Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Academic and professional literacies |
CYE4001M |
Module |
Academic and Professional Literacies |
CYE4011M |
Module |
Academic and Professional Literacies 2 |
CYE4010M |
Module |
Academic Practice Enhancement Project |
ACP7007M |
Module |
Academic Tutorials |
PSY3Z01Z |
Module |
Accelerated British Sign Language 1 |
LAB4011M |
Module |
Accelerated British Sign Language 2 |
LAB4012M |
Module |
Accelerated Chinese 1 |
LAC4001M |
Module |
Accelerated Chinese 2 |
LAC4002M |
Module |
Accelerated Japanese 1 |
1LLJA1 |
Module |
Accelerated Japanese 1 |
LAJ4001M |
Module |
Accelerated Japanese 2 |
LAJ4002M |
Module |
Accelerated Japanese 2 |
1LLJA2 |
Module |
Accelerated Japanese 2 (M Level) |
LAJ7004M |
Module |
Accelerated Japense 1 (M Level) |
LAJ7003M |
Module |
Accelerated Korean 1 |
1LLKO1 |
Module |
Accelerated Korean 1 |
LAK4001M |
Module |
Accelerated Korean 1 (M Level) |
LAK7003M |
Module |
Accelerated Korean 2 |
1LLKO2 |
Module |
Accelerated Korean 2 |
LAK4002M |
Module |
Accelerated Korean 2 (M Level) |
LAK7004M |
Module |
Accents and Dialects |
MLG012 |
Module |
Access to Postgraduate Study |
COU6006M |
Module |
Access to Postgraduate Study in Helping and Allied Health Professions: Qualifying Module |
COU6000M |
Module |
Acquired Communication Disorders |
MLG009 |
Module |
Adolescent Development |
MPY103 |
Module |
Adolescent Development |
PSY7004M |
Module |
Adolescent Development and Behaviour |
PSY6007M |
Module |
Adolescent Development and Behaviour |
3PY342 |
Module |
Adolescent Development and Behaviour |
3PY406 |
Module |
Adolescent Development and Behaviour |
PSY6049M |
Module |
Advanced BSL 1 |
1LBS06-2LBS06-3LBS06 |
Module |
Advanced BSL 2 |
1LBS07-2LBS07-3LBS07 |
Module |
Advanced BSL 2 |
3LLBS7 |
Module |
Advanced BSL 3 |
1LBS08-2LBS08-3LBS08 |
Module |
Advanced BSL 3 |
3LLBS8 |
Module |
Advanced English Language Skills |
0LS107 |
Module |
Advanced English Language Skills |
IFC3006M |
Module |
Advanced Research Methods |
2PY406 |
Module |
Advanced Research Methods |
PSY5007M |
Module |
Advanced Topics in Brain and Behaviour |
2PY404 |
Module |
Advanced Topics in Brain and Behaviour |
PSY5005M |
Module |
Advising Enhancement Project |
ACP7006M |
Module |
Analysing Media Texts |
MLG018 |
Module |
Analysing Media Texts |
2LL205 |
Module |
Analysing Talk |
2LL203 |
Module |
Analysing Talk for TESOL |
2LL214 |
Module |
Analysing Talk-in-Interaction |
LAL5004M |
Module |
Analysing Talk-in-Interaction |
2LL303 |
Module |
Analysing Texts |
2LL305 |
Module |
Analysing Texts |
LAL5006M |
Module |
Animal Behaviour and Comparative Psychology |
PSY6011M |
Module |
Animal Behaviour and Comparative Psychology |
3PY410 |
Module |
Animal Psychology |
3PY357 |
Module |
Applied Linguistics at Work |
2LL207 |
Module |
Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching |
1LL203 |
Module |
Applied Phonetics and Phonology |
2LL301 |
Module |
Applied Phonetics and Phonology |
LAL5002M |
Module |
Applying Psychology in Child Development Settings |
PSY5018M |
Module |
Applying Psychology in Forensic Settings |
PSY5016M |
Module |
Applying Psychology in Mental Health Settings |
PSY5020M |
Module |
Applying Psychology to Work |
PSY5010M |
Module |
Approaches to Critical Discourse Analysis |
LAL7011M |
Module |
Assessment of Individual Differences |
2PY403 |
Module |
Assessment of Individual Differences |
PSY5004M |
Module |
Assessment, Diagnosis and Management of Communication Disorder |
MLG019 |
Module |
Attitudes to Language |
3LL202 |
Module |
Attitudes to Language |
3LL302 |
Module |
Attitudes to Language |
MLG013 |
Module |
Attitudes to Language |
LAL6003M |
Module |
Becoming a Teacher: Professional Studies 2 |
QTS5008M |
Module |
Biological Bases of Behaviour |
PSY4013M |
Module |
Biological Bases of Behaviour |
PSY4003M |
Module |
Brain and Behaviour |
PSY5012M |
Module |
Brain and Developing Behaviour |
PSY5019M |
Module |
Brain and Forensic Behaviour |
PSY5017M |
Module |
Brain and Mental Health Behaviour |
PSY5021M |
Module |
British Sign Language |
LAB4015M |
Module |
British Sign Language 1 |
LAB7001M |
Module |
British Sign Language 2 |
LAB7002M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 1 (Level 4) |
LAB4006M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 1 (Level 5) |
LAB5005M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 1 (Level 6) |
LAB6003M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 1 (Level 6) |
3LLBS6 |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 2 (Level 4) |
LAB4007M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 2 (Level 5) |
LAB5006M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 2 (Level 6) |
LAB6004M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 3 (Level 4) |
LAB4008M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 3 (Level 5) |
LAB5007M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced 3 (Level 6) |
LAB6005M |
Module |
British Sign Language Advanced Part 1 (Level 1) |
1LBS60 |
Module |
British Sign Language Beginners 1 |
LAB4001M |
Module |
British Sign Language Beginners 2 (Level 4) |
LAB4002M |
Module |
British Sign Language Beginners 2 (Level 5) |
LAB5001M |
Module |
British Sign Language for Education |
LAB5010M |
Module |
British Sign Language for Employment |
LAB5011M |
Module |
British Sign Language for Mental and Physical Health |
LAB6007M |
Module |
British Sign Language for Recreational Activities |
LAB6006M |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 1 (Level 4) |
LAB4003M |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 1 (Level 5) |
LAB5002M |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 2 (Level 4) |
LAB4004M |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 2 (Level 5) |
LAB5003M |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 2 (Level 6) |
LAB6001M |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 3 (Level 4) |
LAB4005M |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 3 (Level 5) |
LAB5004M |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 3 (Level 6) |
3LLBS5 |
Module |
British Sign Language Intermediate 3 (Level 6) |
LAB6002M |
Module |
BSL Advanced 1 |
1LBS06 |
Module |
BSL Advanced 2 |
2LBS07 |
Module |
BSL Advanced 2 |
1LBS07 |
Module |
BSL Advanced 2 |
3LBS07 |
Module |
BSL Advanced 3 |
1LBS08 |
Module |
BSL Beginners |
1LBS01 |
Module |
BSL Beginners |
2LBS01 |
Module |
BSL Continuation |
1LBSO2 |
Module |
BSL Continuation |
1LBS02 |
Module |
BSL Continuation |
2LBS02 |
Module |
BSL Continuation |
3LBS02 |
Module |
BSL Intermediate 1 |
1LBS03 |
Module |
BSL Intermediate 1 |
2LBS03 |
Module |
BSL Intermediate 2 |
2LBS04 |
Module |
BSL Intermediate 2 |
3LBS04 |
Module |
BSL Intermediate 2 |
1LBS04 |
Module |
BSL Intermediate 3 |
1LBS05 |
Module |
BSL Intermediate 3 |
3LBS05 |
Module |
BSL Intermediate 3 |
2LBS05 |
Module |
Case Studies in Language and Social Justice |
LAL7012M |
Module |
Case Studies in Language and Social Justice |
LAL7015M |
Module |
Module |
Certificate in Counselling Skills |
COU1Z01Z |
Module |
Child Development |
MPY102 |
Module |
Child development |
CYE4002M |
Module |
Child Development |
PSY7003M |
Module |
Child Language Acquisition |
3LL307 |
Module |
Child Language Acquisition |
LAL6007M |
Module |
Chinese 1 |
LAC7001M |
Module |
Chinese 2 |
LAC7002M |
Module |
Chinese Language and Society 1 |
LAC5001M |
Module |
Chinese Language and Society 2 |
LAC5002M |
Module |
Chinese Language Project 1 |
LAC6001M |
Module |
Chinese Language Project 2 |
LAC6002M |
Module |
Classic Studies in Psychological Science |
PSY3001M |
Module |
Classic Studies in Psychology |
PSY3011M |
Module |
Classroom Language Research |
MEL030 |
Module |
Clinical Psychology |
3PY401 |
Module |
Clinical Psychology |
PSY6044M |
Module |
Clinical Psychology |
3PY341 |
Module |
Clinical Psychology |
PSY6002M |
Module |
Cognition |
PSY4002M |
Module |
Cognition and Development |
PSY4016M |
Module |
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Skills and Practice |
PSY6062M |
Module |
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Theory and Practice |
PSY8110M |
Module |
Cognitive Psychology |
2PY289 |
Module |
Cognitive Psychology |
2CS289 |
Module |
Cognitive Psychology 2 |
2PY285 |
Module |
Communication, Reasoning and Persuasion |
2LL310 |
Module |
Communication, Reasoning and Persuasion |
LAL5011M |
Module |
Community Psychology |
3PY352 |
Module |
Concepts and Perspectives in Sport and Exercise Psychology |
PSY6012M |
Module |
Concepts and Perspectives in Sport and Exercise Psychology |
3PY354 |
Module |
Concepts and Perspectives in Sport and Exercise Psychology |
3PY411 |
Module |
Conditions for Progression to ITE |
ECC3007M |
Module |
Conducting Inclusive Research |
EDU7028M |
Module |
Contemporary Counselling Psychology |
PSY6027M |
Module |
Contemporary Counselling Psychology |
3PY376 |
Module |
Contemporary Counselling Psychology: Theory and Practice |
PSY6061M |
Module |
Contemporary Debates in Psychological Science |
PSY3004M |
Module |
Contemporary Educational Issues |
QTS6012M |
Module |
Contemporary Educational Issues |
QTS6002M |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Educational Leadership |
EDU7021M |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Psychology |
PSY3010M |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Psychology |
PSY6003M |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Psychology |
3PY402 |
Module |
Contemporary issues: global, national, local |
CYE7003M |
Module |
Contemporary issues: local, national, global |
CYE6001M |
Module |
Contextualising issues in professional practice |
DOC8006M |
Module |
Contextualising Issues in Professional Practice |
DOC8002M |
Module |
Core Academic Skills |
PSY3007M |
Module |
Core Academic Skills |
PSY3002M |
Module |
Core Research Skills |
PSY3005M |
Module |
Core Research Skills |
PSY3008M |
Module |
Core Skills and Reflective Practice 1 |
COU7016M |
Module |
Core Skills and Reflective Practice 2 |
COU7019M |
Module |
Counselling and Psychotherapy Skills |
DCP112 |
Module |
Counselling and Psychotherapy Skills |
PSY8102M |
Module |
Counselling Approaches in Psychology |
3PY403 |
Module |
Counselling Approaches in Psychology |
PSY6004M |
Module |
Counselling Approaches in Psychology |
3PY351 |
Module |
Counselling Psychology in Context and Systems |
PSY8210M |
Module |
Counselling Psychology: Theory and Practice |
PSY8107M |
Module |
Counselling Skills and Process 1 |
PSY6026M |
Module |
Counselling Skills and Process 1 |
3PY372 |
Module |
Counselling Skills and Process 2 |
PSY6028M |
Module |
Counselling Skills and Process 2 |
3PY374 |
Module |
Creativity and Sustainability in Education |
QTS6016M |
Module |
Creativity in Primary Education (Professional Elective) |
QTS6007M |
Module |
Critical Approaches in Mental Health |
PSY6024M |
Module |
Critical Approaches in Mental Health |
3PY423 |
Module |
Critical approaches to education |
CYE7001M |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Mental Health |
PSY6046M |
Module |
Critical Contemporary Issues in Education in a National Context |
EDU7004M |
Module |
Critical debates in SEN and disability |
CYE6006M |
Module |
Critical Introduction to Counselling |
PSY6025M |
Module |
Critical Introduction to Counselling |
3PY371 |
Module |
Critical Practice 1 |
3CS201 |
Module |
Critical Practice 1 |
COU6001M |
Module |
Critical Practice 2 |
3CS204 |
Module |
Critical Practice 2 |
COU6004M |
Module |
Critical Social Psychology |
3PY412 |
Module |
Critical Social Psychology |
3PY348 |
Module |
Critical Social Psychology |
PSY6013M |
Module |
Critical Social Psychology |
MPY021 |
Module |
Current Psychology |
PSY4005M |
Module |
Dark Personalities and Clinical Disorders |
3PY417 |
Module |
Dark Personalities and Clinical Disorders |
PSY6018M |
Module |
Data Analysis for the Real World |
PSY6050M |
Module |
Deaf Cultures |
1LL316 |
Module |
Deaf Cultures |
LAL4009M |
Module |
Deaf History |
LAL4008M |
Module |
Deaf History |
1LL315 |
Module |
Deaf Social Theory |
LAL5022M |
Module |
Deaf Social Theory |
3LL315 |
Module |
Deaf Social Theory |
LAL6012M |
Module |
Deaf Visual Experience |
LAL5014M |
Module |
Deaf Visual Experience |
2LL316 |
Module |
Descriptive Grammar of English |
LAL4004M |
Module |
Descriptive Grammar of English |
1LL303 |
Module |
Developing Criticality |
EDU7001M |
Module |
Developing Humanistic Theory and Practice |
COU4004M |
Module |
Developing Professional Practice |
COU5005M |
Module |
Developing Professional Practice |
2CS205 |
Module |
Developing Self and Others |
EDU7019M |
Module |
Developmental Communication Disorders |
MLG010 |
Module |
Developmental Disorders |
3PY332 |
Module |
Developmental Psychology |
PSY5009M |
Module |
Developmental Psychology 2 |
2PY282 |
Module |
Developmental Psychopathology and Clinical Applications |
PSY6021M |
Module |
Developmental Psychopathology and Clinical Applications |
3PY420 |
Module |
Difference and Diversity in Helping |
COU4006M |
Module |
Differential Psychology |
PSY4014M |
Module |
Digital Learning (Professional Elective) |
QTS6008M |
Module |
Digital learning: friend or foe? |
CYE6002M |
Module |
Dissertation |
3PY340 |
Module |
Dissertation |
MEL040 |
Module |
Dissertation |
LAL6010M |
Module |
Dissertation |
EDU7038M |
Module |
Dissertation |
3LL210 |
Module |
Dissertation |
EDU7031M |
Module |
Dissertation |
CYE7005M |
Module |
Dissertation |
CYE6010M |
Module |
Dissertation |
EDU7024M |
Module |
Dissertation |
3LL310 |
Module |
Dissertation |
3CS103 |
Module |
Dissertation: Clinical Linguistics |
MLG002 |
Module |
Dissertation: Early Childhood |
EDU7011M |
Module |
Dissertation: Education |
EDU7009M |
Module |
Dissertation: Japanese Language Teaching |
MLG003 |
Module |
Dissertation: Language and Linguistics |
MLG001 |
Module |
Dissertation: Mentoring |
EDU7017M |
Module |
Dissertation: Post-compulsory Education |
EDU7015M |
Module |
Dissertation: Research-engaged Setting |
EDU7013M |
Module |
Dissertation: TESOL |
MEL041 |
Module |
Doctoral Dissertation 1 |
DCP211 |
Module |
Doctoral Dissertation 1 |
PSY8202M |
Module |
Doctoral Dissertation 2 |
PSY8205M |
Module |
Doctoral Dissertation 2 |
DCP221 |
Module |
Doctoral Dissertation 3 |
DCP311 |
Module |
Doctoral Dissertation 3 |
PSY8302M |
Module |
Doctoral Dissertation 4 |
PSY8305M |
Module |
Doctoral Dissertation 4 |
DCP321 |
Module |
Doctoral Thesis 1 |
PSY8208M |
Module |
Doctoral Thesis 2 |
PSY8308M |
Module |
Doctoral Thesis 3 |
PSY8311M |
Module |
e-communication |
2LL211 |
Module |
Early Years Education (Professional Elective) |
QTS6005M |
Module |
Early Years Philosophy and Practice in Education (Professional Elective) |
QTS6019M |
Module |
Early years practice: becoming an early years professional |
CYE4005M |
Module |
Early years practice: developing pedagogies |
CYE5006M |
Module |
Early years practice: leading and managing |
CYE6007M |
Module |
Early years theory, academic and professional literacies |
CYE4003M |
Module |
Early years theory: introducing pedagogies |
CYE5001M |
Module |
Early years theory: leading and managing |
CYE6003M |
Module |
East Asian Linguistics and Culture |
LAL6015M |
Module |
Effective communication and teamwork |
CYE4006M |
Module |
ELT Research Project |
3LL208 |
Module |
English Accents and Dialects |
3LL201 |
Module |
English Accents and Dialects |
LAL6002M |
Module |
English Accents and Dialects |
3LL301 |
Module |
English for Academic Purposes |
IFC3005M |
Module |
English for Academic Purposes |
0LS106 |
Module |
English Language and Linguistics |
LAL4001M |
Module |
English Language and Linguistics |
1LL300 |
Module |
English Language Learner Resources (English Language Learner resources) |
Module |
English Language Skills |
0LS101 |
Module |
English Language Skills |
IFC3001M |
Module |
Enhanced British Sign Language 1 |
LAB4013M |
Module |
Enhanced British Sign Language 2 |
LAB4014M |
Module |
Environmental and Climate Justice |
PSY6042M |
Module |
Environmental and Climate Justice |
PSY6031M |
Module |
Ethical and Reflective Practice at Work |
3CS100 |
Module |
Evaluating educational leadership |
CYE7004M |
Module |
Evaluating Inclusion |
EDU7030M |
Module |
Everyday Applications of Cognitive Psychology |
MPY024 |
Module |
Evolutionary Psychology |
3PY353 |
Module |
Experimental Research Methods and Statistics |
PSY4004M |
Module |
Exploring Communication and Culture |
ISC4001M |
Module |
Exploring Social Psychology |
PSY4001M |
Module |
Extended Project |
PSY3012M |
Module |
Extended Project |
PSY3006M |
Module |
Face Processing |
3PY349 |
Module |
Final Project |
LAL7010M |
Module |
Forensic Linguistics |
2LL216 |
Module |
Forensic Linguistics |
2LL311 |
Module |
Forensic Linguistics |
LAL5012M |
Module |
Forensic Psychology |
3PY346 |
Module |
Foundations of Advising and Tutoring |
ACP7004M |
Module |
Foundations of Counselling Psychology |
3PY375 |
Module |
Foundations of Counselling Psychology: Theory and Practice |
PSY6059M |
Module |
Foundations of Helping Relationships |
COU4001M |
Module |
Foundations of Human Development |
PSY4006M |
Module |
Foundations of Research 1 |
PSY4015M |
Module |
Foundations of Research 2 |
PSY4018M |
Module |
French Advanced 1 |
1LFR06 |
Module |
French Advanced 2 |
1LFR07 |
Module |
French Advanced Language and Culture |
1LFR08 |
Module |
French Beginners |
1LFR01 |
Module |
French Continuation |
1LFR02 |
Module |
French Intermediate 1 |
1LFR03 |
Module |
French Proficiency |
3LFR09 |
Module |
French Proficiency |
1LFR09 |
Module |
French Proficiency Language & Culture |
3LF060 |
Module |
German Advanced 1 |
1LGE06 |
Module |
German Advanced 2 |
1LGE07 |
Module |
German Beginners |
1LGE01 |
Module |
German Continuation |
1LGE02 |
Module |
German Intermediate 1 |
1LGE03 |
Module |
German Proficiency |
1LGE09 |
Module |
German Proficiency |
3LGE09 |
Module |
German Proficiency Language & Culture |
3LGE060 |
Module |
Global Issues 1 |
0LS103 |
Module |
Global Issues 1 |
IFC3002M |
Module |
Global Issues 2 |
IFC3007M |
Module |
Global Issues 2 |
0LS109 |
Module |
Global Perspectives on Education |
EDU7003M |
Module |
Graded Readers Level Five (Graded Readers Level Five) |
Module |
Graded Readers Level Four (Graded Readers Level Four) |
Module |
Graded Readers Level One (Graded Readers Level One) |
Module |
Graded Readers Level Six (Graded Readers Level Six) |
Module |
Graded Readers Level Three (Graded Readers Level Three) |
Module |
Graded Readers Level Two (Graded Readers Level Two) |
Module |
Graded Readers Level Zero (Graded Readers Level Zero) |
Module |
Grammar and Phonetics for TESOL |
3LL205 |
Module |
Group Psychotherapy |
DCP212 |
Module |
Group Psychotherapy |
PSY8207M |
Module |
Group Psychotherapy |
PSY8203M |
Module |
Groupwork Skills |
IFC3004M |
Module |
Groupwork Skills |
0LS105 |
Module |
Health Psychology |
3PY422 |
Module |
Health Psychology |
PSY6023M |
Module |
Health Psychology |
PSY6045M |
Module |
Holistic approaches to education and counselling |
ECC3005M |
Module |
Human Memory: Theory and Application |
3PY331 |
Module |
Humanistic Counselling Theory 1 |
COU7015M |
Module |
Humanistic Counselling Theory 2 |
COU7018M |
Module |
Humanistic Theories |
COU4003M |
Module |
Identifying and Articulating Issues in Professional Practice |
DOC8001M |
Module |
Identifying and articulating issues in professional practice |
DOC8005M |
Module |
Inclusive Physical Practices |
CYE6011M |
Module |
Inclusive practice: local, national, global |
CYE6004M |
Module |
Independent Research Project |
COU6002M |
Module |
Independent Research Project |
3CS202 |
Module |
Individual Differences 2 |
2PY284 |
Module |
Individual Psychotherapy |
PSY8105M |
Module |
Individual Psychotherapy |
DCP122 |
Module |
Infant and Child Development |
2PY401 |
Module |
Infant and Child Development |
PSY5002M |
Module |
Influencing and impacting on issues in professional practice |
DOC8008M |
Module |
Influencing and Impacting on Issues in Professional Practice |
DOC8004M |
Module |
Innovating Practice for Young People with Special Educational Needs |
EDU7025M |
Module |
Inspiring Learning |
ACP7002M |
Module |
Interactional Psychology |
PSY6039M |
Module |
Interactional Psychology |
PSY6035M |
Module |
Intercultural Communication |
2LL317 |
Module |
Intercultural Communication |
LAL5015M |
Module |
Intercultural Communication |
LAL4010M |
Module |
Intercultural Communication |
1LL317 |
Module |
Introduction to English Language and Linguistics |
1LL210 |
Module |
Introduction to English Language and Linguistics 2 |
1LL204 |
Module |
Introduction to Language and Linguistics |
LAL4013M |
Module |
Introduction to Language and Society |
1LL202 |
Module |
Introduction to Professional Practice |
COU4005M |
Module |
Introduction to Reading, Writing and Researching |
COU4002M |
Module |
Introduction to university study |
ECC3001M |
Module |
Investigating Cognition |
2PY405 |
Module |
Investigating Cognition |
PSY5006M |
Module |
Investigative Psychology |
PSY6008M |
Module |
Investigative Psychology |
PSY6053M |
Module |
Investigative Psychology |
3PY407 |
Module |
Italian Beginners |
1LIT01 |
Module |
Italian Continuation |
1LIT02 |
Module |
Japanese 1 |
LAJ7001M |
Module |
Japanese 2 |
LAJ7002M |
Module |
Japanese Advanced 1 |
3LJA06 |
Module |
Japanese Advanced 2 |
3LJA07 |
Module |
Japanese Advanced Language and Culture |
1LJA08 |
Module |
Japanese Beginners |
1LJA01 |
Module |
Japanese Communication 1 |
LAJ4003M |
Module |
Japanese Communication 1 |
1LLJA3 |
Module |
Japanese Communication 1 (M Level) |
LAJ7005M |
Module |
Japanese Communication 2 |
1LLJA4 |
Module |
Japanese Communication 2 |
LAJ4004M |
Module |
Japanese Communication 2 (M Level) |
LAJ7006M |
Module |
Japanese Continuation |
1LJA02 |
Module |
Japanese Intermediate 1 |
1LJA03 |
Module |
Japanese Intermediate 2 |
1LJA04 |
Module |
Japanese Language and Society 1 |
2LLJA5 |
Module |
Japanese Language and Society 1 |
LAJ5001M |
Module |
Japanese Language and Society 1 (M Level) |
LAJ7007M |
Module |
Japanese Language and Society 2 |
2LLJA6 |
Module |
Japanese Language and Society 2 |
LAJ5002M |
Module |
Japanese Language and Society 2 (M Level) |
LAJ7008M |
Module |
Japanese Language Project 1 |
3LLJA7 |
Module |
Japanese Language Project 1 |
LAJ6001M |
Module |
Japanese Language Project 1 (M Level) |
LAJ7009M |
Module |
Japanese Language Project 2 |
LAJ6002M |
Module |
Japanese Language Project 2 |
3LLJA8 |
Module |
Japanese Language Project 2 (M Level) |
LAJ7010M |
Module |
Japanese Language Teaching Methodology A |
MLG020 |
Module |
Japanese Language Teaching Methodology B |
MLG021 |
Module |
Japanese Proficiency |
3LJA09 |
Module |
Japanese Proficiency |
1LJA09 |
Module |
Japanese Society and Culture |
MLG022 |
Module |
Key Concepts for Language Learning and Teaching |
LAL4007M |
Module |
Key Concepts for Language Learning and Teaching |
1LL306 |
Module |
Key Concepts for TESOL |
LAL4015M |
Module |
Key Presenting Issues |
2CS206 |
Module |
Key Presenting Issues |
COU5006M |
Module |
Key Professional Issues and Debates in Counselling |
3PY373 |
Module |
Key Themes in Applied Linguistics |
MEL061 |
Module |
Korean 1 |
LAK7001M |
Module |
Korean 2 |
LAK7002M |
Module |
Korean Beginners |
1LKO01 |
Module |
Korean Communication 1 |
LAK4003M |
Module |
Korean Communication 1 (M Level) |
LAK7005M |
Module |
Korean Communication 2 |
LAK4004M |
Module |
Korean Communication 2 (M Level) |
LAK7006M |
Module |
Korean Continuation |
3LKO02 |
Module |
Korean Continuation |
1LKO02 |
Module |
Korean Continuation |
2LKO02 |
Module |
Korean Language and Society 1 |
LAK5001M |
Module |
Korean Language and Society 1 |
2LLKO5 |
Module |
Korean Language and Society 1 (M Level) |
LAK7007M |
Module |
Korean Language and Society 2 |
2LLKO6 |
Module |
Korean Language and Society 2 (M Level) |
LAK7008M |
Module |
Korean Language Project 1 |
3LLKO7 |
Module |
Korean Language Project 1 |
LAK6001M |
Module |
Korean Language Project 1 (M Level) |
LAK7009M |
Module |
Korean Language Project 2 |
LAK6002M |
Module |
Korean Language Project 2 |
3LLKO8 |
Module |
Korean Language Project 2 (M Level) |
LAK7010M |
Module |
LAK5002M |
LAK5002M |
Module |
Language & Society |
MLL004 |
Module |
Language Acquisition |
2LL200 |
Module |
Language and Cognition |
MLL003 |
Module |
Language and Identities |
MLG015 |
Module |
Language and Identities |
3LL203 |
Module |
Language and Interaction |
MLG011 |
Module |
Language and Literacy |
2LL307 |
Module |
Language and Literacy |
LAL5008M |
Module |
Language and Literacy |
2LL201 |
Module |
Language and Literacy |
MLG016 |
Module |
Language and Society |
1LL302 |
Module |
Language and Society |
LAL4003M |
Module |
Language and Society |
MLG007 |
Module |
Language at Work |
2LL206 |
Module |
Language at Work |
2LL306 |
Module |
Language at Work |
LAL5007M |
Module |
Language at Work (Distance) |
LAL5016M |
Module |
Language at Work (Distance) |
2LL318 |
Module |
Language Development |
PSY6014M |
Module |
Language Development |
PSY6056M |
Module |
Language Development |
3PY413 |
Module |
Language in Inter-Action |
LAL6005M |
Module |
Language in Inter-action |
3LL204 |
Module |
Language in Inter-Action |
3LL304 |
Module |
Language Learning Know-how |
1LA020 |
Module |
Language Myths |
LAL7014M |
Module |
Language Myths |
LAL7006M |
Module |
Language Structure |
MLL001 |
Module |
Language Structure: Grammar |
1LL207 |
Module |
Language Structure: Phonetics |
1LL206 |
Module |
Language Teaching Methodology |
MEL020 |
Module |
Language, Gender and Sexuality |
2LL304 |
Module |
Language, Gender and Sexuality |
2LL204 |
Module |
Language, Gender and Sexuality |
LAL5005M |
Module |
Language, Identities and Cultures |
3LL303 |
Module |
Language, Identities and Cultures |
LAL6004M |
Module |
Language, Identities and Cultures |
3LL213 |
Module |
Languages Carousel |
1LA011 |
Module |
Languages in the Workplace |
2LA031 |
Module |
Languages Research Project |
3LA041 |
Module |
Languages Research Project |
3LA030 |
Module |
Languages Research Project Part 1 |
3LA021 |
Module |
Languages Research Project Part 2 |
3LA031 |
Module |
Languages Research Study |
3LA060 |
Module |
Leading Across Professional Boundaries |
EDU7023M |
Module |
Leading and Evaluating Change in the SEN Context |
EDU7026M |
Module |
Leading and Managing Change through a Project |
EDU7020M |
Module |
Learning and Imagination |
PSY6058M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary School Centred) |
PGC7016M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) |
PGC7007M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) |
PGC6005M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) |
PGC7005M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) |
PGC6007M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum |
PGC7003M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum |
PGC6003M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (Primary) |
PGC6001M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (Primary) |
PGC7001M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (School Centred) |
PGC7014M |
Module |
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (University Centred) |
PGC7012M |
Module |
Learning as a researcher |
CYE5007M |
Module |
Learning in practice |
CYE5008M |
Module |
Learning Outside the Classroom (Professional Elective) |
QTS6009M |
Module |
Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education |
ACP7001M |
Module |
Lifespan Development |
PSY6043M |
Module |
Lifespan Development |
3PY418 |
Module |
Lifespan Development |
PSY6019M |
Module |
Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom |
LAL5001M |
Module |
Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom |
2LL300 |
Module |
Local Independent Project |
EDU7006M |
Module |
Local Independent Project |
EDU7008M |
Module |
Local Independent Study |
EDU7005M |
Module |
Local Independent Study |
EDU7007M |
Module |
Major Project: Early Childhood |
EDU7012M |
Module |
Major Project: Education |
EDU7010M |
Module |
Major Project: Mentoring |
EDU7018M |
Module |
Major Project: Post-compulsory Education |
EDU7016M |
Module |
Major Project: Research-engaged Setting |
EDU7014M |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese Beginners |
1LMC01 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese Continuation |
1LMC02 |
Module |
Memory Improvement |
3PY359 |
Module |
Memory Improvement |
3PY404 |
Module |
Memory Improvement |
PSY6040M |
Module |
Memory Improvement |
PSY6005M |
Module |
Mental Health and Contemporary Practice |
COU5004M |
Module |
Mental Health and Well-being in Education (Professional Elective) |
QTS6020M |
Module |
Mental health and wellbeing |
CYE5002M |
Module |
Methods of enquiry |
CYE7002M |
Module |
Mind, Mood and Tomorrow |
PSY6032M |
Module |
MRes Thesis |
PSY7005M |
Module |
MRes Thesis |
MPY104 |
Module |
Multilingualism |
LAL4006M |
Module |
Multilingualism |
1LL205 |
Module |
Multilingualism |
1LL305 |
Module |
National SENCo Award Outcomes Portfolio |
EDU7027M |
Module |
Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
3PY409 |
Module |
Neurodiversity and learning |
CYE5003M |
Module |
Neurodiversity in Development |
PSY6057M |
Module |
Neurodiversity in Development |
PSY6010M |
Module |
Neuropsychology |
3PY414 |
Module |
Neuropsychology |
PSY6038M |
Module |
Neuropsychology |
3PY356 |
Module |
Neuropsychology |
PSY6015M |
Module |
Non-Fiction Graded Readers - A2 Pre-Intermediate (Non-Fiction Graded Readers - A2 Pre-Intermediate) |
Module |
Non-Fiction Graded Readers - B1 Intermediate (Non-Fiction Graded Readers - B1 Intermediate) |
Module |
Non-Fiction Graded Readers - B2 Upper Intermediate (Non-Fiction Graded Readers - B2 Upper Intermediate) |
Module |
Non-Fiction Graded Readers - C1 Advanced (Non-Fiction Graded Readers - C1 Advanced) |
Module |
Occupational Psychology |
3PY343 |
Module |
Opt-In Placement Year |
PLA5002P |
Module |
Origins of the Human Mind |
PSY6034M |
Module |
Outdoor Learning (Professional Elective) |
QTS6017M |
Module |
PSY5009Z |
Module |
PSY4Z01Z |
Module |
PSY5Z01Z |
Module |
PSY7006Z |
Module |
PSY4010Z |
Module |
PSY6Z01Z |
Module |
PSY6029Z |
Module |
PSY7Z01Z |
Module |
Peer assisted study session |
PSY4011Z |
Module |
Peer Assisted Study Session |
PSY4Z02Z |
Module |
Person-centred Therapy: Skills and Practice |
PSY6060M |
Module |
Personal and Professional Development 1 |
COU7017M |
Module |
Personal and Professional Development 2 |
COU7020M |
Module |
Personality and Individual Differences |
PSY4007M |
Module |
Perspectives on Crime |
PSY6052M |
Module |
Perspectives on Crime |
PSY6030M |
Module |
Philosophy and Thinking for Children (Professional Elective) |
QTS6006M |
Module |
Phonetics |
1LL304 |
Module |
Phonetics |
LAL4005M |
Module |
Phonetics and Phonology |
2LL210 |
Module |
Physiology of Training and Adaptation |
SPO5024M |
Module |
Placement - Practice placement reading list (Placement) |
Module |
Placement 1 |
PSY8201P |
Module |
Placement 1 |
DCP210 |
Module |
Placement 1 |
PSY8209P |
Module |
Placement 2 |
DCP220 |
Module |
Placement 2 |
PSY8211P |
Module |
Placement 2 |
PSY8204P |
Module |
Placement 3 |
PSY8301P |
Module |
Placement 3 |
PSY8309P |
Module |
Placement 3 |
DCP310 |
Module |
Placement 4 |
PSY8312P |
Module |
Placement 4 |
DCP320 |
Module |
Placement 4 |
PSY8304P |
Module |
Placement resources for Youth and Community (Placement YC) |
Module |
Polish Beginner |
1LPL01 |
Module |
Polish Beginner |
2LPL01 |
Module |
Political Discourse Analysis and Rhetoric |
MLG024 |
Module |
Political Psychology |
PSY6006M |
Module |
Political Psychology |
3PY405 |
Module |
Practical English Language Teaching |
MEL050 |
Module |
Pre-validated ELL modules |
Module |
Preparation for progression: independent project |
ECC3006M |
Module |
Preparing for English Language Teaching |
3LL209 |
Module |
Preparing for External Examining: Academic Standards and Enhancing Student Learning |
ACP7003M |
Module |
Proceed to Study Abroad 1 |
LAL4016M |
Module |
Proceed to Study Abroad 2 |
LAL5024M |
Module |
Professional and Academic Skills for the Student Teacher |
QTS4010M |
Module |
Professional and Personal Development |
3CS101 |
Module |
Professional Counselling Psychology |
PSY8310M |
Module |
Professional Counselling Psychology |
PSY8306M |
Module |
Professional Counselling Psychology |
DCP323 |
Module |
Professional Identity |
3CS205 |
Module |
Professional Identity |
COU6005M |
Module |
Professional Practice in Counselling Psychology |
PSY8109M |
Module |
Professional Practice in Counselling Psychology |
DCP110 |
Module |
Professional Practice in Counselling Psychology |
PSY8101M |
Module |
Professional Studies 1: Starting the Journey to QTS |
QTS4001M |
Module |
Professional Studies 2: Becoming a Teacher |
QTS5001M |
Module |
Professional Studies 3: The Emerging Professional |
QTS6001M |
Module |
Prospective Psychology reading list |
Module |
Protection and safeguarding in context |
CYE4004M |
Module |
Psychobiology 2 |
2PY281 |
Module |
Psychodynamic and Cognitive-behavioural Approaches |
2CS203 |
Module |
Psychodynamic and Cognitive-behavioural Approaches |
COU5003M |
Module |
Psycholinguistics |
2LL208 |
Module |
Psycholinguistics |
LAL5009M |
Module |
Psycholinguistics |
MLG014 |
Module |
Psycholinguistics |
2LL308 |
Module |
Psychological Assessment Theories and Practice |
PSY8103M |
Module |
Psychological Assessment Theories and Practice |
DCP113 |
Module |
Psychological Assessment Theories and Practice |
PSY8108M |
Module |
Psychological Interventions for Couples and Families |
PSY8206M |
Module |
Psychological Interventions for Couples and Families |
DCP222 |
Module |
Psychological Interventions Over the Lifespan |
DCP123 |
Module |
Psychological Interventions Over the Lifespan |
PSY8106M |
Module |
Psychological Interventions Over the Lifespan: (Theory, practice and Placement) |
PSY8112M |
Module |
Psychological Research 1 |
PSY5011M |
Module |
Psychological Research 2 |
PSY5014M |
Module |
Psychological Research Methods |
MPY100 |
Module |
Psychological Research Methods |
PSY7001M |
Module |
Psychological Science: Perspectives and Practicalities |
MPY022 |
Module |
Psychology at Work |
PSY4017M |
Module |
Psychology in Education |
3PY347 |
Module |
Psychology in Education |
PSY6055M |
Module |
Psychology in Education |
PSY6020M |
Module |
Psychology in Practice |
PSY5008M |
Module |
Psychology in the Light of Evolution |
3PY416 |
Module |
Psychology in the Light of Evolution |
PSY6017M |
Module |
Psychology of Health |
3PY345 |
Module |
Psychology of learning and education |
CYE4007M |
Module |
Psychology of Relationship |
3CS102 |
Module |
Psychology of Religion |
PSY6009M |
Module |
Psychology of Religion |
3PY408 |
Module |
Psychology of Work |
2PY287 |
Module |
Psychology Professional Development |
PSY4019M |
Module |
Psychology Professional Development |
PSY6037M |
Module |
Psychology Professional Development and Participation |
PSY4012M |
Module |
Psychology Professional Development and Participation 2 |
PSY5015M |
Module |
Psychology Research Participation Scheme (PReP) |
PSY4009M |
Module |
Psychopathology & Relational Psychotherapy Practice |
PSY8307M |
Module |
Psychopathology and Advanced Psychotherapy Process |
DCP312 |
Module |
Psychopathology and Advanced Psychotherapy Process |
PSY8303M |
Module |
QTS Skills Test English |
Module |
QTS Skills Test Mathematics |
Module |
Qualitative Research Methods |
PSY5003M |
Module |
Qualitative Research Methods |
2PY280 |
Module |
Qualitative Research Methods |
2PY402 |
Module |
Questioning the purpose: philosophies of childhood, family and education |
CYE5009M |
Module |
Reflecting on Work Placement 1: Independent Learning Unit |
QTS4006M |
Module |
Reflecting on Work Placement 1: Independent Learning Unit (ILU) |
QTS4012M |
Module |
Reflecting on Work Placement 2: Independent Learning Unit |
QTS5007M |
Module |
Reflecting on Work Placement 2: Independent Learning Unit (ILU) |
QTS5014M |
Module |
Reflecting on Work Placement 3: Independent Learning Unit |
QTS6010M |
Module |
Reflecting on Work Placement 3: Independent Learning Unit (ILU) |
QTS6015M |
Module |
Reflections and Connections in Linguistics |
3LL207 |
Module |
Reflections in Educational Linguistics |
LAL6009M |
Module |
Reflections in Educational Linguistics |
3LL309 |
Module |
Reflections in Linguistics |
3LL308 |
Module |
Reflections in Linguistics |
LAL6008M |
Module |
Reflective Report |
LAL5017M |
Module |
Research in Applied Linguistics |
MEL090 |
Module |
Research in Language and Linguistics |
MLG004 |
Module |
Research Investigation |
COU7021M |
Module |
Research Methods |
LAL7013M |
Module |
Research Methods |
LAL7009M |
Module |
Research Methods for Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring |
COU5002M |
Module |
Research Methods for Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring |
2CS202 |
Module |
Research Methods in Counselling Psychology |
PSY8111M |
Module |
Research Methods in Counselling Psychology |
DCP121 |
Module |
Research Methods in Counselling Psychology |
PSY8104M |
Module |
Research Paper |
PSY7002M |
Module |
Research Paper |
PSY6036M |
Module |
Research Paper |
MPY101 |
Module |
Research Paper |
PSY6001M |
Module |
Research Paper |
3PY400 |
Module |
Research Participation Scheme 2 |
2PY407 |
Module |
Research Participation Scheme 3 |
3PY4_ |
Module |
Researching issues in professional practice |
DOC8007M |
Module |
Researching Issues in Professional Practice |
DOC8003M |
Module |
Revalidations |
Unit |
School Experience 1 |
QTS4004P |
Module |
School Experience 1 |
PGC6018P |
Module |
School Experience 1 |
PGC6009P |
Module |
School Experience 1 (SE1) |
QTS4011P |
Module |
School Experience 2 |
PGC6010P |
Module |
School Experience 2 |
PGC6019P |
Module |
School Experience 2 |
QTS5013P |
Module |
School Experience 2 |
QTS5005P |
Module |
School Experience 3 |
PGC6011P |
Module |
School Experience 3 |
PGC6020P |
Module |
School Experience 3 |
QTS6014P |
Module |
School Experience 3 |
QTS6003P |
Module |
School library: new acquisitions |
Module |
Second Language Acquisition |
MLG006 |
Module |
Second Language Acquisition |
MEL010 |
Module |
Second Language Acquisition |
LAL7007M |
Module |
Second Language Grammar and Phonology |
LAL6011M |
Module |
Second Language Grammar and Phonology |
3LL311 |
Module |
Semantics and Pragmatics |
1LL201 |
Module |
Semantics and Pragmatics |
1LL301 |
Module |
Semantics and Pragmatics |
LAL4014U |
Module |
Semantics and Pragmatics |
LAL4002M |
Module |
Sikhism resources - Sikhism resources (Sikhism resources) |
Module |
Skills in Counselling Children & Young People 1 |
COU7010M |
Module |
Skills in Counselling Children and Young People 2 |
COU7013M |
Module |
Social divisions, inequities and inclusion |
CYE5004M |
Module |
Social Influence and Social Interaction |
PSY6022M |
Module |
Social justice in York: a historical perspective |
ECC3003M |
Module |
Social Psychology |
2PY283 |
Module |
Social Psychology |
PSY5013M |
Module |
Social Psychology |
PSY5001M |
Module |
Social Psychology |
2PY400 |
Module |
Sociolinguistics |
LAL5010M |
Module |
Sociolinguistics |
2LL209 |
Module |
Sociolinguistics |
2LL309 |
Module |
Sociolinguistics (Distance) |
LAL5018M |
Module |
Sociolinguistics of British Sign Language |
2LL315 |
Module |
Sociolinguistics of British Sign Language |
2LBS09 |
Module |
Sociolinguistics of British Sign Language |
LAL5013M |
Module |
SoLL Academic Tutorials |
LAL5Z02Z |
Module |
SoLL Academic Tutorials |
LAL4011Z |
Module |
SoLL Academic Tutorials |
LAL6Z02Z |
Module |
SoLL Academic Tutorials |
LAL5020Z |
Module |
SoLL Academic Tutorials |
LAL4Z02Z |
Module |
SoLL Academic Tutorials |
LAL6013Z |
Module |
SoLL Colloquium |
LAL6Z01Z |
Module |
SoLL Colloquium |
LAL4Z01Z |
Module |
SoLL Colloquium |
LAL5021Z |
Module |
SoLL Colloquium |
LAL7Z01Z |
Module |
SoLL Colloquium |
LAL6014Z |
Module |
SoLL Colloquium |
LAL4012Z |
Module |
SoLL Colloquium |
LAL5Z01Z |
Module |
Spanish Advanced 1 |
1LSP06 |
Module |
Spanish Advanced 2 |
1LSP07 |
Module |
Spanish Advanced Language and Culture |
1LSP08 |
Module |
Spanish Beginners |
1LSP01 |
Module |
Spanish Continuation |
1LSP02 |
Module |
Spanish Intermediate 1 |
1LSP03 |
Module |
Spanish Proficiency |
1LSP09 |
Module |
Spanish Proficiency |
3LSP09 |
Module |
Spanish Proficiency Language & Culture |
3LSP060 |
Module |
Special educational needs and inclusion |
CYE4008M |
Module |
Speech and Language Pathology |
LAL6006M |
Module |
Speech and Language Pathology |
3LL306 |
Module |
Speech and Language Pathology |
3LL206 |
Module |
Sports Biomechanics |
SPO5025M |
Module |
Starting the Journey to QTS: Professional Studies 1 |
QTS4007M |
Module |
State intervention: the individual and society |
CYE6005M |
Module |
Statistics and Psychology 2 |
2PY286 |
Module |
Statistics and Psychology 2 |
3PY355 |
Module |
Statistics and Psychology III |
3PY344 |
Module |
Student Success Through Advising and Tutoring |
ACP7005M |
Module |
Study Abroad 60-CR ELL |
2LL212 |
Module |
Subject Area 1 |
IFC3003M |
Module |
Subject Area 1 |
0LS104 |
Module |
Subject Area 2 |
IFC3008M |
Module |
Subject Area 2 |
0LS110 |
Module |
Supporting families |
CYE5005M |
Module |
Survey Research Methods and Statistics |
PSY4008M |
Module |
Syntax: Theory and Application |
MLG008 |
Module |
TESOL Theories and Methods |
3LL300 |
Module |
TESOL Theories and Methods |
LAL5023M |
Module |
TESOL Theories and Methods |
LAL6001M |
Module |
TESOL: Decisions, Dilemmas and Design |
LAL6016M |
Module |
TESOL: Foundations of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching |
LAL5025M |
Module |
TESOL: Second Language Teaching Resources and Practices |
LAL6018M |
Module |
Texts & Technology |
MLL002 |
Module |
Thai 1 |
LAT7001M |
Module |
Thai 2 |
LAT7002M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Primary School Centred) |
PGC7015M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Primary University Centred) |
PGC7013M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Primary) |
PGC6004M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Primary) |
PGC6002M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Primary) |
PGC7002M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Primary) |
PGC7004M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Secondary School Centred) |
PGC7017M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Secondary) |
PGC6006M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Secondary) |
PGC7008M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Secondary) |
PGC6008M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Secondary) |
PGC7006M |
Module |
The Developing Professional (Studies) |
PGC7019M |
Module |
The Early Years Foundation Stage |
QTS5004M |
Module |
The Early Years Foundation Stage |
QTS5011M |
Module |
The Emerging Professional: Professional Studies 3 |
QTS6011M |
Module |
The Enquiring Leader |
EDU7022M |
Module |
The Ethical and Reflective Professional |
3CS203 |
Module |
The Ethical and Reflective Professional |
COU6003M |
Module |
The influence of policy and politics on practice |
ECC3002M |
Module |
The Primary Core Curriculum 1 |
QTS4008M |
Module |
The Primary Core Curriculum 1 |
QTS4002M |
Module |
The Primary Core Curriculum 2 |
QTS5009M |
Module |
The Primary Core Curriculum 2 |
QTS5002M |
Module |
The Primary Wider Curriculum |
QTS4009M |
Module |
The Primary Wider Curriculum 1 |
QTS4003M |
Module |
The Primary Wider Curriculum 2 |
QTS5003M |
Module |
The Primary Wider Curriculum 2 |
QTS5010M |
Module |
The Professional Linguist |
3LA051 |
Module |
The Psychology of Adolescent Development |
MPY020 |
Module |
The Psychology of Child Development |
MPY023 |
Module |
The Psychology of Creativity and Innovation |
3PY350 |
Module |
The reflective, professional practitioner: placement |
ECC3004M |
Module |
The Research Informed Professional 1 |
QTS5012M |
Module |
The Research Informed Professional 1 |
QTS5006M |
Module |
The Research Informed Professional 2 |
QTS6004M |
Module |
The Research Informed Professional 2 |
QTS6013M |
Module |
Themes in Applied Linguistics |
MEL060 |
Module |
Themes in Japanese Linguistics |
MLG023 |
Module |
Themes in Language and Linguistics |
MLG005 |
Module |
Theoretical Perspectives on Offending Behaviour |
PSY6016M |
Module |
Theoretical Perspectives on Offending Behaviour |
3PY415 |
Module |
Theories and Methodologies in TESOL |
3LL200 |
Module |
Theories of Offending |
PSY6054M |
Module |
Theory and Practice in Language Teaching |
LAL7008M |
Module |
Theory and Practice in Language Teaching |
MEL021 |
Module |
Theory and Practice of Coaching and Mentoring |
COU5001M |
Module |
Theory and Practice of Coaching and Mentoring 1 |
2CS201 |
Module |
Theory and Practice of Coaching and Mentoring 2 |
2CS204 |
Module |
Thesis |
LAL7016M |
Module |
Thinking and Philosophy for Children (Professional Elective) |
QTS6018M |
Module |
Transforming communities |
CYE6008M |
Module |
Transitions Across the Life Course |
EDU7029M |
Module |
Translation Methodology and Practice |
MEL070 |
Module |
Translation Technology and Practice |
MEL080 |
Module |
Trauma-informed practice |
CYE6009M |
Module |
Understanding childhoods |
CYE4009M |
Module |
Understanding Evidence: Science, Myth and Fake News |
PSY3003M |
Module |
Understanding Evidence: Science, Myth and Fake News |
PSY3009M |
Module |
Understanding Learning and Teaching (Studies) |
PGC7018M |
Module |
Victim Perspectives |
PSY6048M |
Module |
Victims and the Criminal Justice Experience |
PSY6029M |
Module |
Virtual Reality and Human Behaviour |
PSY6051M |
Module |
Wider Skills for the Student Teacher |
QTS4005M |
Module |
World Englishes |
MLG017 |
Module |
World Englishes |
2LL302 |
Module |
World Englishes |
2LL202 |
Module |
World Englishes |
LAL5003M |
Module |
World Englishes (Distance) |
LAL5019M |
Module |
XX - Languages in Business (XX - Languages in Business) |
Module |