Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
A Century in Crisis |
HIS4015M |
Module |
A United Kingdom? |
HIS5008M |
Module |
Adaptation for Audio |
CRW7013M |
Module |
Adaptations |
LIT5002M |
Module |
Adaptations |
2EN470 |
Module |
Advanced Environmental Fieldwork |
GEO6023M |
Module |
Advanced Human Geography Fieldwork |
GEO6022M |
Module |
Aid, Inequality and Development |
IRL4004M |
Module |
Alternative Americas |
MAS004 |
Module |
Alternative Americas |
AMS7004M |
Module |
America's Century: United States Foreign Affairs in the 20th Century |
AMS4001M |
Module |
American Foundations |
AMS4003M |
Module |
American Literature in the Twentieth Century |
3EN280 |
Module |
American Literature, Space and Place |
2EN480 |
Module |
American Radicals: Outside the Canon |
LIT6011M |
Module |
American Radicals: Outside the Canon |
3EN605 |
Module |
Animations |
3FS100 |
Module |
Animations |
FIL6001M |
Module |
Applied GIS |
GEO5012M |
Module |
Applied GIS |
GEO6005M |
Module |
Applied GIS |
3GE305 |
Module |
Area Studies |
IRL5003M |
Module |
Authoritarianism |
POL6007M |
Module |
Authoritarianism |
POL6015M |
Module |
Authoritarianism |
3PT007 |
Module |
Being Human 1: Structure, Agency and Identity |
LIB3002M |
Module |
Being Human 2: Culture, Truth and Myth |
LIB3003M |
Module |
Bloody Broken and Brave Communities |
HIS7017M |
Module |
Blues and Roots: Popular Music in America |
AMS5004M |
Module |
Britain at War |
HIS7022M |
Module |
Britain in Crisis |
POL6021M |
Module |
Britain on Film |
FIL4003M |
Module |
Britain on Film |
1FS102 |
Module |
British Government and the State |
POL5004M |
Module |
British Literature: The State of the Art |
MEN172 |
Module |
British Politics: Continuity and Change |
POL4010M |
Module |
Buddhism in India and Southeast Asia |
2RS003 |
Module |
Buddhism in India and Southeast Asia |
REL5003M |
Module |
Buddhism resources - Buddhism resources (Buddhism resources) |
Module |
Buddhist ethics |
3TH450 |
Module |
Buddhist Ethics |
3RS005 |
Module |
Buddhist Ethics |
REL6005M |
Module |
Canonicity |
1EN604 |
Module |
Canonicity |
LIT4006M |
Module |
Canonicity: Making and Breaking the Canon |
3EN310 |
Module |
Catholic distinctiveness |
1TC604 |
Module |
Chaplaincy and Mission |
2TP007 |
Module |
Chaplaincy and Public Theology |
3TP003 |
Module |
Chaplaincy in the Multi-faith Environment |
MTM011 |
Module |
Chaplaincy within the Mission of the Church |
MTM009 |
Module |
Chinese New Year - resources (Chinese New Year) |
Module |
Christian Engagement with Ethical Issues |
3TP005 |
Module |
Christian ethics |
3TH341 |
Module |
Christian resources - Christianity resources (Christian resources) |
Module |
Christian spirituality in the contemporary context |
3THB23 |
Module |
Christian Theology in the Modern World |
REL5013M |
Module |
Christian Theology in the Modern World |
2RS013 |
Module |
Christian Theology Today |
3THB22 |
Module |
Church and Mission in social and cultural context |
3THB19 |
Module |
Church, Culture and Mission |
MTM005 |
Module |
Church, Spirit and Christian Community (Placement) |
1TP004 |
Module |
Cinema and Society |
AMS4002M |
Module |
Cinema and the Americas |
FIL4006M |
Module |
Cinema of Conflict: Trauma and American Film and TV |
AMS6004M |
Module |
Cities in Transition |
3GE304 |
Module |
Cities in Transition |
GEO6004M |
Module |
Cityscapes |
MAS002 |
Module |
Cityscapes |
AMS7002M |
Module |
Civil War to Civil Society: British Literature, 1640-1740 |
LIT5006M |
Module |
Civil War to Civil Society: British Literature, 1640-1740 |
2EN600 |
Module |
Comedy, culture and national identity |
2CP061 |
Module |
Comparative Politics |
POL4005M |
Module |
Conceptions of the Good Life |
REL7014M |
Module |
Conceptions of the Good Life |
MRS002 |
Module |
Conflicting Words |
2EN511 |
Module |
Conflicting Words |
LIT5005M |
Module |
Contemporary American Literature |
LIT7009M |
Module |
Contemporary American Literature |
MEN072 |
Module |
Contemporary approaches to biblical studies |
3THB21 |
Module |
Contemporary Biblical Interpretation |
3TP001 |
Module |
Contemporary Biblical Studies |
MTM002 |
Module |
Contemporary Christian Ministry |
MTM006 |
Module |
Contemporary Christian spirituality |
3THB07 |
Module |
Contemporary Christian Theology |
MTM001 |
Module |
Contemporary Christianity |
3TH191 |
Module |
Contemporary Christianity |
REL6001M |
Module |
Contemporary Christianity |
3RS001 |
Module |
Contemporary Contexts in Audio Production |
CRW7014M |
Module |
Contemporary Crisis |
HIS4002M |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in the Past |
CRW7018M |
Module |
Contemporary Political Philosophy |
3PT002 |
Module |
Contemporary Political Philosophy |
POL6002M |
Module |
Contemporary Security Challenges |
IRL5002M |
Module |
Contemporary Writing |
1EN460 |
Module |
Contemporary Writing 1 |
3CW202 |
Module |
Contemporary Writing 1: Innovation and Experimentation |
CRW6003M |
Module |
Contemporary Writing 2 |
3CW203 |
Module |
Contemporary Writing 2: Literary and Publishing Cultures Now |
CRW6004M |
Module |
Convergence Cultures |
2CP200 |
Module |
Creative Research for Creative Writing |
1CW203 |
Module |
Creative Research for Creative Writing |
CRW4004M |
Module |
Creative Research in Practice |
3CW102 |
Module |
Creative writing (B) |
3EN260 |
Module |
Creative Writing Dissertation Project |
3CW204 |
Module |
Creative Writing Dissertation Project |
CRW6001M |
Module |
Creative Writing Dissertation Project |
3CW200 |
Module |
Creative Writing Dissertation Project |
CRW6005M |
Module |
Creative Writing Project |
3CW103 |
Module |
Creative Writing Project |
3CW104 |
Module |
Creative Writing Project (Creative Writing) |
3EN820 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to American Studies |
AMS7001M |
Module |
Critical Approaches to American Studies |
MAS001 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Creative Writing |
CRW7001M |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Creative Writing |
MCW200 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Creative Writing |
MCW001 |
Module |
Critical Challenges for Christian Ministry |
3TP006 |
Module |
Critical issues in Christian Ministry |
3THB20 |
Module |
Critical Perspectives |
1CP201 |
Module |
Critical Perspectives |
MED4002M |
Module |
Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Literature |
MEN060 |
Module |
Critical Thinking and Academic Skills in Geography |
GEO4012M |
Module |
Critical Thinking and Academic Skills in Geography |
1GE304 |
Module |
Critical Thinking and Academic Skills in Geography |
GEO4004M |
Module |
Cult and Extreme Cinema |
1FS103 |
Module |
Cult and Extreme Cinema |
FIL4004M |
Module |
Cultural Communications: Process and Practice |
1TP011 |
Module |
Culture & Landscape |
GEO5011M |
Module |
Culture and Landscape |
2GE302 |
Module |
Culture and Landscape |
2HG002 |
Module |
Culture and Landscape |
GEO5002M |
Module |
Culture, Controversy and Media |
MED5001M |
Module |
Culture, Women, and International Politics |
IRL7003M |
Module |
Cultures of Childhood |
2EN212 |
Module |
Cultures of the Now: Contemporary Writing |
LIT6012M |
Module |
Cultures of the Now: Contemporary Writing |
3EN606 |
Module |
Currents in Contemporary Christian Theology |
3TP004 |
Module |
Cyber Warfare |
WAR6005M |
Module |
Cyber Warfare |
3WS001 |
Module |
Decolonisation and the Post-Colonial World |
HIS7003M |
Module |
Decolonisation and the Post-Colonial World |
MHI202 |
Module |
Democracies |
POL5015M |
Module |
Democracies |
POL5007M |
Module |
Developing Theologically Reflective Practice (Placement) |
2TP002 |
Module |
Digital Humanities for Historians |
HIS7012M |
Module |
Digital Humanities for Historians |
MHI207 |
Module |
Digital Humanities for Historians |
HIS7008M |
Module |
Diplomacy in the United Nations |
IRL7004M |
Module |
Discipleship, Vocation and Spirituality |
1TP003 |
Module |
Dissertation |
POL6014M |
Module |
Dissertation |
MRS009 |
Module |
Dissertation |
3TH999 |
Module |
Dissertation |
MEN106 |
Module |
Dissertation |
IRL7006M |
Module |
Dissertation |
HIS7013M |
Module |
Dissertation |
3PT012 |
Module |
Dissertation |
MED6001M |
Module |
Dissertation |
MEN993 |
Module |
Dissertation |
REL7021M |
Module |
Dissertation |
POL6011M |
Module |
Dissertation |
LIT7007M |
Module |
Dissertation (Christian Theology) |
3RS019 |
Module |
Dissertation (Part-time) |
LIT7008M |
Module |
Dissertation (Part-time) |
MEN107 |
Module |
Dissertation (Professional Route) |
REL7010M |
Module |
Dissertation (Professional Route) |
MCR010 |
Module |
Dissertation (Publishing and Contemporary Literature) |
CRW7027M |
Module |
Dissertation (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) |
REL6018M |
Module |
Dissertation (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) |
3RS023 |
Module |
Dissertation (Religious Studies) |
3RS021 |
Module |
Dissertation (Theology and Ministry) |
MTM008 |
Module |
Dissertation (Theology and Religious Studies) |
REL6020M |
Module |
Dissertation (Theology and Religious Studies) |
3RS025 |
Module |
Dissertation in American Studies |
AMS6012M |
Module |
Dissertation in History |
HIS6001M |
Module |
Dissertation Part 1 (Research Route) |
MCR011 |
Module |
Dissertation Part 1 (Research Route) |
REL7011M |
Module |
Dissertation Part 2 (Research Route) |
MCR012 |
Module |
Dissertation Part 2 (Research Route) |
REL7012M |
Module |
Dissertation(Chaplaincy) |
MTM014 |
Module |
Dissertation(Theology and Religious Studies) |
MTM016 |
Module |
Documentary Film Studies |
3FS020 |
Module |
Documentary Film Studies |
FIL6002M |
Module |
Documentary Film Studies |
3FS101 |
Module |
Early Victorian England |
3HI505 |
Module |
Earth Surface Processes & Landforms |
GEO5014M |
Module |
Earth Systems |
GEO4014M |
Module |
Earth Systems and Geomorphology |
1GE307 |
Module |
Earth Systems and Geomorphology |
GEO4007M |
Module |
Eboracum: York, Space and Place |
LIB3001M |
Module |
Ecosystems and Biogeography |
GEO4002M |
Module |
Ecosystems and Biogeography |
1GE302 |
Module |
Eighteenth-Century Writing |
2EN460 |
Module |
Elections and Voters in British Politics |
POL5017M |
Module |
Emerging Churches in Cultural Context |
3TP002 |
Module |
Emerging Issues in International Relations |
IRL7005M |
Module |
Empires |
HIS4013M |
Module |
Engaging in theology |
3TH531 |
Module |
Engaging with Philosophical Texts |
REL5012M |
Module |
Engaging with Philosophical Texts |
2RS012 |
Module |
English Literature Research Project |
LIT6001M |
Module |
English Literature Research Project |
3EN996 |
Module |
Environment and Social Justice Capstone Project |
GEO7007M |
Module |
Environment, Society & Justice |
GEO7001M |
Module |
Environmental Change |
GEO5003M |
Module |
Environmental Change |
2GE303 |
Module |
Environmental Geography Concepts and Practice |
GEO4018M |
Module |
Environmental Geography Dissertation |
3GE303 |
Module |
Environmental Geography Dissertation |
GEO6003M |
Module |
Environmental Geography Fieldwork Studies |
1GE310 |
Module |
Environmental Geography Fieldwork Studies |
GEO4010M |
Module |
Environmental Hazards |
GEO5016M |
Module |
Environmental Hazards |
GEO5004M |
Module |
Environmental Hazards |
2GE304 |
Module |
Environmental Humanities |
GEO7003M |
Module |
Environmental Policy |
GEO7004M |
Module |
Environmental Remote Sensing |
GEO6017M |
Module |
Establishing the Audio Series |
CRW7012M |
Module |
Ethics in Christian Ministry |
3THB17 |
Module |
European Cinema |
2FS103 |
Module |
European Cinema |
FIL5004M |
Module |
European Revolutions |
HIS4014M |
Module |
Evolution, Theology and Ethics |
3RS009 |
Module |
Evolution, Theology and Ethics |
REL6009M |
Module |
Exile Identity and Religious Experience |
HIS7023M |
Module |
Experiential Learning for War Studies |
WAR5005M |
Module |
Experimental Writing: Theory and Practice |
3CW101 |
Module |
Experimentation and Innovation: Re-writing the Past |
CRW7019M |
Module |
Experiments and Upheavals: Twentieth-Century Cultural Change |
LIT6017M |
Module |
Exploring Human Geography |
GEO4013M |
Module |
Feminist Ethics and Religion |
REL6010M |
Module |
Feminist Ethics and Religion |
REL6024M |
Module |
Feminist Ethics and Religion |
3RS010 |
Module |
Feminist Theologies |
REL6003M |
Module |
Feminist Theologies |
3RS003 |
Module |
Film and Its Audience |
1FS100 |
Module |
Film and Its Audience |
FIL4001M |
Module |
Film and the American Imagination |
2FS101 |
Module |
Film and the American Imagination |
FIL5002M |
Module |
Film History: Industry Technology and Exhibition |
FIL4005M |
Module |
Film, Ethics and Theology |
2RS018 |
Module |
Film, Ethics and Theology |
REL5018M |
Module |
Filmmakers on Film |
1FS101 |
Module |
Filmmakers on Film |
FIL4002M |
Module |
Finding a Role: The UK in the World |
IRL4002M |
Module |
Foreign Policy |
POL5011M |
Module |
Forgiveness and Reconciliation |
REL6008M |
Module |
Forgiveness and Reconciliation |
3RS008 |
Module |
Form and Genre Now |
LIT7002M |
Module |
Form and Genre Now |
MEN101 |
Module |
Forms of Narrative |
1EN230 |
Module |
Forms of Narrative |
CRW4001M |
Module |
Forms of Narrative |
LIT4001M |
Module |
Forms of Narrative |
1CW101 |
Module |
Forms of Narrative |
1CW200 |
Module |
Foundations in Multi-faith Chaplaincy |
1TP010 |
Module |
Foundations of Christian Theology |
REL4005M |
Module |
Foundations of Christian Theology |
1RS005 |
Module |
Foundations of Christian Theology |
REL4013M |
Module |
Foundations of Politics and International Relations |
POL4007M |
Module |
Freedom and Justice |
LIB3013M |
Module |
Freedom and Justice |
LIB3004M |
Module |
From Descartes to Marx: Philosophers and Religion |
2RS014 |
Module |
From Descartes to Marx: Philosophers and Religion |
REL5014M |
Module |
From Descartes to the Death of God |
REL5024M |
Module |
From Harlem to Hip-Hop: African American Literature and Culture |
2EN605 |
Module |
From Harlem to Hip-Hop: African American Literature and Culture |
LIT5011M |
Module |
From Slavery to Freedom |
AMS5002M |
Module |
From Slavery to Freedom |
AMS5005M |
Module |
Futures |
3CP200 |
Module |
Futures |
MED6002M |
Module |
Gender and Sexualities |
3EN290 |
Module |
Gender and Sexualities |
LIT6004M |
Module |
Gender and Sexualities: Issues and Debates |
MED6006M |
Module |
Gender and Writing |
1EN450 |
Module |
Gender, Security and Conflict |
IRL6004M |
Module |
Genre and Audience |
CRW7005M |
Module |
Genre and Audience |
MCW204 |
Module |
Geographers' Professional Practice |
2GE308 |
Module |
Geographers' Professional Practice |
GEO5008M |
Module |
Geographers’ Professional Practice |
GEO5019M |
Module |
Geographical Thought |
2GE305 |
Module |
Geographical Thought |
GEO5005M |
Module |
Geographical Thought |
GEO5015M |
Module |
Geographies of World Development |
GEO6016M |
Module |
Geography Dissertation |
GEO6002M |
Module |
Geography Dissertation |
GEO6013M |
Module |
Geography Dissertation |
3GE302 |
Module |
Geography Fieldwork Studies |
1GE309 |
Module |
Geography Fieldwork Studies |
GEO4009M |
Module |
Geohumanities |
GEO6019M |
Module |
Getting started with Geography |
Module |
Global and Local Mission |
2TP006 |
Module |
Global Ecosystems & Biodiversity Conservation |
GEO5013M |
Module |
Global Governance |
POL6008M |
Module |
Global Governance |
3PT009 |
Module |
Global Governance in a Changing World Order |
POL6016M |
Module |
Global Islam |
REL4014M |
Module |
Global Islam |
REL4012M |
Module |
Global Justice |
POL6004M |
Module |
Global Justice |
POL6019M |
Module |
Global Justice |
3PT004 |
Module |
Global Mass Communication Futures |
3MZ002 |
Module |
Global Screen Cultures |
FIL7004M |
Module |
Global York |
HIS4009M |
Module |
Globalisation |
2CP204 |
Module |
Globalisation |
2CP100 |
Module |
Globalisation, Media and Sustainability |
MED5006M |
Module |
Gothic & Horror |
2EN190 |
Module |
Gothic and Horror (Film Studies) |
FIL5003M |
Module |
Gothic and Horror (Film Studies) |
2FS102 |
Module |
Gothic Origins |
3EN602 |
Module |
Gothic Origins |
LIT6008M |
Module |
Gothic, Romanticism and Revolution |
LIT5014M |
Module |
Governance and Power in the British State |
POL6018M |
Module |
Great Philosophical Texts |
REL6023M |
Module |
Habitat Management |
3GE307 |
Module |
Habitat Management |
GEO6007M |
Module |
Habitat Management & Modelling |
GEO6021M |
Module |
Hinduism resources - Hinduism resources (Hinduism resources) |
Module |
Historians and the Writing of History |
HIS7011M |
Module |
Historical Fiction – Forms and Responses |
CRW7017M |
Module |
Historical Fiction: Major Project |
CRW7020M |
Module |
Historical Specialisms |
HIS5012M |
Module |
Historicising the Contemporary |
LIT7003M |
Module |
Historicising the Contemporary |
MEN108 |
Module |
Historicising the Contemporary |
MEN102 |
Module |
History and Context: Yorkshire on Screen |
FIL7001M |
Module |
History Community and Culture |
HIS5001M |
Module |
History Today |
HIS7025M |
Module |
Hived Out, Hived In: Delegation in the Modern British State |
3PT005 |
Module |
Hived Out, Hived In: Delegation in the Modern British State |
POL6005M |
Module |
Human Geographies of Nature |
GEO6015M |
Module |
Human Geographies of Yorkshire |
1HG002 |
Module |
Human Geography - Critical Thinking and Study Skills |
1HG003 |
Module |
Human Geography Dissertation |
GEO6001M |
Module |
Human Geography Dissertation |
3HG001 |
Module |
Human Geography Dissertation |
3GE301 |
Module |
Human Geography Fieldwork Studies |
1HG006 |
Module |
Human Geography Fieldwork Studies |
GEO4011M |
Module |
Human Geography Fieldwork Studies |
1GE311 |
Module |
Human Geography Professional Practice |
2HG005 |
Module |
Hunger, Rebellion, and Rage: The Victorians |
LIT6016M |
Module |
Identity and 'otherness' |
LIB3007M |
Module |
Identity and ‘Otherness’: The Self and Society |
LIB3011M |
Module |
Imaginary Worlds: Researching Science Fiction |
2EN440 |
Module |
Imaginary Worlds: Researching Science Fiction |
FIL5005M |
Module |
Imagining the Future |
LIB3009M |
Module |
Imagining the Future: Environment, Apocalypse and the Digital Revolution |
LIB3005M |
Module |
Immigration, Asylum and the Politics of Borders |
IRL6003M |
Module |
Imperial Crisis |
MHI201 |
Module |
Imperial Crisis |
HIS7002M |
Module |
Independent Cinema |
FIL5001M |
Module |
Independent Cinema |
2FS100 |
Module |
Independent learning unit |
3THB10 |
Module |
Independent learning unit in theology and ministry |
2THB05 |
Module |
Independent Project |
LIB3006M |
Module |
Independent Project |
LIB3014M |
Module |
Independent Study |
MRS008 |
Module |
Independent Study |
2TP009 |
Module |
Independent Study |
REL7009M |
Module |
Independent Study |
3TP009 |
Module |
Independent Study |
REL7020M |
Module |
Independent Study (Chaplaincy) |
MTM013 |
Module |
Independent Study(Theology and Ministry) |
MTM007 |
Module |
Independent Study(Theology and Religious Studies) |
MTM015 |
Module |
Indian Philosophy |
2RS011 |
Module |
Indian Philosophy |
REL5011M |
Module |
International Ethics and Global Citizenship |
IRL6006M |
Module |
International or Global? Globalisation in Debate |
POL4003M |
Module |
International Political Economy |
IRL5001M |
Module |
International Relations: Theory and Practice |
POL5010M |
Module |
International Relations: Theory and Practice |
POL5014M |
Module |
International Security |
POL4011M |
Module |
International Security |
IRL4003M |
Module |
International/Cross-cultural Fieldwork |
3GE308 |
Module |
International/Cross-cultural Fieldwork |
GEO6008M |
Module |
International/Cross-Cultural Fieldwork |
3HG004 |
Module |
International/Cross-cultural Fieldwork (Non-residential) |
GEO6010M |
Module |
International/Environmental Fieldwork |
GEO6009M |
Module |
International/Environmental Fieldwork |
3GE309 |
Module |
International/Environmental Fieldwork (Non-residential) |
GEO6011M |
Module |
International/Environmental Fieldwork (Non-Residential), |
3GE311 |
Module |
Intervention, Peacekeeping and the Responsibility to Protect |
IRL6002M |
Module |
Introducing Politics: Key Concepts and Skills |
POL4001M |
Module |
Introduction to American Studies |
AMS4006M |
Module |
Introduction to American Studies |
AMS4004M |
Module |
Introduction to Asian Religions |
1RS004 |
Module |
Introduction to Asian Religions |
REL4004M |
Module |
Introduction to Chaplaincy and Mission |
1TP009 |
Module |
Introduction to Christianity |
1RS006 |
Module |
Introduction to Creative Writing |
1CW102 |
Module |
Introduction to Creative Writing |
CRW4002M |
Module |
Introduction to Creative Writing |
1CW201 |
Module |
Introduction to Islam |
1RS003 |
Module |
Introduction to Islam |
REL4003M |
Module |
Introduction to Literary Studies 1 |
LIT4002M |
Module |
Introduction to Literary Studies 1 |
1EN600 |
Module |
Introduction to Literary Studies 2 |
LIT4004M |
Module |
Introduction to Literary Studies 2 |
1EN602 |
Module |
Introduction to Pastoral Care |
1TP008 |
Module |
Introduction to War Studies |
WAR4001M |
Module |
Introduction to war studies |
WAR4004M |
Module |
Islam in a Global Context |
2RS015 |
Module |
Islam in a Global Context |
REL5015M |
Module |
Islam in the modern world |
3TH430 |
Module |
Islam resources - Islam resources (Islam resources) |
Module |
Issues in Contemporary Judaism |
REL5010M |
Module |
Issues in Contemporary Judaism |
2RS010 |
Module |
Issues in Contemporary Theology |
3RS007 |
Module |
Issues in Contemporary Theology |
REL6007M |
Module |
Issues of Taste |
2CP070 |
Module |
Issues of Taste |
2CP201 |
Module |
Issues of Taste |
MED5007M |
Module |
Jesus and Christian Morality |
1TC603 |
Module |
Jewish Belief and Practice |
REL4006M |
Module |
Jewish Belief and Practice |
1RS007 |
Module |
Judaism resources - Judaism resources (Judaism resources) |
Module |
Late Anglo-Saxon England |
3HI512 |
Module |
Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain, c. 1868-1914 |
3HI501 |
Module |
Leadership and change in the Church |
3THB13 |
Module |
Life Online |
MED5005M |
Module |
Literary Legacies |
LIT6018M |
Module |
Literary Theory |
LIT5001M |
Module |
Literary Theory |
2EN450 |
Module |
Literature at Work |
LIT5004M |
Module |
Literature at Work |
2EN510 |
Module |
Literature Studies Research Project (JH EN) |
LIT6002M |
Module |
Literature Studies Research Project (JH EN) |
3EN997 |
Module |
Live Publishing: the York Literary Review |
CRW7024M |
Module |
Local Politics: Government, Community and Policy |
POL5006M |
Module |
Long Dissertation (Religion) |
REL6026M |
Module |
MA Chaplaincy Studies |
Module |
Main Currents in International History |
HIS7001M |
Module |
Main Currents in International History |
MHI200 |
Module |
Making History |
HIS5002M |
Module |
Mao's China |
HIS5010M |
Module |
Mapping America |
LIT5008M |
Module |
Mapping America |
2EN602 |
Module |
Mapping the Geographies of Yorkshire |
GEO4003M |
Module |
Mapping the Geographies of Yorkshire |
1GE303 |
Module |
Maps, Mapping & GIS |
GEO4015M |
Module |
Mass Communications Project |
3MZ004 |
Module |
Mass Communications Research Methods |
3MZ001 |
Module |
Mass Communications Research Project |
3MZ003 |
Module |
Matters of Life and Death |
REL5016M |
Module |
Matters of Life and Death |
2RS016 |
Module |
Matters of Life and Death |
REL5025M |
Module |
Media Enterprise |
MED5004M |
Module |
Media Enterprise |
Module |
Media Enterprise |
2CP205 |
Module |
Media Evolution and History |
MED4008M |
Module |
Media Futures and Cybercultures |
3CP011 |
Module |
Media Geographies |
3CP201 |
Module |
Media Geographies |
3CP060 |
Module |
Media Publics and Power |
1CP202 |
Module |
Media Publics and Power |
MED4003M |
Module |
Media Research |
1CP203 |
Module |
Media Research |
MED4004M |
Module |
Media Spaces |
MED6005M |
Module |
Media, Culture and Society |
1CP204 |
Module |
Media, Culture and Society |
MED4005M |
Module |
Mediated Identities |
MED4007M |
Module |
MFA Manuscript and Critical Commentary |
CRW7009M |
Module |
MFA Manuscript and Critical Commentary |
MCW011 |
Module |
MFA Portfolio Progress |
CRW7008M |
Module |
MFA Portfolio Progress |
MCW010 |
Module |
Mindsets: Historical Perspectives on Mental Healthcare |
HIS7021M |
Module |
Ministry and praxis |
2THB04 |
Module |
Movies at the Margins |
FIL5006M |
Module |
Multi-faith Chaplaincy |
2TP008 |
Module |
Music and Media |
MED5002M |
Module |
Mystical Traditions in the Abrahamic Religions |
3RS012 |
Module |
Mysticism and World Religions |
REL5022M |
Module |
Mysticism and World Religions |
2RS023 |
Module |
Nation Divided: American in the Era of the Civil War |
AMS5003M |
Module |
Nature Conservation |
GEO4008M |
Module |
Nature Conservation |
1GE308 |
Module |
Nature/Culture |
3GE306 |
Module |
Nature/Culture |
GEO6006M |
Module |
Nature/Culture |
3HG005 |
Module |
Negotiated study |
3THB11 |
Module |
Negotiated Study 1 |
3RS016 |
Module |
Negotiated study 1 |
3TH142 |
Module |
Negotiated Study 1 |
REL6027M |
Module |
Negotiated Study 1 |
REL6015M |
Module |
Negotiated Study 2 |
3RS017 |
Module |
Negotiated Study 2 |
REL6028M |
Module |
Negotiated Study 2 |
REL6016M |
Module |
New Age and Pagan Spiritualities |
1RS001 |
Module |
New Age and Pagan Spiritualities |
REL4001M |
Module |
New Media Research |
3CP070 |
Module |
New Security Challenges in a Multi-Polar World |
IRL7002M |
Module |
New Testament Studies |
REL5008M |
Module |
New Testament Studies |
2RS008 |
Module |
Nineteenth Century Writing |
3EN320 |
Module |
Options and issues in moral theology |
3TH440 |
Module |
Ordinary Theology |
MTM003 |
Module |
Origins of the Second World War |
3HI503 |
Module |
Pageantry Power and Patriotism |
HIS5003M |
Module |
Palgrave ebooks for Theology |
Module |
Participation and Engagement: Elections and Beyond |
POL5008M |
Module |
Pastoral care |
2THB27 |
Module |
Pastoral Leadership |
2TP003 |
Module |
Peace Organisations |
WAR5001M |
Module |
People and Nature |
HIS4012M |
Module |
People and Power |
MHI206 |
Module |
People and Power |
HIS7007M |
Module |
Peril and Progress: Security in the Post Cold War World |
HIS7018M |
Module |
Peril and Progress: Security in the Post-1945 World |
MHI203 |
Module |
Peril and Progress: Security in the Post-1945 World |
HIS7004M |
Module |
Philosophies of knowing: science and religious world views |
3TH470 |
Module |
Philosophy and Religion |
1RS009 |
Module |
Philosophy and Religion |
REL4008M |
Module |
Philosophy and Religion |
REL4015M |
Module |
Philosophy in world religions |
3TH331 |
Module |
Political Analysis: Theory and Method |
POL5018M |
Module |
Political Analysis: Theory and Method |
POL5001M |
Module |
Political Ecology |
GEO7005M |
Module |
Political Ideologies |
POL5002M |
Module |
Political Ideologies |
POL5013M |
Module |
Political Parties and Politicians in the UK |
POL5005M |
Module |
Political Philosophy: Themes and Thinkers |
POL4009M |
Module |
Political Philosophy: Themes and Thinkers |
POL4006M |
Module |
Political violence |
3PT008 |
Module |
Politics and an Interdisciplinary View |
POL4004M |
Module |
Politics and Religion of the Middle East |
POL6020M |
Module |
Politics of the Environment |
3PT010 |
Module |
Politics of the Environment |
POL6009M |
Module |
Pop Americana: Contemporary Popular Culture |
AMS6005M |
Module |
Pop Americana: Mass Culture and National Identity |
MED6004M |
Module |
Popular Genres |
2CP202 |
Module |
Popular Protest |
HIS4007M |
Module |
Popular religion |
3TH400 |
Module |
Portfolio |
MCW005 |
Module |
Postcolonial Literature |
MEN042 |
Module |
Practical Politics |
POL5012M |
Module |
Practical Politics |
POL5019M |
Module |
Problems of Evil |
REL5026M |
Module |
Professional Development |
REL7002M |
Module |
Professional Development |
MCR002 |
Module |
Project Portfolio |
CRW7026M |
Module |
Project Portfolio |
CRW7007M |
Module |
Project Portfolio |
MCW206 |
Module |
Publishing Project |
CRW7025M |
Module |
Publishing Then and Now |
CRW7022M |
Module |
Publishing, Production and Performance |
2CW102 |
Module |
Qualitative Methods in Geography |
GEO4017M |
Module |
Quantitative Methods in Geography |
GEO4016M |
Module |
Reading Literature |
2EN999 |
Module |
Reading texts 1 (Literature) |
1EN011 |
Module |
Reading Texts 2 |
1EN200 |
Module |
Reading the screen |
1FS010 |
Module |
Reds! The Rise and Fall of Soviet Communism |
HIS5006M |
Module |
Reflections on the Contemporary |
MEN105 |
Module |
Reflections on the Contemporary |
LIT7006M |
Module |
Religion and Art |
REL4010M |
Module |
Religion and Art |
1RS011 |
Module |
Religion and Creative Writing |
REL6004M |
Module |
Religion and Creative Writing |
3RS004 |
Module |
Religion and Genocides |
REL6035M |
Module |
Religion and Globalisation |
3RS006 |
Module |
Religion and Globalisation |
REL6006M |
Module |
Religion and Globalisation |
REL6030M |
Module |
Religion and Human Diversity |
REL5001M |
Module |
Religion and Human Diversity |
2RS001 |
Module |
Religion and Literature |
REL5027M |
Module |
Religion and Myth |
REL6031M |
Module |
Religion and Myth |
REL6013M |
Module |
Religion and Myth |
3RS014 |
Module |
Religion and Peace-building |
REL7007M |
Module |
Religion and Peace-building |
MCR007 |
Module |
Religion and Peacebuilding |
MRS006 |
Module |
Religion and Peacebuilding |
REL7018M |
Module |
Religion and Philosophy in Contemporary Life |
MCR004 |
Module |
Religion and Philosophy in Contemporary Life |
REL7004M |
Module |
Religion and Politics |
REL5028M |
Module |
Religion and Popular Culture |
REL7005M |
Module |
Religion and Popular Culture |
MCR005 |
Module |
Religion and Psychology |
MCR006 |
Module |
Religion and Psychology |
REL7006M |
Module |
Religion and Public Life |
MRS007 |
Module |
Religion and Public Life |
REL7019M |
Module |
Religion and the Visual Arts |
REL6002M |
Module |
Religion and the Visual Arts |
3RS002 |
Module |
Religion and the visual arts |
3TH201 |
Module |
Religion and Visual Culture |
REL6033M |
Module |
Religion in Contemporary Practice |
MCR008 |
Module |
Religion in Contemporary Practice |
REL7008M |
Module |
Religion in the Public Sphere |
REL6032M |
Module |
Religion in the Public Sphere |
3RS027 |
Module |
Religion in the Public Sphere |
REL7003M |
Module |
Religion in the Public Sphere |
MCR003 |
Module |
Religion in the Public Sphere |
REL6022M |
Module |
Religion writing and the creative imagination |
3TH390 |
Module |
Religion, Gender and Sexuality |
REL7015M |
Module |
Religion, Gender and Sexuality |
MRS003 |
Module |
Religion, Media and Popular Culture |
MRS005 |
Module |
Religion, Media and Popular Culture |
REL7017M |
Module |
Religion, Peace and Conflict |
REL4020M |
Module |
Religions of East Asia |
2RS004 |
Module |
Religions of East Asia |
REL5004M |
Module |
Religious Approaches to War and Peace |
3RS026 |
Module |
Religious Approaches to War and Peace |
REL6021M |
Module |
Religious Mapping |
REL5029M |
Module |
Research Dissertation |
MHI209 |
Module |
Research Dissertation |
HIS7010M |
Module |
Research Dissertation 1 |
AMS7005M |
Module |
Research Dissertation 1 |
MAS005 |
Module |
Research Dissertation 2 |
MAS006 |
Module |
Research Dissertation 2 |
AMS7006M |
Module |
Research Dissertation in International History |
HIS7005M |
Module |
Research Dissertation in International History |
MHI204 |
Module |
Research Methods |
MHI205 |
Module |
Research Methods |
HIS7006M |
Module |
Research Methods for Human Geography |
2HG003 |
Module |
Research Methods in Writing Historical Fiction |
CRW7016M |
Module |
Research Now 1 |
3EN608 |
Module |
Research Now 1 |
LIT6014M |
Module |
Research Now 2 |
3EN609 |
Module |
Research Now 2 |
LIT6015M |
Module |
Research Project |
2GE307 |
Module |
Research Project |
2HG004 |
Module |
Research Project |
GEO5018M |
Module |
Research Project |
GEO5007M |
Module |
Research Project (Non-Residential) |
2GE309 |
Module |
Research Project non-residential |
GEO5009M |
Module |
Researching and Presenting the Past |
HIS4008M |
Module |
Researching and Presenting the Past |
HIS4004M |
Module |
Researching Religion |
MCR001 |
Module |
Researching Religion |
REL7001M |
Module |
Researching, Representing & Communicating Environmental-Social Relations |
GEO7002M |
Module |
Responses to the Holocaust |
3RS013 |
Module |
Responses to the Holocaust |
REL6012M |
Module |
Revolution and Response: British Literature, 1740-1840 |
LIT5009M |
Module |
Revolution and Response: British Literature, 1740-1840 |
2EN603 |
Module |
Revolutions |
3PT006 |
Module |
Revolutions |
POL6006M |
Module |
River Management |
GEO6018M |
Module |
Romantic-Period Writing |
2EN490 |
Module |
Science Fiction for Survival |
LIT5007M |
Module |
Science Fiction for Survival |
2EN601 |
Module |
Screen Research Project / Dissertation |
FIL7005M |
Module |
Screen Research: Process and Practice |
FIL7002M |
Module |
Scriptwriting |
CRW5005M |
Module |
Scriptwriting |
2CW204 |
Module |
Scriptwriting |
2CW104 |
Module |
Scriptwriting (Literature) |
3CW020 |
Module |
shadow list |
Module |
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries |
3EN520 |
Module |
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries |
LIT6005M |
Module |
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries |
LIT5003M |
Module |
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries |
2EN500 |
Module |
Shakespeare: Perspectives |
LIT5012M |
Module |
Shakespeare: Perspectives |
2EN606 |
Module |
Shakespeare: Perspectives |
3EN330 |
Module |
Shatter Zones Empires and the First World War |
HIS7015M |
Module |
Short dissertation |
3TH998 |
Module |
Short Dissertation |
3PT013 |
Module |
Short Dissertation |
POL6012M |
Module |
Short Dissertation (Christian Theology) |
3RS018 |
Module |
Short Dissertation (Religion) |
REL6034M |
Module |
Short Dissertation (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) |
3RS022 |
Module |
Short Dissertation (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) |
REL6017M |
Module |
Short Dissertation (Religious Studies) |
3RS020 |
Module |
Short Dissertation (Theology and Religious Studies) |
REL6019M |
Module |
Short Dissertation (Theology and Religious Studies) |
3RS024 |
Module |
Sick Novels: Literature and Disease |
2EN604 |
Module |
Sick Novels: Literature and Disease |
LIT5010M |
Module |
Sick Stories: Narratives of Illness, Disease, and Infection |
LIT5016M |
Module |
Sikh Traditions |
2RS017 |
Module |
Sikh Traditions |
REL5017M |
Module |
Social and Cultural Geography |
1GE305 |
Module |
Social and Cultural Geography |
1HG004 |
Module |
Social and Cultural Geography |
GEO4005M |
Module |
Social Justice in the Anthropocene |
GEO6020M |
Module |
Social Transformation |
HIS7009M |
Module |
Social Transformation |
MHI208 |
Module |
Society & Space |
GEO5010M |
Module |
Society and Space |
2GE301 |
Module |
Society and Space |
GEO5001M |
Module |
Society and Space |
2HG001 |
Module |
Sociology of Religion |
REL5032M |
Module |
Sociology of Religion |
REL5023M |
Module |
Sound and Vision |
FIL7003M |
Module |
Special Study |
3CP202 |
Module |
Special Study |
3CP203 |
Module |
Special Study in History and American Studies |
3HI507 |
Module |
Special Study in History and American Studies |
3HI506 |
Module |
Special Subject in American Culture |
AMS6011M |
Module |
Special Subject in American History |
AMS6010M |
Module |
Special Subject in American Studies |
AMS6009M |
Module |
Special Subject in Ancient History |
HIS6003M |
Module |
Special Subject in Early Modern British History |
HIS6005M |
Module |
Special Subject in European Early Modern Social and Cultural History |
HIS6006M |
Module |
Special Subject in European History 1700-1900 |
HIS6007M |
Module |
Special Subject in Late Medieval England |
HIS6004M |
Module |
Special Subject in Military History |
WAR6001M |
Module |
Special Subject in Modern British History |
HIS6012M |
Module |
Special Subject in Modern International History |
HIS6002M |
Module |
Special Subject in Modern International History |
WAR6007M |
Module |
Special Subject in Social and Cultural History 1750-1900 |
HIS6008M |
Module |
Special Subject in the History of the American Presidency |
AMS6003M |
Module |
Special Subject in the History of the Cold War |
HIS6009M |
Module |
Special Subject in the History of the Soviet Union |
HIS6010M |
Module |
Special Subject in War Studies |
HIS6013M |
Module |
Special Subject in War Studies |
WAR6002M |
Module |
Special Topics in English Literature 1 |
LIT6010M |
Module |
Special Topics in English Literature 1 |
3EN604 |
Module |
Special Topics in English Literature 2 |
3EN607 |
Module |
Special Topics in English Literature 2 |
LIT6013M |
Module |
Specialist Topic: Christian Theology |
REL5009M |
Module |
Specialist Topic: Christian Theology |
2RS009 |
Module |
Specialist Topic: Religious Studies |
2RS006 |
Module |
Specialist Topic: Religious Studies |
REL5006M |
Module |
Speculative Bodies |
MEN104 |
Module |
Speculative Bodies |
LIT7005M |
Module |
Spirituality and Public Life |
REL7016M |
Module |
Spirituality and Public Life |
REL6029M |
Module |
Spirituality and Public Life |
MRS004 |
Module |
Spirituality and Values in Chaplaincy |
3TP008 |
Module |
Spirituality in Postmodernity |
3TP007 |
Module |
Story of the Bible |
REL4016M |
Module |
Studies in Philosophical Theology |
REL6014M |
Module |
Studies in Philosophical Theology |
3RS015 |
Module |
Studying Religion |
1RS010 |
Module |
Studying Religion |
REL4009M |
Module |
Studying Religion |
REL4017M |
Module |
Studying the Bible |
1TP001 |
Module |
Studying the Old Testament |
REL5007M |
Module |
Studying the Old Testament |
2RS007 |
Module |
Studying Theology in Context |
1TP002 |
Module |
Sustainability in Practice |
GEO7006M |
Module |
Sustainability: Global Environmental Challenges |
GEO5006M |
Module |
Sustainability: Global Environmental Challenges |
2GE306 |
Module |
Sustainability: Global Environmental Management |
GEO5017M |
Module |
Sustainable Development |
POL4012M |
Module |
Technology and Visual International Politics |
IRL6005M |
Module |
Texts and Practice in Hindu Traditions |
2RS005 |
Module |
Texts and Practice in Hindu Traditions |
REL5005M |
Module |
The American Way of War |
WAR6003M |
Module |
The Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century |
3HI508 |
Module |
The Bible and the Catholic Church |
1TC601 |
Module |
The Bible and the Church |
MTM004 |
Module |
The Business of Publishing |
CRW7023M |
Module |
The Catholic Church and the Sacraments |
1TC602 |
Module |
The Changing Face of Religion in Society |
REL7013M |
Module |
The Changing Face of Religion in Society |
MRS001 |
Module |
The Chaplain in the Institutional Context |
MTM010 |
Module |
The Church in the Local Context |
2TP004 |
Module |
The Conservative Party |
POL5020M |
Module |
The Contemporary City |
3HG003 |
Module |
The Contemporary Writer |
MCW003 |
Module |
The Dawn of Print |
LIT5013M |
Module |
The Empire Strikes Back: Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of the Soviet Union |
3HI516 |
Module |
The English Revolution |
3HI517 |
Module |
The European Union |
POL5009M |
Module |
The European Union in Crisis |
POL5016M |
Module |
The Experimental Century: Cultural Change in the Twentieth Century |
3EN601 |
Module |
The Experimental Century: Cultural Change in the Twentieth Century |
LIT6007M |
Module |
The Face of Battle |
WAR5002M |
Module |
The First Crusade: Europe and the Near East, 1090-1128 |
3HI502 |
Module |
The Gospel in Contemporary Society |
1TP007 |
Module |
The Great Society |
HIS5009M |
Module |
The Great Society: America in the 1960s |
3HI500 |
Module |
The History and Development of Chaplaincy |
1TP005 |
Module |
The Italian Renaissance |
3HI510 |
Module |
The Journey of the Book: the Publishing Process |
CRW7021M |
Module |
The Labour Party |
POL6017M |
Module |
The Making of Britain |
HIS4005M |
Module |
The Making of Modern Drama |
3EN603 |
Module |
The Making of Modern Drama |
LIT6009M |
Module |
The Medium is the Message |
1CP205 |
Module |
The Medium is the Message |
MED4006M |
Module |
The Middle East |
POL6010M |
Module |
The Middle East |
3PT011 |
Module |
The Morality of War |
3PT003 |
Module |
The Morality of War |
POL6003M |
Module |
The Nation Divided: Civil War Era |
3AS082 |
Module |
The Nation Divided: The Civil War Era in American Life |
AMS6007M |
Module |
The Political Economy of Crises |
3PT014 |
Module |
The Political Economy of Crises |
POL6013M |
Module |
The Politics of Global Health |
3PT015 |
Module |
The Politics of Global Health |
POL6022M |
Module |
The Politics of Global Health |
IRL6001M |
Module |
The Republic in Danger: France in the World 1914-62 |
HIS5013M |
Module |
The Republic in Danger: France in the World, 1914-62 |
3HI514 |
Module |
The Roman Empire |
HIS5011M |
Module |
The Romantic Imagination: Excess, Affect and Revolution |
LIT5015M |
Module |
The Setting Sun: British Decolonisation c.1945-1968 |
HIS7019M |
Module |
The Social Contract: Justifying the State |
POL6001M |
Module |
The Social Contract: Justifying the State |
3PT001 |
Module |
The Special Relationship: Britain and the US from 1945 to the 21st Century |
3AS202 |
Module |
The Story of the Bible |
1RS002 |
Module |
The Story of the Bible |
REL4002M |
Module |
The Theology and Spirituality of Chaplaincy |
MTM012 |
Module |
The United States since 9/11 |
AMS5006M |
Module |
The United States: Empire of Liberty |
AMS4007M |
Module |
The Victorian Novel: Realism, Sensation, Naturalism |
3EN600 |
Module |
The Victorian Novel: Realism, Sensation, Naturalism |
LIT6006M |
Module |
The Visible Past |
HIS4011M |
Module |
The Visible Past |
HIS4006M |
Module |
The Wars of the Roses |
3HI515 |
Module |
Theological Interpretation of the Bible |
REL6011M |
Module |
Theological Interpretation of the Bible |
3RS011 |
Module |
Theology |
3THB04 |
Module |
Theology and Ethics Through Film |
REL6025M |
Module |
Theology and reflection |
3THB18 |
Module |
Theology and Religious Studies (TRS) MA Programme page |
Module |
Theology and the Environment |
REL5030M |
Module |
Theology non practitioner |
3THB06 |
Module |
Theology practitioner |
3THB05 |
Module |
Theology: Action and Reflection |
2RS002 |
Module |
Theology: Action and Reflection |
REL5002M |
Module |
Theorising Culture War: Media Hegemony Ideology |
POL6023M |
Module |
Theorising Literature: Power and Identity |
LIT4005M |
Module |
Theorising Literature: Power and Identity |
1EN603 |
Module |
Theorising the Contemporary: Critical Perspectives |
MEN100 |
Module |
Theorising the Contemporary: Critical Perspectives |
LIT7001M |
Module |
Theory and Methods in International Relations |
IRL7001M |
Module |
Tourism Geographies |
GEO4006M |
Module |
Tourism Geographies |
1HG005 |
Module |
Tourism Geographies |
1GE306 |
Module |
Tradition and Innovation |
CRW7006M |
Module |
Tradition and Innovation |
MCW205 |
Module |
Transnational Border Crossings |
AMS7003M |
Module |
Transnational Border Crossings |
MAS003 |
Module |
Transnational Cinema |
FIL6003M |
Module |
Transnational Cinema |
3FS010 |
Module |
Transnational Cinema |
3FS102 |
Module |
Truth and invention |
LIB3008M |
Module |
Truth and Invention: Culture, Myth and Representation |
LIB3012M |
Module |
Tudor Women |
HIS5005M |
Module |
Twentieth Century Writing |
3EN300 |
Module |
Tyranny and Majesty: Kingship in Late Medieval England, c.1300-1450 |
HIS5015M |
Module |
UK Politics: Tradition and Change |
POL4002M |
Module |
Understanding Chaplaincy Contexts (Placement) |
1TP006 |
Module |
Understanding World Politics |
POL4008M |
Module |
Understanding World Politics |
IRL4001M |
Module |
Urban and Economic Geographies |
1HG001 |
Module |
Urban Geography |
GEO4001M |
Module |
Urban Geography |
1GE301 |
Module |
Urban Processes & Politics |
GEO6014M |
Module |
US Conflict in the East Asian Mainland |
3HI504 |
Module |
Using Political Philosophy |
POL5003M |
Module |
Using the Bible in Ministry |
2TP001 |
Module |
Values and Virtues: Ethics and Religion |
REL4007M |
Module |
Values and Virtues: Ethics and Religion |
1RS008 |
Module |
Values and Virtues: Ethics and Religion |
REL4018M |
Module |
Varieties of Writing: Poetry |
2CW010 |
Module |
Varieties of Writing: Prose |
2CW020 |
Module |
Victorian Grubs |
HIS5007M |
Module |
Violence and forgiveness |
3TH860 |
Module |
Visual Cultures |
MED5003M |
Module |
Visual Cultures |
2CP203 |
Module |
War and Society |
HIS4001M |
Module |
War and Society |
HIS4010M |
Module |
War and the Media |
WAR4005M |
Module |
War and the Media |
WAR4003M |
Module |
War in the East |
WAR5003M |
Module |
War in the West |
WAR5007M |
Module |
War in the West |
WAR5004M |
Module |
War Studies Dissertation |
3WS002 |
Module |
War Studies Dissertation |
WAR6004M |
Module |
War Studies Dissertation |
WAR6006M |
Module |
Watchers and the Watched |
HIS5004M |
Module |
What Now? What Next? Twenty-First Century Literature |
LIT6019M |
Module |
Why Wars Begin |
WAR4006M |
Module |
Work Related Learning (Christian Theology) |
REL5019M |
Module |
Work Related Learning (Christian Theology) |
2RS019 |
Module |
Work Related Learning (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) |
REL5020M |
Module |
Work Related Learning (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics) |
2RS020 |
Module |
Work Related Learning (Religious Studies) |
2RS021 |
Module |
Work Related Learning (Theology and Religious Studies) |
REL5021M |
Module |
Work Related Learning: Religion |
REL5031M |
Module |
Working with children and young people |
2THB25 |
Module |
Working with Words |
2CW200 |
Module |
Working with Words: Publishing and Performance |
CRW5001M |
Module |
World Christianity |
REL4011M |
Module |
World Christianity |
1RS012 |
Module |
World Christianity |
REL4019M |
Module |
World, Globe, Literature |
LIT7004M |
Module |
World, Globe, Literature |
MEN103 |
Module |
Worship and Preaching |
2TP005 |
Module |
Writers, Readers and Audiences |
MCW004 |
Module |
Writing and the Environment |
MCW203 |
Module |
Writing and the Environment |
CRW7004M |
Module |
Writing Fiction |
CRW5002M |
Module |
Writing Fiction |
2CW201 |
Module |
Writing Fiction |
2CW100 |
Module |
Writing for Academic Success |
1EN420 |
Module |
Writing Genres |
3CW100 |
Module |
Writing Genres |
3CW201 |
Module |
Writing Genres |
CRW6002M |
Module |
Writing in the World: Facilitation, Collaboration and Publication |
MCW202 |
Module |
Writing in the World: Facilitation, Collaboration and Publication |
CRW7003M |
Module |
Writing Poetry |
2CW103 |
Module |
Writing Poetry |
2CW203 |
Module |
Writing Poetry |
CRW5004M |
Module |
Writing Reality: Creative Non-Fiction |
2CW202 |
Module |
Writing Reality: Creative Non-Fiction |
2CW101 |
Module |
Writing Reality: Creative Non-Fiction |
CRW5003M |
Module |
Writing Short Drama |
CRW7010M |
Module |
Writing Speculative Fiction |
CRW7030M |
Module |
Writing the 45 Minute Play |
CRW7011M |
Module |
Writing the Caribbean |
3EN270 |
Module |
Writing the Caribbean |
LIT6003M |
Module |
Writing the Media |
1CP200 |
Module |
Writing the Media |
MED4001M |
Module |
Writing the Uncanny |
CRW7031M |
Module |
Writing the Voice |
CRW7002M |
Module |
Writing the voice |
MEN092 |
Module |
Writing the Voice |
MCW002 |
Module |
Writing the Voice |
MCW201 |
Module |
Writing to Order |
1CW100 |
Module |
Writing to Order |
CRW4003M |
Module |
Writing to Order |
1CW202 |
Module |
Writing, Production and Dissemination |
CRW7015M |
Module |
Writing, Research, and Literature |
LIT4003M |
Module |
Writing, Research, and Literature |
1EN601 |
Module |
York in Flux |
LIB3010M |
Module |