Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
A Century in Crisis HIS4015M Module
A United Kingdom? HIS5008M Module
Adaptation for Audio CRW7013M Module
Adaptations 2EN470 Module
Adaptations LIT5002M Module
Advanced Environmental Fieldwork GEO6023M Module
Advanced Human Geography Fieldwork GEO6022M Module
Aid, Inequality and Development IRL4004M Module
Alternative Americas MAS004 Module
Alternative Americas AMS7004M Module
America's Century: United States Foreign Affairs in the 20th Century AMS4001M Module
American Foundations AMS4003M Module
American Literature in the Twentieth Century 3EN280 Module
American Literature, Space and Place 2EN480 Module
American Radicals: Outside the Canon 3EN605 Module
American Radicals: Outside the Canon LIT6011M Module
Animations 3FS100 Module
Animations FIL6001M Module
Applied GIS 3GE305 Module
Applied GIS GEO6005M Module
Applied GIS GEO5012M Module
Area Studies IRL5003M Module
Authoritarianism POL6015M Module
Authoritarianism POL6007M Module
Authoritarianism 3PT007 Module
Being Human 1: Structure, Agency and Identity LIB3002M Module
Being Human 2: Culture, Truth and Myth LIB3003M Module
Bloody Broken and Brave Communities HIS7017M Module
Blues and Roots: Popular Music in America AMS5004M Module
Britain at War HIS7022M Module
Britain in Crisis POL6021M Module
Britain on Film 1FS102 Module
Britain on Film FIL4003M Module
British Government and the State POL5004M Module
British Literature: The State of the Art MEN172 Module
British Politics: Continuity and Change POL4010M Module
Buddhism in India and Southeast Asia REL5003M Module
Buddhism in India and Southeast Asia 2RS003 Module
Buddhism resources - Buddhism resources (Buddhism resources) BUDDHISM-RESOURCES Module
Buddhist ethics 3TH450 Module
Buddhist Ethics REL6005M Module
Buddhist Ethics 3RS005 Module
Canonicity 1EN604 Module
Canonicity LIT4006M Module
Canonicity: Making and Breaking the Canon 3EN310 Module
Catholic distinctiveness 1TC604 Module
Chaplaincy and Mission 2TP007 Module
Chaplaincy and Public Theology 3TP003 Module
Chaplaincy in the Multi-faith Environment MTM011 Module
Chaplaincy within the Mission of the Church MTM009 Module
Chinese New Year - resources (Chinese New Year) CHINESE-NEW-YEAR Module
Christian Engagement with Ethical Issues 3TP005 Module
Christian ethics 3TH341 Module
Christian resources - Christianity resources (Christian resources) CHRISTIAN-RESOURCES Module
Christian spirituality in the contemporary context 3THB23 Module
Christian Theology in the Modern World 2RS013 Module
Christian Theology in the Modern World REL5013M Module
Christian Theology Today 3THB22 Module
Church and Mission in social and cultural context 3THB19 Module
Church, Culture and Mission MTM005 Module
Church, Spirit and Christian Community (Placement) 1TP004 Module
Cinema and Society AMS4002M Module
Cinema and the Americas FIL4006M Module
Cinema of Conflict: Trauma and American Film and TV AMS6004M Module
Cities in Transition 3GE304 Module
Cities in Transition GEO6004M Module
Cityscapes AMS7002M Module
Cityscapes MAS002 Module
Civil War to Civil Society: British Literature, 1640-1740 2EN600 Module
Civil War to Civil Society: British Literature, 1640-1740 LIT5006M Module
Comedy, culture and national identity 2CP061 Module
Comparative Politics POL4005M Module
Conceptions of the Good Life MRS002 Module
Conceptions of the Good Life REL7014M Module
Conflicting Words LIT5005M Module
Conflicting Words 2EN511 Module
Contemporary American Literature MEN072 Module
Contemporary American Literature LIT7009M Module
Contemporary approaches to biblical studies 3THB21 Module
Contemporary Biblical Interpretation 3TP001 Module
Contemporary Biblical Studies MTM002 Module
Contemporary Christian Ministry MTM006 Module
Contemporary Christian spirituality 3THB07 Module
Contemporary Christian Theology MTM001 Module
Contemporary Christianity REL6001M Module
Contemporary Christianity 3RS001 Module
Contemporary Christianity 3TH191 Module
Contemporary Contexts in Audio Production CRW7014M Module
Contemporary Crisis HIS4002M Module
Contemporary Issues in the Past CRW7018M Module
Contemporary Political Philosophy POL6002M Module
Contemporary Political Philosophy 3PT002 Module
Contemporary Security Challenges IRL5002M Module
Contemporary Writing 1EN460 Module
Contemporary Writing 1 3CW202 Module
Contemporary Writing 1: Innovation and Experimentation CRW6003M Module
Contemporary Writing 2 3CW203 Module
Contemporary Writing 2: Literary and Publishing Cultures Now CRW6004M Module
Convergence Cultures 2CP200 Module
Creative Research for Creative Writing CRW4004M Module
Creative Research for Creative Writing 1CW203 Module
Creative Research in Practice 3CW102 Module
Creative writing (B) 3EN260 Module
Creative Writing Dissertation Project 3CW204 Module
Creative Writing Dissertation Project CRW6005M Module
Creative Writing Dissertation Project CRW6001M Module
Creative Writing Dissertation Project 3CW200 Module
Creative Writing Project 3CW103 Module
Creative Writing Project 3CW104 Module
Creative Writing Project (Creative Writing) 3EN820 Module
Critical Approaches to American Studies MAS001 Module
Critical Approaches to American Studies AMS7001M Module
Critical Approaches to Creative Writing CRW7001M Module
Critical Approaches to Creative Writing MCW001 Module
Critical Approaches to Creative Writing MCW200 Module
Critical Challenges for Christian Ministry 3TP006 Module
Critical issues in Christian Ministry 3THB20 Module
Critical Perspectives 1CP201 Module
Critical Perspectives MED4002M Module
Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Literature MEN060 Module
Critical Thinking and Academic Skills in Geography GEO4012M Module
Critical Thinking and Academic Skills in Geography 1GE304 Module
Critical Thinking and Academic Skills in Geography GEO4004M Module
Cult and Extreme Cinema FIL4004M Module
Cult and Extreme Cinema 1FS103 Module
Cultural Communications: Process and Practice 1TP011 Module
Culture & Landscape GEO5011M Module
Culture and Landscape 2HG002 Module
Culture and Landscape GEO5002M Module
Culture and Landscape 2GE302 Module
Culture, Controversy and Media MED5001M Module
Culture, Women, and International Politics IRL7003M Module
Cultures of Childhood 2EN212 Module
Cultures of the Now: Contemporary Writing 3EN606 Module
Cultures of the Now: Contemporary Writing LIT6012M Module
Currents in Contemporary Christian Theology 3TP004 Module
Cyber Warfare WAR6005M Module
Cyber Warfare 3WS001 Module
Decolonisation and the Post-Colonial World HIS7003M Module
Decolonisation and the Post-Colonial World MHI202 Module
Democracies POL5007M Module
Democracies POL5015M Module
Developing Theologically Reflective Practice (Placement) 2TP002 Module
Digital Humanities for Historians MHI207 Module
Digital Humanities for Historians HIS7008M Module
Digital Humanities for Historians HIS7012M Module
Diplomacy in the United Nations IRL7004M Module
Discipleship, Vocation and Spirituality 1TP003 Module
Dissertation POL6014M Module
Dissertation IRL7006M Module
Dissertation 3TH999 Module
Dissertation HIS7013M Module
Dissertation LIT7007M Module
Dissertation MEN993 Module
Dissertation MRS009 Module
Dissertation MEN106 Module
Dissertation POL6011M Module
Dissertation 3PT012 Module
Dissertation REL7021M Module
Dissertation MED6001M Module
Dissertation (Christian Theology) 3RS019 Module
Dissertation (Part-time) LIT7008M Module
Dissertation (Part-time) MEN107 Module
Dissertation (Professional Route) MCR010 Module
Dissertation (Professional Route) REL7010M Module
Dissertation (Publishing and Contemporary Literature) CRW7027M Module
Dissertation (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) REL6018M Module
Dissertation (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) 3RS023 Module
Dissertation (Religious Studies) 3RS021 Module
Dissertation (Theology and Ministry) MTM008 Module
Dissertation (Theology and Religious Studies) 3RS025 Module
Dissertation (Theology and Religious Studies) REL6020M Module
Dissertation in American Studies AMS6012M Module
Dissertation in History HIS6001M Module
Dissertation Part 1 (Research Route) REL7011M Module
Dissertation Part 1 (Research Route) MCR011 Module
Dissertation Part 2 (Research Route) REL7012M Module
Dissertation Part 2 (Research Route) MCR012 Module
Dissertation(Chaplaincy) MTM014 Module
Dissertation(Theology and Religious Studies) MTM016 Module
Documentary Film Studies 3FS101 Module
Documentary Film Studies FIL6002M Module
Documentary Film Studies 3FS020 Module
Early Victorian England 3HI505 Module
Earth Surface Processes & Landforms GEO5014M Module
Earth Systems GEO4014M Module
Earth Systems and Geomorphology GEO4007M Module
Earth Systems and Geomorphology 1GE307 Module
Eboracum: York, Space and Place LIB3001M Module
Ecosystems and Biogeography 1GE302 Module
Ecosystems and Biogeography GEO4002M Module
Eighteenth-Century Writing 2EN460 Module
Elections and Voters in British Politics POL5017M Module
Emerging Churches in Cultural Context 3TP002 Module
Emerging Issues in International Relations IRL7005M Module
Empires HIS4013M Module
Engaging in theology 3TH531 Module
Engaging with Philosophical Texts REL5012M Module
Engaging with Philosophical Texts 2RS012 Module
English Literature Research Project LIT6001M Module
English Literature Research Project 3EN996 Module
Environment and Social Justice Capstone Project GEO7007M Module
Environment, Society & Justice GEO7001M Module
Environmental Change GEO5003M Module
Environmental Change 2GE303 Module
Environmental Geography Concepts and Practice GEO4018M Module
Environmental Geography Dissertation 3GE303 Module
Environmental Geography Dissertation GEO6003M Module
Environmental Geography Fieldwork Studies 1GE310 Module
Environmental Geography Fieldwork Studies GEO4010M Module
Environmental Hazards 2GE304 Module
Environmental Hazards GEO5016M Module
Environmental Hazards GEO5004M Module
Environmental Humanities GEO7003M Module
Environmental Policy GEO7004M Module
Environmental Remote Sensing GEO6017M Module
Establishing the Audio Series CRW7012M Module
Ethics in Christian Ministry 3THB17 Module
European Cinema FIL5004M Module
European Cinema 2FS103 Module
European Revolutions HIS4014M Module
Evolution, Theology and Ethics 3RS009 Module
Evolution, Theology and Ethics REL6009M Module
Exile Identity and Religious Experience HIS7023M Module
Experiential Learning for War Studies WAR5005M Module
Experimental Writing: Theory and Practice 3CW101 Module
Experimentation and Innovation: Re-writing the Past CRW7019M Module
Experiments and Upheavals: Twentieth-Century Cultural Change LIT6017M Module
Exploring Human Geography GEO4013M Module
Feminist Ethics and Religion REL6010M Module
Feminist Ethics and Religion 3RS010 Module
Feminist Ethics and Religion REL6024M Module
Feminist Theologies REL6003M Module
Feminist Theologies 3RS003 Module
Film and Its Audience 1FS100 Module
Film and Its Audience FIL4001M Module
Film and the American Imagination 2FS101 Module
Film and the American Imagination FIL5002M Module
Film History: Industry Technology and Exhibition FIL4005M Module
Film, Ethics and Theology 2RS018 Module
Film, Ethics and Theology REL5018M Module
Filmmakers on Film FIL4002M Module
Filmmakers on Film 1FS101 Module
Finding a Role: The UK in the World IRL4002M Module
Foreign Policy POL5011M Module
Forgiveness and Reconciliation REL6008M Module
Forgiveness and Reconciliation 3RS008 Module
Form and Genre Now LIT7002M Module
Form and Genre Now MEN101 Module
Forms of Narrative 1EN230 Module
Forms of Narrative 1CW200 Module
Forms of Narrative CRW4001M Module
Forms of Narrative 1CW101 Module
Forms of Narrative LIT4001M Module
Foundations in Multi-faith Chaplaincy 1TP010 Module
Foundations of Christian Theology REL4005M Module
Foundations of Christian Theology REL4013M Module
Foundations of Christian Theology 1RS005 Module
Foundations of Politics and International Relations POL4007M Module
Freedom and Justice LIB3004M Module
Freedom and Justice LIB3013M Module
From Descartes to Marx: Philosophers and Religion REL5014M Module
From Descartes to Marx: Philosophers and Religion 2RS014 Module
From Descartes to the Death of God REL5024M Module
From Harlem to Hip-Hop: African American Literature and Culture LIT5011M Module
From Harlem to Hip-Hop: African American Literature and Culture 2EN605 Module
From Slavery to Freedom AMS5002M Module
From Slavery to Freedom AMS5005M Module
Futures MED6002M Module
Futures 3CP200 Module
Gender and Sexualities LIT6004M Module
Gender and Sexualities 3EN290 Module
Gender and Sexualities: Issues and Debates MED6006M Module
Gender and Writing 1EN450 Module
Gender, Security and Conflict IRL6004M Module
Genre and Audience CRW7005M Module
Genre and Audience MCW204 Module
Geographers' Professional Practice GEO5008M Module
Geographers' Professional Practice 2GE308 Module
Geographers’ Professional Practice GEO5019M Module
Geographical Thought GEO5005M Module
Geographical Thought GEO5015M Module
Geographical Thought 2GE305 Module
Geographies of World Development GEO6016M Module
Geography Dissertation GEO6013M Module
Geography Dissertation GEO6002M Module
Geography Dissertation 3GE302 Module
Geography Fieldwork Studies GEO4009M Module
Geography Fieldwork Studies 1GE309 Module
Geohumanities GEO6019M Module
Getting started with Geography 1GENEW Module
Global and Local Mission 2TP006 Module
Global Ecosystems & Biodiversity Conservation GEO5013M Module
Global Governance 3PT009 Module
Global Governance POL6008M Module
Global Governance in a Changing World Order POL6016M Module
Global Islam REL4014M Module
Global Islam REL4012M Module
Global Justice 3PT004 Module
Global Justice POL6019M Module
Global Justice POL6004M Module
Global Mass Communication Futures 3MZ002 Module
Global Screen Cultures FIL7004M Module
Global York HIS4009M Module
Globalisation 2CP100 Module
Globalisation 2CP204 Module
Globalisation, Media and Sustainability MED5006M Module
Gothic & Horror 2EN190 Module
Gothic and Horror (Film Studies) 2FS102 Module
Gothic and Horror (Film Studies) FIL5003M Module
Gothic Origins LIT6008M Module
Gothic Origins 3EN602 Module
Gothic, Romanticism and Revolution LIT5014M Module
Governance and Power in the British State POL6018M Module
Great Philosophical Texts REL6023M Module
Habitat Management GEO6007M Module
Habitat Management 3GE307 Module
Habitat Management & Modelling GEO6021M Module
Hinduism resources - Hinduism resources (Hinduism resources) HINDUISM-RESOURCES Module
Historians and the Writing of History HIS7011M Module
Historical Fiction – Forms and Responses CRW7017M Module
Historical Fiction: Major Project CRW7020M Module
Historical Specialisms HIS5012M Module
Historicising the Contemporary LIT7003M Module
Historicising the Contemporary MEN102 Module
Historicising the Contemporary MEN108 Module
History and Context: Yorkshire on Screen FIL7001M Module
History Community and Culture HIS5001M Module
History Today HIS7025M Module
Hived Out, Hived In: Delegation in the Modern British State POL6005M Module
Hived Out, Hived In: Delegation in the Modern British State 3PT005 Module
Human Geographies of Nature GEO6015M Module
Human Geographies of Yorkshire 1HG002 Module
Human Geography - Critical Thinking and Study Skills 1HG003 Module
Human Geography Dissertation GEO6001M Module
Human Geography Dissertation 3HG001 Module
Human Geography Dissertation 3GE301 Module
Human Geography Fieldwork Studies 1GE311 Module
Human Geography Fieldwork Studies 1HG006 Module
Human Geography Fieldwork Studies GEO4011M Module
Human Geography Professional Practice 2HG005 Module
Hunger, Rebellion, and Rage: The Victorians LIT6016M Module
Identity and 'otherness' LIB3007M Module
Identity and ‘Otherness’: The Self and Society LIB3011M Module
Imaginary Worlds: Researching Science Fiction FIL5005M Module
Imaginary Worlds: Researching Science Fiction 2EN440 Module
Imagining the Future LIB3009M Module
Imagining the Future: Environment, Apocalypse and the Digital Revolution LIB3005M Module
Immigration, Asylum and the Politics of Borders IRL6003M Module
Imperial Crisis HIS7002M Module
Imperial Crisis MHI201 Module
Independent Cinema FIL5001M Module
Independent Cinema 2FS100 Module
Independent learning unit 3THB10 Module
Independent learning unit in theology and ministry 2THB05 Module
Independent Project LIB3014M Module
Independent Project LIB3006M Module
Independent Study REL7020M Module
Independent Study 3TP009 Module
Independent Study MRS008 Module
Independent Study REL7009M Module
Independent Study 2TP009 Module
Independent Study (Chaplaincy) MTM013 Module
Independent Study(Theology and Ministry) MTM007 Module
Independent Study(Theology and Religious Studies) MTM015 Module
Indian Philosophy REL5011M Module
Indian Philosophy 2RS011 Module
International Ethics and Global Citizenship IRL6006M Module
International or Global? Globalisation in Debate POL4003M Module
International Political Economy IRL5001M Module
International Relations: Theory and Practice POL5014M Module
International Relations: Theory and Practice POL5010M Module
International Security IRL4003M Module
International Security POL4011M Module
International/Cross-Cultural Fieldwork 3HG004 Module
International/Cross-cultural Fieldwork GEO6008M Module
International/Cross-cultural Fieldwork 3GE308 Module
International/Cross-cultural Fieldwork (Non-residential) GEO6010M Module
International/Environmental Fieldwork 3GE309 Module
International/Environmental Fieldwork GEO6009M Module
International/Environmental Fieldwork (Non-residential) GEO6011M Module
International/Environmental Fieldwork (Non-Residential), 3GE311 Module
Intervention, Peacekeeping and the Responsibility to Protect IRL6002M Module
Introducing Politics: Key Concepts and Skills POL4001M Module
Introduction to American Studies AMS4004M Module
Introduction to American Studies AMS4006M Module
Introduction to Asian Religions REL4004M Module
Introduction to Asian Religions 1RS004 Module
Introduction to Chaplaincy and Mission 1TP009 Module
Introduction to Christianity 1RS006 Module
Introduction to Creative Writing 1CW102 Module
Introduction to Creative Writing CRW4002M Module
Introduction to Creative Writing 1CW201 Module
Introduction to Islam 1RS003 Module
Introduction to Islam REL4003M Module
Introduction to Literary Studies 1 1EN600 Module
Introduction to Literary Studies 1 LIT4002M Module
Introduction to Literary Studies 2 1EN602 Module
Introduction to Literary Studies 2 LIT4004M Module
Introduction to Pastoral Care 1TP008 Module
Introduction to War Studies WAR4001M Module
Introduction to war studies WAR4004M Module
Islam in a Global Context REL5015M Module
Islam in a Global Context 2RS015 Module
Islam in the modern world 3TH430 Module
Islam resources - Islam resources (Islam resources) ISLAM-RESOURCES Module
Issues in Contemporary Judaism 2RS010 Module
Issues in Contemporary Judaism REL5010M Module
Issues in Contemporary Theology REL6007M Module
Issues in Contemporary Theology 3RS007 Module
Issues of Taste MED5007M Module
Issues of Taste 2CP070 Module
Issues of Taste 2CP201 Module
Jesus and Christian Morality 1TC603 Module
Jewish Belief and Practice 1RS007 Module
Jewish Belief and Practice REL4006M Module
Judaism resources - Judaism resources (Judaism resources) JUDAISM-RESOURCES Module
Late Anglo-Saxon England 3HI512 Module
Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain, c. 1868-1914 3HI501 Module
Leadership and change in the Church 3THB13 Module
Life Online MED5005M Module
Literary Legacies LIT6018M Module
Literary Theory 2EN450 Module
Literary Theory LIT5001M Module
Literature at Work LIT5004M Module
Literature at Work 2EN510 Module
Literature Studies Research Project (JH EN) 3EN997 Module
Literature Studies Research Project (JH EN) LIT6002M Module
Live Publishing: the York Literary Review CRW7024M Module
Local Politics: Government, Community and Policy POL5006M Module
Long Dissertation (Religion) REL6026M Module
MA Chaplaincy Studies MACHAPSTUDS Module
Main Currents in International History HIS7001M Module
Main Currents in International History MHI200 Module
Making History HIS5002M Module
Mao's China HIS5010M Module
Mapping America LIT5008M Module
Mapping America 2EN602 Module
Mapping the Geographies of Yorkshire GEO4003M Module
Mapping the Geographies of Yorkshire 1GE303 Module
Maps, Mapping & GIS GEO4015M Module
Mass Communications Project 3MZ004 Module
Mass Communications Research Methods 3MZ001 Module
Mass Communications Research Project 3MZ003 Module
Matters of Life and Death REL5016M Module
Matters of Life and Death 2RS016 Module
Matters of Life and Death REL5025M Module
Media Enterprise MED5004M Module
Media Enterprise 2CP205 Module
Media Enterprise NO_MODULE_CODE_2238 Module
Media Evolution and History MED4008M Module
Media Futures and Cybercultures 3CP011 Module
Media Geographies 3CP060 Module
Media Geographies 3CP201 Module
Media Publics and Power 1CP202 Module
Media Publics and Power MED4003M Module
Media Research 1CP203 Module
Media Research MED4004M Module
Media Spaces MED6005M Module
Media, Culture and Society MED4005M Module
Media, Culture and Society 1CP204 Module
Mediated Identities MED4007M Module
MFA Manuscript and Critical Commentary MCW011 Module
MFA Manuscript and Critical Commentary CRW7009M Module
MFA Portfolio Progress CRW7008M Module
MFA Portfolio Progress MCW010 Module
Mindsets: Historical Perspectives on Mental Healthcare HIS7021M Module
Ministry and praxis 2THB04 Module
Movies at the Margins FIL5006M Module
Multi-faith Chaplaincy 2TP008 Module
Music and Media MED5002M Module
Mystical Traditions in the Abrahamic Religions 3RS012 Module
Mysticism and World Religions 2RS023 Module
Mysticism and World Religions REL5022M Module
Nation Divided: American in the Era of the Civil War AMS5003M Module
Nature Conservation GEO4008M Module
Nature Conservation 1GE308 Module
Nature/Culture GEO6006M Module
Nature/Culture 3GE306 Module
Nature/Culture 3HG005 Module
Negotiated study 3THB11 Module
Negotiated Study 1 REL6015M Module
Negotiated study 1 3TH142 Module
Negotiated Study 1 REL6027M Module
Negotiated Study 1 3RS016 Module
Negotiated Study 2 REL6028M Module
Negotiated Study 2 3RS017 Module
Negotiated Study 2 REL6016M Module
New Age and Pagan Spiritualities REL4001M Module
New Age and Pagan Spiritualities 1RS001 Module
New Media Research 3CP070 Module
New Security Challenges in a Multi-Polar World IRL7002M Module
New Testament Studies REL5008M Module
New Testament Studies 2RS008 Module
Nineteenth Century Writing 3EN320 Module
Options and issues in moral theology 3TH440 Module
Ordinary Theology MTM003 Module
Origins of the Second World War 3HI503 Module
Pageantry Power and Patriotism HIS5003M Module
Palgrave ebooks for Theology PALEBOOKTRS Module
Participation and Engagement: Elections and Beyond POL5008M Module
Pastoral care 2THB27 Module
Pastoral Leadership 2TP003 Module
Peace Organisations WAR5001M Module
People and Nature HIS4012M Module
People and Power HIS7007M Module
People and Power MHI206 Module
Peril and Progress: Security in the Post Cold War World HIS7018M Module
Peril and Progress: Security in the Post-1945 World MHI203 Module
Peril and Progress: Security in the Post-1945 World HIS7004M Module
Philosophies of knowing: science and religious world views 3TH470 Module
Philosophy and Religion 1RS009 Module
Philosophy and Religion REL4015M Module
Philosophy and Religion REL4008M Module
Philosophy in world religions 3TH331 Module
Political Analysis: Theory and Method POL5018M Module
Political Analysis: Theory and Method POL5001M Module
Political Ecology GEO7005M Module
Political Ideologies POL5013M Module
Political Ideologies POL5002M Module
Political Parties and Politicians in the UK POL5005M Module
Political Philosophy: Themes and Thinkers POL4006M Module
Political Philosophy: Themes and Thinkers POL4009M Module
Political violence 3PT008 Module
Politics and an Interdisciplinary View POL4004M Module
Politics and Religion of the Middle East POL6020M Module
Politics of the Environment 3PT010 Module
Politics of the Environment POL6009M Module
Pop Americana: Contemporary Popular Culture AMS6005M Module
Pop Americana: Mass Culture and National Identity MED6004M Module
Popular Genres 2CP202 Module
Popular Protest HIS4007M Module
Popular religion 3TH400 Module
Portfolio MCW005 Module
Postcolonial Literature MEN042 Module
Practical Politics POL5012M Module
Practical Politics POL5019M Module
Problems of Evil REL5026M Module
Professional Development MCR002 Module
Professional Development REL7002M Module
Project Portfolio CRW7007M Module
Project Portfolio MCW206 Module
Project Portfolio CRW7026M Module
Publishing Project CRW7025M Module
Publishing Then and Now CRW7022M Module
Publishing, Production and Performance 2CW102 Module
Qualitative Methods in Geography GEO4017M Module
Quantitative Methods in Geography GEO4016M Module
Reading Literature 2EN999 Module
Reading texts 1 (Literature) 1EN011 Module
Reading Texts 2 1EN200 Module
Reading the screen 1FS010 Module
Reds! The Rise and Fall of Soviet Communism HIS5006M Module
Reflections on the Contemporary MEN105 Module
Reflections on the Contemporary LIT7006M Module
Religion and Art REL4010M Module
Religion and Art 1RS011 Module
Religion and Creative Writing REL6004M Module
Religion and Creative Writing 3RS004 Module
Religion and Genocides REL6035M Module
Religion and Globalisation REL6030M Module
Religion and Globalisation 3RS006 Module
Religion and Globalisation REL6006M Module
Religion and Human Diversity REL5001M Module
Religion and Human Diversity 2RS001 Module
Religion and Literature REL5027M Module
Religion and Myth REL6013M Module
Religion and Myth 3RS014 Module
Religion and Myth REL6031M Module
Religion and Peace-building REL7007M Module
Religion and Peace-building MCR007 Module
Religion and Peacebuilding REL7018M Module
Religion and Peacebuilding MRS006 Module
Religion and Philosophy in Contemporary Life MCR004 Module
Religion and Philosophy in Contemporary Life REL7004M Module
Religion and Politics REL5028M Module
Religion and Popular Culture REL7005M Module
Religion and Popular Culture MCR005 Module
Religion and Psychology MCR006 Module
Religion and Psychology REL7006M Module
Religion and Public Life REL7019M Module
Religion and Public Life MRS007 Module
Religion and the visual arts 3TH201 Module
Religion and the Visual Arts 3RS002 Module
Religion and the Visual Arts REL6002M Module
Religion and Visual Culture REL6033M Module
Religion in Contemporary Practice REL7008M Module
Religion in Contemporary Practice MCR008 Module
Religion in the Public Sphere REL6022M Module
Religion in the Public Sphere MCR003 Module
Religion in the Public Sphere 3RS027 Module
Religion in the Public Sphere REL6032M Module
Religion in the Public Sphere REL7003M Module
Religion writing and the creative imagination 3TH390 Module
Religion, Gender and Sexuality REL7015M Module
Religion, Gender and Sexuality MRS003 Module
Religion, Media and Popular Culture MRS005 Module
Religion, Media and Popular Culture REL7017M Module
Religion, Peace and Conflict REL4020M Module
Religions of East Asia REL5004M Module
Religions of East Asia 2RS004 Module
Religious Approaches to War and Peace REL6021M Module
Religious Approaches to War and Peace 3RS026 Module
Religious Mapping REL5029M Module
Research Dissertation HIS7010M Module
Research Dissertation MHI209 Module
Research Dissertation 1 AMS7005M Module
Research Dissertation 1 MAS005 Module
Research Dissertation 2 MAS006 Module
Research Dissertation 2 AMS7006M Module
Research Dissertation in International History MHI204 Module
Research Dissertation in International History HIS7005M Module
Research Methods HIS7006M Module
Research Methods MHI205 Module
Research Methods for Human Geography 2HG003 Module
Research Methods in Writing Historical Fiction CRW7016M Module
Research Now 1 LIT6014M Module
Research Now 1 3EN608 Module
Research Now 2 LIT6015M Module
Research Now 2 3EN609 Module
Research Project 2HG004 Module
Research Project 2GE307 Module
Research Project GEO5007M Module
Research Project GEO5018M Module
Research Project (Non-Residential) 2GE309 Module
Research Project non-residential GEO5009M Module
Researching and Presenting the Past HIS4008M Module
Researching and Presenting the Past HIS4004M Module
Researching Religion REL7001M Module
Researching Religion MCR001 Module
Researching, Representing & Communicating Environmental-Social Relations GEO7002M Module
Responses to the Holocaust REL6012M Module
Responses to the Holocaust 3RS013 Module
Revolution and Response: British Literature, 1740-1840 LIT5009M Module
Revolution and Response: British Literature, 1740-1840 2EN603 Module
Revolutions 3PT006 Module
Revolutions POL6006M Module
River Management GEO6018M Module
Romantic-Period Writing 2EN490 Module
Science Fiction for Survival LIT5007M Module
Science Fiction for Survival 2EN601 Module
Screen Research Project / Dissertation FIL7005M Module
Screen Research: Process and Practice FIL7002M Module
Scriptwriting CRW5005M Module
Scriptwriting 2CW204 Module
Scriptwriting 2CW104 Module
Scriptwriting (Literature) 3CW020 Module
shadow list 2RS013-SHADOW Module
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries LIT6005M Module
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries LIT5003M Module
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries 2EN500 Module
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries 3EN520 Module
Shakespeare: Perspectives 2EN606 Module
Shakespeare: Perspectives 3EN330 Module
Shakespeare: Perspectives LIT5012M Module
Shatter Zones Empires and the First World War HIS7015M Module
Short dissertation 3TH998 Module
Short Dissertation POL6012M Module
Short Dissertation 3PT013 Module
Short Dissertation (Christian Theology) 3RS018 Module
Short Dissertation (Religion) REL6034M Module
Short Dissertation (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) 3RS022 Module
Short Dissertation (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) REL6017M Module
Short Dissertation (Religious Studies) 3RS020 Module
Short Dissertation (Theology and Religious Studies) 3RS024 Module
Short Dissertation (Theology and Religious Studies) REL6019M Module
Sick Novels: Literature and Disease LIT5010M Module
Sick Novels: Literature and Disease 2EN604 Module
Sick Stories: Narratives of Illness, Disease, and Infection LIT5016M Module
Sikh Traditions REL5017M Module
Sikh Traditions 2RS017 Module
Social and Cultural Geography 1HG004 Module
Social and Cultural Geography GEO4005M Module
Social and Cultural Geography 1GE305 Module
Social Justice in the Anthropocene GEO6020M Module
Social Transformation MHI208 Module
Social Transformation HIS7009M Module
Society & Space GEO5010M Module
Society and Space 2HG001 Module
Society and Space GEO5001M Module
Society and Space 2GE301 Module
Sociology of Religion REL5023M Module
Sociology of Religion REL5032M Module
Sound and Vision FIL7003M Module
Special Study 3CP202 Module
Special Study 3CP203 Module
Special Study in History and American Studies 3HI507 Module
Special Study in History and American Studies 3HI506 Module
Special Subject in American Culture AMS6011M Module
Special Subject in American History AMS6010M Module
Special Subject in American Studies AMS6009M Module
Special Subject in Ancient History HIS6003M Module
Special Subject in Early Modern British History HIS6005M Module
Special Subject in European Early Modern Social and Cultural History HIS6006M Module
Special Subject in European History 1700-1900 HIS6007M Module
Special Subject in Late Medieval England HIS6004M Module
Special Subject in Military History WAR6001M Module
Special Subject in Modern British History HIS6012M Module
Special Subject in Modern International History HIS6002M Module
Special Subject in Modern International History WAR6007M Module
Special Subject in Social and Cultural History 1750-1900 HIS6008M Module
Special Subject in the History of the American Presidency AMS6003M Module
Special Subject in the History of the Cold War HIS6009M Module
Special Subject in the History of the Soviet Union HIS6010M Module
Special Subject in War Studies HIS6013M Module
Special Subject in War Studies WAR6002M Module
Special Topics in English Literature 1 LIT6010M Module
Special Topics in English Literature 1 3EN604 Module
Special Topics in English Literature 2 3EN607 Module
Special Topics in English Literature 2 LIT6013M Module
Specialist Topic: Christian Theology REL5009M Module
Specialist Topic: Christian Theology 2RS009 Module
Specialist Topic: Religious Studies REL5006M Module
Specialist Topic: Religious Studies 2RS006 Module
Speculative Bodies MEN104 Module
Speculative Bodies LIT7005M Module
Spirituality and Public Life REL7016M Module
Spirituality and Public Life MRS004 Module
Spirituality and Public Life REL6029M Module
Spirituality and Values in Chaplaincy 3TP008 Module
Spirituality in Postmodernity 3TP007 Module
Story of the Bible REL4016M Module
Studies in Philosophical Theology REL6014M Module
Studies in Philosophical Theology 3RS015 Module
Studying Religion REL4017M Module
Studying Religion 1RS010 Module
Studying Religion REL4009M Module
Studying the Bible 1TP001 Module
Studying the Old Testament REL5007M Module
Studying the Old Testament 2RS007 Module
Studying Theology in Context 1TP002 Module
Sustainability in Practice GEO7006M Module
Sustainability: Global Environmental Challenges 2GE306 Module
Sustainability: Global Environmental Challenges GEO5006M Module
Sustainability: Global Environmental Management GEO5017M Module
Sustainable Development POL4012M Module
Technology and Visual International Politics IRL6005M Module
Texts and Practice in Hindu Traditions REL5005M Module
Texts and Practice in Hindu Traditions 2RS005 Module
The American Way of War WAR6003M Module
The Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century 3HI508 Module
The Bible and the Catholic Church 1TC601 Module
The Bible and the Church MTM004 Module
The Business of Publishing CRW7023M Module
The Catholic Church and the Sacraments 1TC602 Module
The Changing Face of Religion in Society REL7013M Module
The Changing Face of Religion in Society MRS001 Module
The Chaplain in the Institutional Context MTM010 Module
The Church in the Local Context 2TP004 Module
The Conservative Party POL5020M Module
The Contemporary City 3HG003 Module
The Contemporary Writer MCW003 Module
The Dawn of Print LIT5013M Module
The Empire Strikes Back: Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of the Soviet Union 3HI516 Module
The English Revolution 3HI517 Module
The European Union POL5009M Module
The European Union in Crisis POL5016M Module
The Experimental Century: Cultural Change in the Twentieth Century 3EN601 Module
The Experimental Century: Cultural Change in the Twentieth Century LIT6007M Module
The Face of Battle WAR5002M Module
The First Crusade: Europe and the Near East, 1090-1128 3HI502 Module
The Gospel in Contemporary Society 1TP007 Module
The Great Society HIS5009M Module
The Great Society: America in the 1960s 3HI500 Module
The History and Development of Chaplaincy 1TP005 Module
The Italian Renaissance 3HI510 Module
The Journey of the Book: the Publishing Process CRW7021M Module
The Labour Party POL6017M Module
The Making of Britain HIS4005M Module
The Making of Modern Drama 3EN603 Module
The Making of Modern Drama LIT6009M Module
The Medium is the Message MED4006M Module
The Medium is the Message 1CP205 Module
The Middle East 3PT011 Module
The Middle East POL6010M Module
The Morality of War 3PT003 Module
The Morality of War POL6003M Module
The Nation Divided: Civil War Era 3AS082 Module
The Nation Divided: The Civil War Era in American Life AMS6007M Module
The Political Economy of Crises POL6013M Module
The Political Economy of Crises 3PT014 Module
The Politics of Global Health IRL6001M Module
The Politics of Global Health 3PT015 Module
The Politics of Global Health POL6022M Module
The Republic in Danger: France in the World 1914-62 HIS5013M Module
The Republic in Danger: France in the World, 1914-62 3HI514 Module
The Roman Empire HIS5011M Module
The Romantic Imagination: Excess, Affect and Revolution LIT5015M Module
The Setting Sun: British Decolonisation c.1945-1968 HIS7019M Module
The Social Contract: Justifying the State POL6001M Module
The Social Contract: Justifying the State 3PT001 Module
The Special Relationship: Britain and the US from 1945 to the 21st Century 3AS202 Module
The Story of the Bible 1RS002 Module
The Story of the Bible REL4002M Module
The Theology and Spirituality of Chaplaincy MTM012 Module
The United States since 9/11 AMS5006M Module
The United States: Empire of Liberty AMS4007M Module
The Victorian Novel: Realism, Sensation, Naturalism LIT6006M Module
The Victorian Novel: Realism, Sensation, Naturalism 3EN600 Module
The Visible Past HIS4011M Module
The Visible Past HIS4006M Module
The Wars of the Roses 3HI515 Module
Theological Interpretation of the Bible REL6011M Module
Theological Interpretation of the Bible 3RS011 Module
Theology 3THB04 Module
Theology and Ethics Through Film REL6025M Module
Theology and reflection 3THB18 Module
Theology and Religious Studies (TRS) MA Programme page TRSMA Module
Theology and the Environment REL5030M Module
Theology non practitioner 3THB06 Module
Theology practitioner 3THB05 Module
Theology: Action and Reflection 2RS002 Module
Theology: Action and Reflection REL5002M Module
Theorising Culture War: Media Hegemony Ideology POL6023M Module
Theorising Literature: Power and Identity 1EN603 Module
Theorising Literature: Power and Identity LIT4005M Module
Theorising the Contemporary: Critical Perspectives MEN100 Module
Theorising the Contemporary: Critical Perspectives LIT7001M Module
Theory and Methods in International Relations IRL7001M Module
Tourism Geographies 1HG005 Module
Tourism Geographies GEO4006M Module
Tourism Geographies 1GE306 Module
Tradition and Innovation MCW205 Module
Tradition and Innovation CRW7006M Module
Transnational Border Crossings AMS7003M Module
Transnational Border Crossings MAS003 Module
Transnational Cinema 3FS010 Module
Transnational Cinema FIL6003M Module
Transnational Cinema 3FS102 Module
Truth and invention LIB3008M Module
Truth and Invention: Culture, Myth and Representation LIB3012M Module
Tudor Women HIS5005M Module
Twentieth Century Writing 3EN300 Module
Tyranny and Majesty: Kingship in Late Medieval England, c.1300-1450 HIS5015M Module
UK Politics: Tradition and Change POL4002M Module
Understanding Chaplaincy Contexts (Placement) 1TP006 Module
Understanding World Politics POL4008M Module
Understanding World Politics IRL4001M Module
Urban and Economic Geographies 1HG001 Module
Urban Geography GEO4001M Module
Urban Geography 1GE301 Module
Urban Processes & Politics GEO6014M Module
US Conflict in the East Asian Mainland 3HI504 Module
Using Political Philosophy POL5003M Module
Using the Bible in Ministry 2TP001 Module
Values and Virtues: Ethics and Religion 1RS008 Module
Values and Virtues: Ethics and Religion REL4007M Module
Values and Virtues: Ethics and Religion REL4018M Module
Varieties of Writing: Poetry 2CW010 Module
Varieties of Writing: Prose 2CW020 Module
Victorian Grubs HIS5007M Module
Violence and forgiveness 3TH860 Module
Visual Cultures 2CP203 Module
Visual Cultures MED5003M Module
War and Society HIS4010M Module
War and Society HIS4001M Module
War and the Media WAR4003M Module
War and the Media WAR4005M Module
War in the East WAR5003M Module
War in the West WAR5007M Module
War in the West WAR5004M Module
War Studies Dissertation WAR6006M Module
War Studies Dissertation WAR6004M Module
War Studies Dissertation 3WS002 Module
Watchers and the Watched HIS5004M Module
What Now? What Next? Twenty-First Century Literature LIT6019M Module
Why Wars Begin WAR4006M Module
Work Related Learning (Christian Theology) REL5019M Module
Work Related Learning (Christian Theology) 2RS019 Module
Work Related Learning (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) REL5020M Module
Work Related Learning (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) 2RS020 Module
Work Related Learning (Religious Studies) 2RS021 Module
Work Related Learning (Theology and Religious Studies) REL5021M Module
Work Related Learning: Religion REL5031M Module
Working with children and young people 2THB25 Module
Working with Words 2CW200 Module
Working with Words: Publishing and Performance CRW5001M Module
World Christianity 1RS012 Module
World Christianity REL4019M Module
World Christianity REL4011M Module
World, Globe, Literature MEN103 Module
World, Globe, Literature LIT7004M Module
Worship and Preaching 2TP005 Module
Writers, Readers and Audiences MCW004 Module
Writing and the Environment MCW203 Module
Writing and the Environment CRW7004M Module
Writing Fiction 2CW201 Module
Writing Fiction 2CW100 Module
Writing Fiction CRW5002M Module
Writing for Academic Success 1EN420 Module
Writing Genres CRW6002M Module
Writing Genres 3CW201 Module
Writing Genres 3CW100 Module
Writing in the World: Facilitation, Collaboration and Publication MCW202 Module
Writing in the World: Facilitation, Collaboration and Publication CRW7003M Module
Writing Poetry 2CW203 Module
Writing Poetry 2CW103 Module
Writing Poetry CRW5004M Module
Writing Reality: Creative Non-Fiction 2CW101 Module
Writing Reality: Creative Non-Fiction CRW5003M Module
Writing Reality: Creative Non-Fiction 2CW202 Module
Writing Short Drama CRW7010M Module
Writing Speculative Fiction CRW7030M Module
Writing the 45 Minute Play CRW7011M Module
Writing the Caribbean LIT6003M Module
Writing the Caribbean 3EN270 Module
Writing the Media 1CP200 Module
Writing the Media MED4001M Module
Writing the Uncanny CRW7031M Module
Writing the Voice CRW7002M Module
Writing the voice MEN092 Module
Writing the Voice MCW002 Module
Writing the Voice MCW201 Module
Writing to Order 1CW100 Module
Writing to Order 1CW202 Module
Writing to Order CRW4003M Module
Writing, Production and Dissemination CRW7015M Module
Writing, Research, and Literature LIT4003M Module
Writing, Research, and Literature 1EN601 Module
York in Flux LIB3010M Module

Lists linked to School of Humanities

Title Sort by title Semester Last updated Sort by last updated
History, American Studies and War Studies - new library titles 2022/23 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 23/07/2024 14:37:35
History, American Studies and War Studies - new library titles 2023/24 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 23/07/2024 14:45:36
History, American Studies and War Studies - new library titles 2024/25 2024-25 03/02/2025 09:05:27
New ebooks for History 2022/23 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 23/07/2024 14:37:33
Politics and International Relations - New library titles 2023/24 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 23/07/2024 13:21:04
Politics and International Relations - new library titles 2024/25 2024-25 16/12/2024 08:59:33
Reading for Sustainability 2020-21 Ended 31/08/2021 25/01/2021 09:01:43
Reading for Sustainability 2021-22 Ended 31/08/2022 16/05/2022 14:08:39
Reading for Sustainability 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 01/12/2022 10:06:44
Reading for Sustainability 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 15/08/2023 15:27:32
Reading for Sustainability 2024-25 30/08/2024 11:22:30