M Module
Additional Care in Midwifery Practice MID5003M Module
Advance Web Development COM6023M Module
Advanced Assessment and Outcome Measures Practice PHC7020M Module
Advanced Data Applications MSC6002M Module
Advanced Data Applications 3DM002 Module
Advanced Data Applications - Degree Apprenticeship 3DS001 Module
Advanced Data Applications – Degree Apprenticeship DSC6001M Module
Advanced Musculoskeletal Practice PHC7018M Module
Advanced Physiology of Sports Performance SPO6024M Module
Advanced Research Methods and Dissemination SPO7001M Module
Advanced Respiratory Practice PHC7019M Module
Advanced Sport and Exercise Therapy Skills SPO6006M Module
Advanced Sports Biomechanics SPO6022M Module
Advanced Topics in Algebra MSC6005M Module
Advanced Topics in Algebra 3DM005 Module
Advanced Web Development COM6009M Module
Advanced Web Development 3CB006 Module
Advanced Web Development 3CB109 Module
Advancing Occupational Therapy Practice OCT6002M Module
Advancing Occupational Therapy Practice: Practice Placement OCT6003P Module
Advancing Practice PHY6003M Module
Advancing Professional Skills OCT7014M Module
Agile Game Development COM6028M Module
Agile Software Development COM7035M Module
Analysis and Optimisation 1DM003 Module
Analysis and Optimisation MSC4003M Module
Analysis and Optimisation - Degree Apprenticeship 1DS005 Module
Analysis and Optimisation Degree Apprenticeship DSC4005M Module
Anatomy and Physiology PAR4002M Module
Anatomy and Physiology of Sport and Exercise SPO4010M Module
Applied Experience in PE and Sports Coaching SPO5022M Module
Applied Machine Learning DSC5007M Module
Applied Pathophysiology ODP7001M Module
Applied Pathophysiology PAR5002M Module
Applied Research PAR6001M Module
Applied Research Methods and Design SPO5004M Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Biomechanics SPO6007M Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology SPO6008M Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology SPO6025M Module
Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology SPO6003M Module
Applying the Occupational Therapy Process OCT5004M Module
Artificial Intelligence 3CB107 Module
Artificial Intelligence COM5025M Module
Artificial Intelligence COM6007M Module
Artificial Intelligence MSW013 Module
Artificial Intelligence 3CB004 Module
Artificial Intelligence COM7013M Module
Artificial Intelligence - Degree Apprenticeship 3DS003 Module
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning COM7032M Module
Artificial Intelligence for Games COM6013M Module
Artificial Intelligence for Games COM6026M Module
Artificial Intelligence for Games 3CB113 Module
Artificial Intelligence – Degree Apprenticeship DSC6003M Module
Assessing Whole Person Health NUR4003M Module
Assessment of Sport and Exercise Injuries SPO5016M Module
Being an Autonomous Occupational Therapist in Contemporary Settings OCT5008M Module
Big Data COM7036M Module
Biochemistry and Metabolism BIO4011M Module
Biochemistry and Metabolism BIO4005M Module
Biological Molecules and Reactions BIO4009M Module
Biological Molecules and Reactions BIO4003M Module
Biology of Disease BIO6004M Module
Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise SPO5007M Module
Cancer Biology BIO6002M Module
Caring for the Critically Ill Patient PAR5003M Module
Cell Biology BIO4004M Module
Cellular Pathology BIO5006M Module
Cellular Signalling and Communication BIO5009M Module
Clinical Biochemistry BIO5003M Module
Clinical Care in Paramedic Practice PAR7002M Module
Clinical Genetics BIO6003M Module
Clinical Musculoskeletal Anatomy SPO4014M Module
Clinical Practice 1 SLT7006P Module
Clinical Practice 2 SLT7007P Module
Clinical Practice 3 SLT7011P Module
Clinical Practice 4 SLT7012P Module
Cloud Computing COM7033M Module
Cloud Computing Fundamentals COM7009M Module
Cloud Computing Fundamentals MSW009 Module
Cloud Computing Security & Compliance COM6022M Module
Communication MSC4005M Module
Communication 1DM005 Module
Communication - Degree Apprenticeship 1DS006 Module
Communication Degree Apprenticeship DSC4006M Module
Complex Analysis and Transforms 2DM005 Module
Complex Analysis and Transforms MSC5005M Module
Computational Biology BIO5011M Module
Computer Game Fundamentals COM4004M Module
Computer Game Fundamentals 1CB104 Module
Computer Networks COM5014M Module
Computer Science Major Project 3CB101 Module
Computer Science Major Project COM6001M Module
Computer Science Project 3CB003 Module
Computer Systems Fundamentals 1CB002 Module
Computer Systems Fundamentals COM4003M Module
Computer Systems Fundamentals 1CB103 Module
Concepts of Physical and Mental Health in Paramedic Practice PAR7005M Module
Contemporary Issues in PE and Sports Coaching SPO6018M Module
Contemporary Issues in Physical Education and Sports Coaching SPO6004M Module
Contemporary Leadership and Innovation ODP7007M Module
Contemporary Sport and Exercise Therapy Practice SPO6015M Module
Contexts of Professional Practice OCT7015M Module
Contexts of Professional Practice OCT7003M Module
Contributing to communities OCT7019M Module
Contributing to Communities OCT7005M Module
Contributing to Knowledge for Whole Person Nursing NUR6001M Module
Contributing to Occupational Therapy Evidence OCT6006M Module
Contributing to Occupational Therapy Practice OCT6001M Module
Cyber Security COM7038M Module
Cybercrime Security COM6008M Module
Cybercrime Security 3CB108 Module
Cybercrime Security 3CB005 Module
Data Analysis BIO5008M Module
Data Analytics COM6035M Module
Data and Information Management 2CB001 Module
Data Science for Software Engineering MSW010 Module
Data Science for Software Engineering COM7010M Module
Data Security COM7024M Module
Data Security MSY006 Module
Data Visualisation 3CB110 Module
Data Visualisation COM6010M Module
Data Visualisation - Degree Apprenticeship 3DS002 Module
Data Visualisation – Degree Apprenticeship DSC6002M Module
Database Systems COM5013M Module
Databases MSW014 Module
Databases COM7014M Module
Databases COM5002M Module
Databases 2CB102 Module
Databases - Degree Apprenticeship 2DS001 Module
Databases and Networks 2CB104 Module
Databases and Networks COM5004M Module
Databases – Degree Apprenticeship DSC5001M Module
Debate and Current Opinion in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Education SPO7004M Module
Design Patterns MSW008 Module
Design Patterns COM7008M Module
Design Patterns for Games 2CB106 Module
Design Patterns for Games COM5006M Module
Developing Autonomous Practice PAR6005P Module
Developing Evidence Informed Practice PAR5005M Module
Developing Occupational Justice in Contexts OCT5006M Module
Developing Occupational Therapy Practice OCT5001M Module
Developing Occupational Therapy Practice: Practice Placement OCT5002P Module
Developing Practice PAR5006P Module
Developing Professional Attributes OCT5007M Module
Developing Professional Midwifery Practice MID5004M Module
Developing Professional Practice OCT4005M Module
Digital Forensics COM5026M Module
Dissertation PHY6001M Module
Dissertation COM6016M Module
Dissertation 3DM001 Module
Dissertation MSC6001M Module
Dissertation COM7040M Module
Drug Design, Development and Delivery BIO6007M Module
Duty of Care in Physical Education and Sports Coaching SPO6021M Module
Effective Planning in Physical Education and Sports Coaching SPO6010M Module
Emergency Mental Health PAR5004M Module
Employability and Service Development PHY6002M Module
Employability and Transition into Practice OCT6007M Module
End-point Assessment 1 - Degree Apprenticeship 3DS004 Module
End-point Assessment 1 – Degree Apprenticeship DSC6004M Module
End-point Assessment 2 - Degree Apprenticeship 3DS005 Module
End-point Assessment 5 – Degree Apprenticeship DSC6005M Module
Enhancing Professional Skills OCT4010M Module
Enterprise and Research Group Project MSC5007M Module
Enterprise and Research Group Project 2DM007 Module
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in PE and Sports Coaching SPO5019M Module
Evaluating Evidence and Effecting Change PHC7010M Module
Evaluation of Housing Interventions PHC7008M Module
Evidence-based Practice and Research OCT7004M Module
Evidence-informed practice, service evaluation and research OCT7018M Module
Exercise, Health and Disease SPO6023M Module
Exercise, Rehabilitation and Health Promotion PHY4003M Module
Facilitating Activity and Participation in Care Settings for Dementia PHC7004M Module
Forensics COM7026M Module
Forensics MSY008 Module
Foundations in Professional Midwifery Practice MID4004M Module
Foundations of Physiotherapy Practice PHY4001M Module
Functional Programming COM7039M Module
Fundamental Skills and Simulation PAR4003M Module
Fundamental Sociological Issues in Sport, Culture and Society SPO4006M Module
Fundamentals of Practice in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Education SPO4009M Module
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Biomechanics SPO4005M Module
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Physiology SPO4002M Module
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology SPO4003M Module
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology SPO4016M Module
Game Development Project COM5020M Module
Game Development with Game Engines COM5019M Module
Game Engine Development 3CB106 Module
Game Engine Development COM6006M Module
Game Engineering COM7011M Module
Game Engineering MSW011 Module
Games Design COM4016M Module
Games Development Major Project 3CB103 Module
Games Development Major Project COM6003M Module
Games Fundamentals COM4015M Module
Games Programming COM6024M Module
Gamification COM7016M Module
Gamification MSW016 Module
Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics BIO6008M Module
Geometry and Groups MSC5004M Module
Geometry and Groups 2DM004 Module
Geometry and Groups - Degree Apprenticeship 2DS002 Module
Geometry and Groups – Degree Apprenticeship DSC5002M Module
Getting started in Biomedical Science 1BI0NEW Module
Getting started in Occupational Therapy 1OTNEW Module
Graphs, Networks & Systems 2DM002 Module
Graphs, Networks & Systems MSC5002M Module
Graphs, Networks and Systems - Degree Apprenticeship 2DS005 Module
Graphs, Networks and Systems – Degree Apprenticeship DSC5005M Module
Haematology, Immunology and Transfusion Science BIO5002M Module
Health Coaching and Behaviour Change PHC7002M Module
Housing and Inclusive Design PHC7007M Module
Human Anatomy and Physiology BIO4002M Module
Human Anatomy and Physiology BIO4008M Module
Human Anatomy, Mechanics and Movement SPO3003M Module
Human Computer Interaction 3CB002 Module
Human Computer Interaction COM7034M Module
Human Computer Interaction COM6004M Module
Human Computer Interaction 3CB104 Module
Human Science for Integrative Nursing NUR4001M Module
Immersive Computing COM6030M Module
In-depth Experience in PE and Sports Coaching SPO6020M Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT4004Z Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT6Z01Z Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT7Z01Z Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT6004Z Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT5Z01Z Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT4Z01Z Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT7013Z Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT7012Z Module
Induction Review (OT) OCT5004Z Module
Information Security and Risk Management COM5017M Module
Integrative Nursing for Global Health NUR6003M Module
Integrative Nursing for the Person with Health Challenges NUR5001M Module
Interdisciplinary Working in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Education SPO7003M Module
Internet of Things COM7037M Module
Internet of Things for Games 3CB114 Module
Introduction to Evidence Informed Practice PAR4005M Module
Introduction to Microbiology and Immunology BIO4012M Module
Introduction to Microbiology and Immunology BIO4006M Module
Introduction to Occupational Therapy Practice OCT4001M Module
Introduction to Occupational Therapy Practice: Practice Placement 1 OCT4002P Module
Introduction to Occupational Therapy Practice: Practice Placement 2 OCT4003P Module
Introduction to Operating Department Practice ODP7003M Module
Introduction to PE and Sports Coaching SPO4017M Module
Introduction to Practice PAR4006P Module
Introduction to Programming 1CB003 Module
Introduction to Research Methods in Sport SPO4004M Module
Introduction to Research Methods in Sport SPO4013M Module
Introduction to Speech, Language, Communication and Swallowing Difficulties: developmental and acquired SLT7005M Module
Introduction to Sport and Exercise Therapy SPO4011M Module
Introduction to Strength and Conditioning for Sport and Exercise Therapy SPO4015M Module
iOS Games Development COM6011M Module
iOS Games Development COM6029M Module
iOS Games Development 3CB111 Module
Key Pedagogical Behaviours of Sport Educators SPO5003M Module
Kinesiology and Return to Sport SPO6014M Module
Kinesiology and the Biomechanical Principles of Human Movement SPO4012M Module
Laboratory and Field-Based Testing in Sport and Exercise SPO3002M Module
Leadership in Health and Social Care - Service Innovation and Transformation PHC7012M Module
Leadership in Health and Social Care Workplace Stress and Resilience PHC7013M Module
Leadership, Service Development and Employability PHY7009M Module
Leading Care for the Person with Complex Needs NUR6002M Module
Learning Through Sport 1 0SH001 Module
Legal, Ethical and Evidence Based Care in Maternity Services MID5002M Module
Linear Algebra 1DM001 Module
Linear Algebra MSC4001M Module
Linear Algebra - Degree Apprenticeship 1DS002 Module
Linear Algebra Degree Apprenticeship DSC4002M Module
Linguistics and Communication in Context SLT7003M Module
Major Project MSW018 Module
Major Project COM7031M Module
Major Project COM7018M Module
Major Project MSY013 Module
Management of Sports and Exercise Trauma and Illness SPO5014M Module
Management, Innovation and Creativity: Occupational Therapy OCT7007M Module
Managing Complex Health Needs PAR6004M Module
Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics MSC6004M Module
Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics 3DM004 Module
Mathematics and Problem Solving COM4002M Module
Mathematics and Problem Solving 1CB102 Module
Mathematics for Software Engineering COM7003M Module
Mathematics for Software Engineering MSW003 Module
Maths and Problem Solving COM4010M Module
Maths for Computing 1CB001 Module
Medical Microbiology BIO5005M Module
Midwife as a Scholar MID6002M Module
Midwifery Practice 1 MID4005P Module
Midwifery Practice Placement 2 MID5005P Module
Minor Illness PAR6002M Module
Minor Injury PAR6003M Module
Mobile Application Development 2CB006 Module
Mobile Application Development 2CB107 Module
Mobile Application Development COM5007M Module
Modelling and Numerical Analysis MSC5001M Module
Modelling and Numerical Analysis 2DM001 Module
Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Degree Apprenticeship 2DS003 Module
Modelling and Numerical Analysis – Degree Apprenticeship DSC5003M Module
Modernising Services for Older People PHC7006M Module
Molecular and Cellular Biology 1 BIO4010M Module
Molecular Biology BIO5004M Module
Molecular Immunology BIO6006M Module
Multi-professional Approaches to Long-term Conditions PHC7001M Module
Network Infrastructure and Management 2CB005 Module
Network Security MSY007 Module
Network Security COM7025M Module
Network Security Architecture and Operations COM6021M Module
Networking COM7015M Module
Networking 2CB103 Module
Networking COM5003M Module
Networking MSW015 Module
Neuro-musculoskeletal Injection Therapy PHC7014M Module
New acquisitions - Health NO_MODULE_CODE_3230 Module
Number Theory, Information Theory and Cryptography MSC6003M Module
Number Theory, Information Theory and Cryptography 3DM003 Module
Nursing Practice 1 NUR4004P Module
Nursing Practice 2 NUR5004P Module
Nursing Practice 3 NUR6004P Module
Object Oriented Design COM7004M Module
Object Oriented Design MSW004 Module
Object Oriented Programming COM7005M Module
Object Oriented Programming MSW005 Module
Object-oriented Programming - Degree Apprenticeship 2DS004 Module
Object-oriented Programming – Degree Apprenticeship DSC5004M Module
Obstetric Emergencies (and high dependency midwifery care) MID6001M Module
Occupational Beings OCT7012M Module
Occupational Beings OCT7001M Module
Occupational Therapy January Assessment Dummy Module OCT7Z02Z Module
Operating Systems COM4013M Module
Operators, Quantum Mechanics and Manifolds 3DM007 Module
Operators, Quantum Mechanics and Manifolds MSC6007M Module
Optimizing Wellbeing Through Integrative Nursing NUR5003M Module
Paramedic Research in Action PAR7008M Module
Patterns in Mathematics MSC6006M Module
Patterns in Mathematics 3DM006 Module
Pedagogical Processes in Physical Education and Sports Coaching SPO5006M Module
Pedagogy and Skill Acquisition in PE and Youth Sport SPO5021M Module
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment COM6018M Module
People as Occupational Beings OCT4004M Module
Perioperative Pharmacology ODP7006M Module
Perioperative Research ODP7008M Module
Peripheral Joint Treatment and Management SPO5013M Module
Personal and Professional Development BIO4001M Module
Personal and Professional Development 1 BIO4007M Module
Pharmacology and Toxicology BIO6005M Module
Pharmacology for Paramedic Practice PAR4004M Module
Philosophies of Technology 2CB109 Module
Philosophies of Technology COM5009M Module
Philosophies of Technology 2CB003 Module
Physiology of Sport and Exercise SPO5002M Module
Physiotherapy Practice 1 PHY7001M Module
Physiotherapy Practice 2 PHY7005M Module
Placement in PE and sports coaching SPO6019P Module
Placement in Sport, Exercise, or Physical Education SPO7002M Module
Placement Module for Applied Biosciences BIO5012P Module
Placement Module for Biomedical Science BIO5007P Module
Policy and Governance COM7021M Module
Policy and Governance MSY003 Module
Policy and Regulation for Software Engineering MSW012 Module
Policy and Regulation for Software Engineering COM7012M Module
Practice Education 1 PAR7004P Module
Practice Education 2 PAR7007P Module
Practice in Interdisciplinary Problem Solving MSC4004M Module
Practice in Interdisciplinary Problem Solving 1DM004 Module
Practice in Interdisciplinary Problem Solving - Degree Apprenticeship 1DS004 Module
Practice in Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Degree Apprenticeship DSC4004M Module
Practice Placement 1a OCT7008P Module
Practice Placement 1b OCT7009P Module
Practice Placement 2a OCT7010P Module
Practice Placement 2b OCT7011P Module
Preparation for Research ODP7002M Module
Preparation for Success: Studying Sport, Exercise and Physical Education SPO3001M Module
Preparing for Qualified Practice SLT7013M Module
Principles of Exercise and Physical Activity for Health SPO5015M Module
Principles of Paramedic Practice PAR7003M Module
Principles of Perioperative Anaesthetic Care ODP7004M Module
Privacy & Data Protection COM6020M Module
Probability Statistics and Data Analysis Degree Apprenticeship DSC4003M Module
Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis 1DM002 Module
Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis MSC4002M Module
Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis - Degree Apprenticeship 1DS003 Module
Procedural Content Generation COM6027M Module
Professional and Research Practices COM5016M Module
Professional Development PHY4002M Module
Professional Midwifery Practice MID6003M Module
Professional Placement SPO5026P Module
Professional Practice 2CB004 Module
Professional Practice 1 PAR4001M Module
Professional Practice 2 PAR5001M Module
Professional Practice Placement ODP7005P Module
Professional Practice Placement 1 PHY7003P Module
Professional Practice Placement 1 PHY4004P Module
Professional Practice Placement 1a OCT4006P Module
Professional Practice Placement 1a OCT4008P Module
Professional Practice Placement 1a OCT7016P Module
Professional Practice Placement 1b OCT4011P Module
Professional Practice Placement 1b OCT4007P Module
Professional Practice Placement 1b OCT7017P Module
Professional Practice Placement 2 PHY7004P Module
Professional Practice Placement 2 OCT5009P Module
Professional Practice Placement 2 PHY5003P Module
Professional Practice Placement 2a OCT7020P Module
Professional Practice Placement 2a OCT5005P Module
Professional Practice Placement 2b OCT7022P Module
Professional Practice Placement 3 PHY5004P Module
Professional Practice Placement 3 OCT6008P Module
Professional Practice Placement 3 PHY7007P Module
Professional Practice Placement 4 PHY5005P Module
Professional Practice Placement 4 PHY7008P Module
Professional Practice Placement 5 PHY7010P Module
Professional Practice Placements 5 and 6 PHY6004P Module
Professional Project 2CB108 Module
Professional Project COM5008M Module
Programming - Degree Apprenticeship 1DS001 Module
Programming - Degree Apprenticeship DSC4001M Module
Programming 01 1CB101 Module
Programming 01 COM4009M Module
Programming 01 COM4001M Module
Programming 02 1CB105 Module
Programming 02 COM4005M Module
Programming 02 – Programming for the Web COM4012M Module
Programming 03 COM5001M Module
Programming 03 2CB101 Module
Programming 03 – Systems Programming & Scripting COM5012M Module
Programming 04 - Advanced Programming COM5015M Module
Programming 2 (Data Science) 2DM006 Module
Programming 2 (Data Science) MSC5006M Module
Programming Fundamentals 3SW002 Module
Programming Fundamentals MSW002 Module
Programming Fundamentals COM7002M Module
Public Health, Inequalities and Social Justice in Maternity Care MID5001M Module
Quality and Quality Improvement PHC7011M Module
Rehabilitation, Reconditioning and Return to Sport SPO5012M Module
Requirements Engineering MSW006 Module
Requirements Engineering COM7006M Module
Research and Analytical Methods BIO5001M Module
Research Design and Analysis SPO5001M Module
Research Design and Analysis in Sport and Exercise SPO5017M Module
Research in Practice 1 PHY7002M Module
Research in Practice 2 PHY7006M Module
Research Methods PHC7015M Module
Research Methods COM7030M Module
Research Methods MSY012 Module
Research Methods PHY5002M Module
Research Paper PHC7016M Module
Research Paper SPO6016M Module
Research Paper SPO6001M Module
Research Preparation OCT5003M Module
Research Project OCT7006M Module
Research Project BIO6001M Module
Research Project (DA) BIO6000M Module
Research, Practice and Citizenship SPO4001M Module
Researching Practice PHC7022M Module
Researching Whole Person Nursing NUR5002M Module
Reverse Engineering MSY011 Module
Reverse Engineering COM7029M Module
Risk Management and Response COM7020M Module
Risk Management and Response MSY002 Module
Safety and Risk PHC7009M Module
Secure Design MSY004 Module
Secure Design COM7022M Module
Secure Programming COM7027M Module
Secure Programming MSY009 Module
Security Fundamentals COM7019M Module
Security Fundamentals MSY001 Module
Security Systems and Products COM4011M Module
Serious Games COM6014M Module
Serious Games 3CB115 Module
Service Development and Leadership OCT6004M Module
Service Development and Leadership OCT7021M Module
Smartphone App Design & Development COM6031M Module
Social Engineering MSY005 Module
Social Engineering COM7023M Module
Social Justice in Sport: Ethical Perspectives SPO5005M Module
Social Justice in Sport: Sociological Perspectives SPO6005M Module
Software and Web Security COM6019M Module
Software Design Patterns COM6033M Module
Software Development Management COM7007M Module
Software Development Management MSW007 Module
Software Engineering COM4014M Module
Software Engineering 2CB002 Module
Software Engineering 1CB106 Module
Software Engineering COM4006M Module
Software Engineering and Multimedia 1CB005 Module
Software Engineering Fundamentals COM7001M Module
Software Engineering Fundamentals MSW001 Module
Software Engineering Fundamentals 3SW001 Module
Software Engineering Major Project 3CB102 Module
Software Engineering Major Project COM6002M Module
Software Engineering Research Methods COM7017M Module
Software Engineering Research Methods MSW017 Module
Software Engineering: Design Patterns 2CB105 Module
Software Engineering: Design Patterns COM5005M Module
Software Project Management and Agile Development COM5024M Module
Software Solutions for Business COM6012M Module
Software Solutions for Business 3CB112 Module
Software Testing COM6034M Module
Specialisms of Physiotherapy PHY5001M Module
Speech, Language, Communication and Cognition Across the Lifespan SLT7004M Module
Speech, Language, Communication and Swallowing Difficulties, and their Evaluation and Management SLT7010M Module
Sport and Exercise Therapy Placement and Practice 1 SPO5018P Module
Sport and Exercise Therapy Placement and Practice 2 SPO6017P Module
Sport and Exercise Therapy Skills SPO5008M Module
Sport and Social Issues SPO4018M Module
Sport Scholarship and Academic Success SPO5011Z Module
Sport Scholarship and Successful Transition SPO4008Z Module
Sport, Education and Society SPO5023M Module
Sport, Exercise and Social Sciences SPO3004M Module
Sports Injury Prevention SPO5009M Module
Sports Injury Prevention SPO6012M Module
Sports Injury Reconditioning and Return to Sport SPO6009M Module
Sports Scholarship and Graduate Success SPO6011Z Module
Structural and Analytical Biochemistry BIO5010M Module
Structures and Systems for Speech, Language, Hearing and Swallowing SLT7002M Module
Support for Learning in Practice (SLIP Programme) PHC6001M Module
Surgical Care and the Principles of Surgical First Assisting ODP7009M Module
Teaching and Coaching for Lifelong Participation SPO6002M Module
Technology in Context COM4007M Module
Technology in Context 1CB004 Module
Technology in Context 1CB107 Module
The Internet of Things COM6017M Module
The Internet of Things COM6005M Module
The Internet of Things 3CB001 Module
The Internet of Things 3CB105 Module
The Professional Nurse in Contemporary Health Care NUR4002M Module
The Professional Speech and Language Therapy Context and Evidence-Based Practice SLT7001M Module
The Professional Speech and Language Therapy Context and Evidence-Based Practice 2 SLT7008M Module
The Professional Speech and Language Therapy Context and Evidence-Based Practice 3: Professional Project SLT7009M Module
Theories Underpinning Occupational Centred Practice OCT4009M Module
Theory and Foundations of Occupational Therapy OCT7013M Module
Theory and Foundations of Occupational Therapy OCT7002M Module
Theory and Research in Sport and Exercise Psychology SPO5020M Module
Theory and Research in Sport and Exercise Psychology SPO5010M Module
Transforming Practice PHC7021M Module
Transition to Paramedic Practice PAR7001M Module
Transition to Registration NUR6005M Module
Universal Antenatal Midwifery Practice MID4001M Module
Universal Intrapartum Midwifery Practice MID4002M Module
Universal Postnatal Midwifery Practice MID4003M Module
Urgent and Primary Care for Paramedic Practice PAR7006M Module
User Experience (UX) COM5021M Module
Vector Analysis, Fluids and Electromagnetism 2DM003 Module
Vector Analysis, Fluids and Electromagnetism MSC5003M Module
Vertebral Joint Assessment, Treatment and Management SPO6013M Module
Wireless Networks Security MSY010 Module
Wireless Networks Security COM7028M Module
Work Placement COM4008Z Module
Work Placement COM6015Z Module
Work Placement COM5011Z Module
Work Placement - L6 Showcase COM6Z01Z Module
Work Placement - Preparation COM4Z01Z Module
Work-based Project - Degree Apprenticeship 2DS006 Module
Work-based Project – Degree Apprenticeship DSC5006M Module
Working in Sport and Exercise SPO4019M Module
Year in Industry COM5018P Module
Year in Industry COM5010P Module

Lists linked to School of Science, Technology & Health

Title Sort by title Semester Last updated Sort by last updated
GCSE & AS/A-Level Mathematics 2020-21 Ended 31/08/2021 25/01/2021 10:01:33
GCSE & AS/A-Level Mathematics 2021-22 Ended 31/08/2022 21/06/2021 18:06:37
GCSE & AS/A-Level Mathematics 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 14/06/2022 11:10:03
GCSE & AS/A-Level Mathematics 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 20/06/2023 18:25:56
GCSE & AS/A-Level Mathematics 2024-25 25/06/2024 14:33:27