Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Analysing Contemporary Challenges and Knowledge in Management MSR7002M Module
Applied Research Project LDD7007M Module
Applied Research Project LDP7007M Module
Applied Research Project LDE7007M Module
Applied Research Project LDI7007M Module
Applied Research Project LDG7007M Module
Applied Research Project LDS7007M Module
Applied Research Project (Professional Experience) LDE7008M Module
Applied Research Project (Professional Experience) LDS7008M Module
Applied Research Project (Professional Experience) LDP7008M Module
Applied Research Project (Professional Experience) LDI7008M Module
Applied Research Project (Professional Experience) LDD7008M Module
Applied Research Project (Professional Experience) LDG7008M Module
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning LDS7003M Module
Big Data and Cloud Computing LDS7005M Module
Blockchain LDS7006M Module
Business Development and Value Creation MBB7061M Module
Business Improvement and Change LDI7006M Module
Business Success Navigating the Future with a Growth Mindset LDB6005M Module
Communicating in the Digital Age LDD7003M Module
Contemporary Business and Sustainability LDB6004M Module
Contemporary Digital and Data Skills LDD7006M Module
Contemporary Perspectives in International Management LDM7002M Module
Contemporary Workforce Management LDB6003M Module
Creativity and Innovation LDE7002M Module
Cross Cultural Leadership LDI7005M Module
Data Visualisation LDS7004M Module
Database System and Security LDS7002M Module
Design Thinking for Sustainable Healthcare LDG7005M Module
Digital Change, Innovation and Disruption LDD7005M Module
Digital Health LDG7004M Module
Digital Marketing Strategy LDD7002M Module
Digital Technologies for Market Analysis LDD7004M Module
Dissertation COM7042M Module
Dynamic Perspectives on Sustainable Business MBB7059M Module
Enabling Digital Disruption LDE7006M Module
Entrepreneurial Marketing LDE7003M Module
Entrepreneurship LDE7001M Module
Fundamentals of International Business Management LDM7001M Module
Global Expansion LDE7005M Module
Global Marketing LDM7009M Module
Global Marketing and Data Analytics LDD7001M Module
Global Supply Chain Management LDM7004M Module
Growth Finance LDE7004M Module
Health Economics LDP7003M Module
Health Promotion: Principles and Practice LDP7001M Module
Healthcare Analytics LDP7002M Module
International Alliances and Networks Management LDM7008M Module
International Entrepreneurship LDM7006M Module
International Financial Management LDM7005M Module
International Strategy Management LDM7003M Module
Introduction to Epidemiology LDP7004M Module
Leadership and Change Management LDG7003M Module
Leadership and Strategy LDB6001M Module
Leading Innovation and Cultural Change MBB7060M Module
London Enterprise Academy - core teaching LDZ7Z00Z Module
London Enterprise Academy - Enterprise Pathway LDZ7Z03Z Module
London Enterprise Academy - Leadership Pathway LDZ7Z02Z Module
Marketing Communications LDG7006M Module
Philosophy and Methodology in Management MSR7001M Module
Principles of Project Management LDI7001M Module
Project Management in a Multinational Context LDI7003M Module
Project Risk Management LDI7004M Module
Public Health for an Ageing Population LDP7005M Module
Sexual and Reproductive Health LDP7006M Module
SME's Perspectives in Export Management LDM7007M Module
Social Enterprise and Innovation LDB6002M Module
Statistical Programming LDS7001M Module
Strategic Project Management LDI7002M Module
The Essence of Healthcare Management MBB7062M Module
Thesis MSR7003M Module
Understanding Healthcare Policy and Strategy LDG7001M Module
Understanding Healthcare Research LDG7002M Module

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