Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic and professional literacies CYE4001M Module
Academic and Professional Literacies CYE4011M Module
Academic and Professional Literacies 2 CYE4010M Module
Academic Practice Enhancement Project ACP7007M Module
Academic Tutorials PSY3Z01Z Module
Accelerated British Sign Language 1 LAB4011M Module
Accelerated British Sign Language 2 LAB4012M Module
Accelerated Chinese 1 LAC4001M Module
Accelerated Chinese 2 LAC4002M Module
Accelerated Japanese 1 1LLJA1 Module
Accelerated Japanese 1 LAJ4001M Module
Accelerated Japanese 2 LAJ4002M Module
Accelerated Japanese 2 1LLJA2 Module
Accelerated Japanese 2 (M Level) LAJ7004M Module
Accelerated Japense 1 (M Level) LAJ7003M Module
Accelerated Korean 1 1LLKO1 Module
Accelerated Korean 1 LAK4001M Module
Accelerated Korean 1 (M Level) LAK7003M Module
Accelerated Korean 2 1LLKO2 Module
Accelerated Korean 2 LAK4002M Module
Accelerated Korean 2 (M Level) LAK7004M Module
Accents and Dialects MLG012 Module
Access to Postgraduate Study COU6006M Module
Access to Postgraduate Study in Helping and Allied Health Professions: Qualifying Module COU6000M Module
Acquired Communication Disorders MLG009 Module
Adolescent Development MPY103 Module
Adolescent Development PSY7004M Module
Adolescent Development and Behaviour PSY6007M Module
Adolescent Development and Behaviour 3PY342 Module
Adolescent Development and Behaviour 3PY406 Module
Adolescent Development and Behaviour PSY6049M Module
Advanced BSL 1 1LBS06-2LBS06-3LBS06 Module
Advanced BSL 2 1LBS07-2LBS07-3LBS07 Module
Advanced BSL 2 3LLBS7 Module
Advanced BSL 3 1LBS08-2LBS08-3LBS08 Module
Advanced BSL 3 3LLBS8 Module
Advanced English Language Skills 0LS107 Module
Advanced English Language Skills IFC3006M Module
Advanced Research Methods 2PY406 Module
Advanced Research Methods PSY5007M Module
Advanced Topics in Brain and Behaviour 2PY404 Module
Advanced Topics in Brain and Behaviour PSY5005M Module
Advising Enhancement Project ACP7006M Module
Analysing Media Texts MLG018 Module
Analysing Media Texts 2LL205 Module
Analysing Talk 2LL203 Module
Analysing Talk for TESOL 2LL214 Module
Analysing Talk-in-Interaction LAL5004M Module
Analysing Talk-in-Interaction 2LL303 Module
Analysing Texts 2LL305 Module
Analysing Texts LAL5006M Module
Animal Behaviour and Comparative Psychology PSY6011M Module
Animal Behaviour and Comparative Psychology 3PY410 Module
Animal Psychology 3PY357 Module
Applied Linguistics at Work 2LL207 Module
Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching 1LL203 Module
Applied Phonetics and Phonology 2LL301 Module
Applied Phonetics and Phonology LAL5002M Module
Applying Psychology in Child Development Settings PSY5018M Module
Applying Psychology in Forensic Settings PSY5016M Module
Applying Psychology in Mental Health Settings PSY5020M Module
Applying Psychology to Work PSY5010M Module
Approaches to Critical Discourse Analysis LAL7011M Module
Assessment of Individual Differences 2PY403 Module
Assessment of Individual Differences PSY5004M Module
Assessment, Diagnosis and Management of Communication Disorder MLG019 Module
Attitudes to Language 3LL202 Module
Attitudes to Language 3LL302 Module
Attitudes to Language MLG013 Module
Attitudes to Language LAL6003M Module
Becoming a Teacher: Professional Studies 2 QTS5008M Module
Biological Bases of Behaviour PSY4013M Module
Biological Bases of Behaviour PSY4003M Module
Brain and Behaviour PSY5012M Module
Brain and Developing Behaviour PSY5019M Module
Brain and Forensic Behaviour PSY5017M Module
Brain and Mental Health Behaviour PSY5021M Module
British Sign Language LAB4015M Module
British Sign Language 1 LAB7001M Module
British Sign Language 2 LAB7002M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 1 (Level 4) LAB4006M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 1 (Level 5) LAB5005M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 1 (Level 6) LAB6003M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 1 (Level 6) 3LLBS6 Module
British Sign Language Advanced 2 (Level 4) LAB4007M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 2 (Level 5) LAB5006M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 2 (Level 6) LAB6004M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 3 (Level 4) LAB4008M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 3 (Level 5) LAB5007M Module
British Sign Language Advanced 3 (Level 6) LAB6005M Module
British Sign Language Advanced Part 1 (Level 1) 1LBS60 Module
British Sign Language Beginners 1 LAB4001M Module
British Sign Language Beginners 2 (Level 4) LAB4002M Module
British Sign Language Beginners 2 (Level 5) LAB5001M Module
British Sign Language for Education LAB5010M Module
British Sign Language for Employment LAB5011M Module
British Sign Language for Mental and Physical Health LAB6007M Module
British Sign Language for Recreational Activities LAB6006M Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 1 (Level 4) LAB4003M Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 1 (Level 5) LAB5002M Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 2 (Level 4) LAB4004M Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 2 (Level 5) LAB5003M Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 2 (Level 6) LAB6001M Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 3 (Level 4) LAB4005M Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 3 (Level 5) LAB5004M Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 3 (Level 6) 3LLBS5 Module
British Sign Language Intermediate 3 (Level 6) LAB6002M Module
BSL Advanced 1 1LBS06 Module
BSL Advanced 2 2LBS07 Module
BSL Advanced 2 1LBS07 Module
BSL Advanced 2 3LBS07 Module
BSL Advanced 3 1LBS08 Module
BSL Beginners 1LBS01 Module
BSL Beginners 2LBS01 Module
BSL Continuation 1LBSO2 Module
BSL Continuation 1LBS02 Module
BSL Continuation 2LBS02 Module
BSL Continuation 3LBS02 Module
BSL Intermediate 1 1LBS03 Module
BSL Intermediate 1 2LBS03 Module
BSL Intermediate 2 2LBS04 Module
BSL Intermediate 2 3LBS04 Module
BSL Intermediate 2 1LBS04 Module
BSL Intermediate 3 1LBS05 Module
BSL Intermediate 3 3LBS05 Module
BSL Intermediate 3 2LBS05 Module
Case Studies in Language and Social Justice LAL7012M Module
Case Studies in Language and Social Justice LAL7015M Module
Certificate in Counselling Skills COU1Z01Z Module
Child Development MPY102 Module
Child development CYE4002M Module
Child Development PSY7003M Module
Child Language Acquisition 3LL307 Module
Child Language Acquisition LAL6007M Module
Chinese 1 LAC7001M Module
Chinese 2 LAC7002M Module
Chinese Language and Society 1 LAC5001M Module
Chinese Language and Society 2 LAC5002M Module
Chinese Language Project 1 LAC6001M Module
Chinese Language Project 2 LAC6002M Module
Classic Studies in Psychological Science PSY3001M Module
Classic Studies in Psychology PSY3011M Module
Classroom Language Research MEL030 Module
Clinical Psychology 3PY401 Module
Clinical Psychology PSY6044M Module
Clinical Psychology 3PY341 Module
Clinical Psychology PSY6002M Module
Cognition PSY4002M Module
Cognition and Development PSY4016M Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Skills and Practice PSY6062M Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Theory and Practice PSY8110M Module
Cognitive Psychology 2PY289 Module
Cognitive Psychology 2CS289 Module
Cognitive Psychology 2 2PY285 Module
Communication, Reasoning and Persuasion 2LL310 Module
Communication, Reasoning and Persuasion LAL5011M Module
Community Psychology 3PY352 Module
Concepts and Perspectives in Sport and Exercise Psychology PSY6012M Module
Concepts and Perspectives in Sport and Exercise Psychology 3PY354 Module
Concepts and Perspectives in Sport and Exercise Psychology 3PY411 Module
Conditions for Progression to ITE ECC3007M Module
Conducting Inclusive Research EDU7028M Module
Contemporary Counselling Psychology PSY6027M Module
Contemporary Counselling Psychology 3PY376 Module
Contemporary Counselling Psychology: Theory and Practice PSY6061M Module
Contemporary Debates in Psychological Science PSY3004M Module
Contemporary Educational Issues QTS6012M Module
Contemporary Educational Issues QTS6002M Module
Contemporary Issues in Educational Leadership EDU7021M Module
Contemporary Issues in Psychology PSY3010M Module
Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Psychology PSY6003M Module
Contemporary Issues in Quantitative Psychology 3PY402 Module
Contemporary issues: global, national, local CYE7003M Module
Contemporary issues: local, national, global CYE6001M Module
Contextualising issues in professional practice DOC8006M Module
Contextualising Issues in Professional Practice DOC8002M Module
Core Academic Skills PSY3007M Module
Core Academic Skills PSY3002M Module
Core Research Skills PSY3005M Module
Core Research Skills PSY3008M Module
Core Skills and Reflective Practice 1 COU7016M Module
Core Skills and Reflective Practice 2 COU7019M Module
Counselling and Psychotherapy Skills DCP112 Module
Counselling and Psychotherapy Skills PSY8102M Module
Counselling Approaches in Psychology 3PY403 Module
Counselling Approaches in Psychology PSY6004M Module
Counselling Approaches in Psychology 3PY351 Module
Counselling Psychology in Context and Systems PSY8210M Module
Counselling Psychology: Theory and Practice PSY8107M Module
Counselling Skills and Process 1 PSY6026M Module
Counselling Skills and Process 1 3PY372 Module
Counselling Skills and Process 2 PSY6028M Module
Counselling Skills and Process 2 3PY374 Module
Creativity and Sustainability in Education QTS6016M Module
Creativity in Primary Education (Professional Elective) QTS6007M Module
Critical Approaches in Mental Health PSY6024M Module
Critical Approaches in Mental Health 3PY423 Module
Critical approaches to education CYE7001M Module
Critical Approaches to Mental Health PSY6046M Module
Critical Contemporary Issues in Education in a National Context EDU7004M Module
Critical debates in SEN and disability CYE6006M Module
Critical Introduction to Counselling PSY6025M Module
Critical Introduction to Counselling 3PY371 Module
Critical Practice 1 3CS201 Module
Critical Practice 1 COU6001M Module
Critical Practice 2 3CS204 Module
Critical Practice 2 COU6004M Module
Critical Social Psychology 3PY412 Module
Critical Social Psychology 3PY348 Module
Critical Social Psychology PSY6013M Module
Critical Social Psychology MPY021 Module
Current Psychology PSY4005M Module
Dark Personalities and Clinical Disorders 3PY417 Module
Dark Personalities and Clinical Disorders PSY6018M Module
Data Analysis for the Real World PSY6050M Module
Deaf Cultures 1LL316 Module
Deaf Cultures LAL4009M Module
Deaf History LAL4008M Module
Deaf History 1LL315 Module
Deaf Social Theory LAL5022M Module
Deaf Social Theory 3LL315 Module
Deaf Social Theory LAL6012M Module
Deaf Visual Experience LAL5014M Module
Deaf Visual Experience 2LL316 Module
Descriptive Grammar of English LAL4004M Module
Descriptive Grammar of English 1LL303 Module
Developing Criticality EDU7001M Module
Developing Humanistic Theory and Practice COU4004M Module
Developing Professional Practice COU5005M Module
Developing Professional Practice 2CS205 Module
Developing Self and Others EDU7019M Module
Developmental Communication Disorders MLG010 Module
Developmental Disorders 3PY332 Module
Developmental Psychology PSY5009M Module
Developmental Psychology 2 2PY282 Module
Developmental Psychopathology and Clinical Applications PSY6021M Module
Developmental Psychopathology and Clinical Applications 3PY420 Module
Difference and Diversity in Helping COU4006M Module
Differential Psychology PSY4014M Module
Digital Learning (Professional Elective) QTS6008M Module
Digital learning: friend or foe? CYE6002M Module
Dissertation 3PY340 Module
Dissertation MEL040 Module
Dissertation LAL6010M Module
Dissertation EDU7038M Module
Dissertation 3LL210 Module
Dissertation EDU7031M Module
Dissertation CYE7005M Module
Dissertation CYE6010M Module
Dissertation EDU7024M Module
Dissertation 3LL310 Module
Dissertation 3CS103 Module
Dissertation: Clinical Linguistics MLG002 Module
Dissertation: Early Childhood EDU7011M Module
Dissertation: Education EDU7009M Module
Dissertation: Japanese Language Teaching MLG003 Module
Dissertation: Language and Linguistics MLG001 Module
Dissertation: Mentoring EDU7017M Module
Dissertation: Post-compulsory Education EDU7015M Module
Dissertation: Research-engaged Setting EDU7013M Module
Dissertation: TESOL MEL041 Module
Doctoral Dissertation 1 DCP211 Module
Doctoral Dissertation 1 PSY8202M Module
Doctoral Dissertation 2 PSY8205M Module
Doctoral Dissertation 2 DCP221 Module
Doctoral Dissertation 3 DCP311 Module
Doctoral Dissertation 3 PSY8302M Module
Doctoral Dissertation 4 PSY8305M Module
Doctoral Dissertation 4 DCP321 Module
Doctoral Thesis 1 PSY8208M Module
Doctoral Thesis 2 PSY8308M Module
Doctoral Thesis 3 PSY8311M Module
e-communication 2LL211 Module
Early Years Education (Professional Elective) QTS6005M Module
Early Years Philosophy and Practice in Education (Professional Elective) QTS6019M Module
Early years practice: becoming an early years professional CYE4005M Module
Early years practice: developing pedagogies CYE5006M Module
Early years practice: leading and managing CYE6007M Module
Early years theory, academic and professional literacies CYE4003M Module
Early years theory: introducing pedagogies CYE5001M Module
Early years theory: leading and managing CYE6003M Module
East Asian Linguistics and Culture LAL6015M Module
Effective communication and teamwork CYE4006M Module
ELT Research Project 3LL208 Module
English Accents and Dialects 3LL201 Module
English Accents and Dialects LAL6002M Module
English Accents and Dialects 3LL301 Module
English for Academic Purposes IFC3005M Module
English for Academic Purposes 0LS106 Module
English Language and Linguistics LAL4001M Module
English Language and Linguistics 1LL300 Module
English Language Learner Resources (English Language Learner resources) ENGLISH-LANGUAGE-LEARNER-RESOURCES Module
English Language Skills 0LS101 Module
English Language Skills IFC3001M Module
Enhanced British Sign Language 1 LAB4013M Module
Enhanced British Sign Language 2 LAB4014M Module
Environmental and Climate Justice PSY6042M Module
Environmental and Climate Justice PSY6031M Module
Ethical and Reflective Practice at Work 3CS100 Module
Evaluating educational leadership CYE7004M Module
Evaluating Inclusion EDU7030M Module
Everyday Applications of Cognitive Psychology MPY024 Module
Evolutionary Psychology 3PY353 Module
Experimental Research Methods and Statistics PSY4004M Module
Exploring Communication and Culture ISC4001M Module
Exploring Social Psychology PSY4001M Module
Extended Project PSY3012M Module
Extended Project PSY3006M Module
Face Processing 3PY349 Module
Final Project LAL7010M Module
Forensic Linguistics 2LL216 Module
Forensic Linguistics 2LL311 Module
Forensic Linguistics LAL5012M Module
Forensic Psychology 3PY346 Module
Foundations of Advising and Tutoring ACP7004M Module
Foundations of Counselling Psychology 3PY375 Module
Foundations of Counselling Psychology: Theory and Practice PSY6059M Module
Foundations of Helping Relationships COU4001M Module
Foundations of Human Development PSY4006M Module
Foundations of Research 1 PSY4015M Module
Foundations of Research 2 PSY4018M Module
French Advanced 1 1LFR06 Module
French Advanced 2 1LFR07 Module
French Advanced Language and Culture 1LFR08 Module
French Beginners 1LFR01 Module
French Continuation 1LFR02 Module
French Intermediate 1 1LFR03 Module
French Proficiency 3LFR09 Module
French Proficiency 1LFR09 Module
French Proficiency Language & Culture 3LF060 Module
German Advanced 1 1LGE06 Module
German Advanced 2 1LGE07 Module
German Beginners 1LGE01 Module
German Continuation 1LGE02 Module
German Intermediate 1 1LGE03 Module
German Proficiency 1LGE09 Module
German Proficiency 3LGE09 Module
German Proficiency Language & Culture 3LGE060 Module
Global Issues 1 0LS103 Module
Global Issues 1 IFC3002M Module
Global Issues 2 IFC3007M Module
Global Issues 2 0LS109 Module
Global Perspectives on Education EDU7003M Module
Graded Readers Level Five (Graded Readers Level Five) GRADED-READERS-LEVEL-FIVE Module
Graded Readers Level Four (Graded Readers Level Four) GRADED-READERS-LEVEL-FOUR Module
Graded Readers Level One (Graded Readers Level One) GRADED-READERS-LEVEL-ONE Module
Graded Readers Level Six (Graded Readers Level Six) GRADED-READERS-LEVEL-SIX Module
Graded Readers Level Three (Graded Readers Level Three) GRADED-READERS-LEVEL-THREE Module
Graded Readers Level Two (Graded Readers Level Two) GRADED-READERS-LEVEL-TWO Module
Graded Readers Level Zero (Graded Readers Level Zero) GRADED-READERS-LEVEL-ZERO Module
Grammar and Phonetics for TESOL 3LL205 Module
Group Psychotherapy DCP212 Module
Group Psychotherapy PSY8207M Module
Group Psychotherapy PSY8203M Module
Groupwork Skills IFC3004M Module
Groupwork Skills 0LS105 Module
Health Psychology 3PY422 Module
Health Psychology PSY6023M Module
Health Psychology PSY6045M Module
Holistic approaches to education and counselling ECC3005M Module
Human Memory: Theory and Application 3PY331 Module
Humanistic Counselling Theory 1 COU7015M Module
Humanistic Counselling Theory 2 COU7018M Module
Humanistic Theories COU4003M Module
Identifying and Articulating Issues in Professional Practice DOC8001M Module
Identifying and articulating issues in professional practice DOC8005M Module
Inclusive Physical Practices CYE6011M Module
Inclusive practice: local, national, global CYE6004M Module
Independent Research Project COU6002M Module
Independent Research Project 3CS202 Module
Individual Differences 2 2PY284 Module
Individual Psychotherapy PSY8105M Module
Individual Psychotherapy DCP122 Module
Infant and Child Development 2PY401 Module
Infant and Child Development PSY5002M Module
Influencing and impacting on issues in professional practice DOC8008M Module
Influencing and Impacting on Issues in Professional Practice DOC8004M Module
Innovating Practice for Young People with Special Educational Needs EDU7025M Module
Inspiring Learning ACP7002M Module
Interactional Psychology PSY6039M Module
Interactional Psychology PSY6035M Module
Intercultural Communication 2LL317 Module
Intercultural Communication LAL5015M Module
Intercultural Communication LAL4010M Module
Intercultural Communication 1LL317 Module
Introduction to English Language and Linguistics 1LL210 Module
Introduction to English Language and Linguistics 2 1LL204 Module
Introduction to Language and Linguistics LAL4013M Module
Introduction to Language and Society 1LL202 Module
Introduction to Professional Practice COU4005M Module
Introduction to Reading, Writing and Researching COU4002M Module
Introduction to university study ECC3001M Module
Investigating Cognition 2PY405 Module
Investigating Cognition PSY5006M Module
Investigative Psychology PSY6008M Module
Investigative Psychology PSY6053M Module
Investigative Psychology 3PY407 Module
Italian Beginners 1LIT01 Module
Italian Continuation 1LIT02 Module
Japanese 1 LAJ7001M Module
Japanese 2 LAJ7002M Module
Japanese Advanced 1 3LJA06 Module
Japanese Advanced 2 3LJA07 Module
Japanese Advanced Language and Culture 1LJA08 Module
Japanese Beginners 1LJA01 Module
Japanese Communication 1 LAJ4003M Module
Japanese Communication 1 1LLJA3 Module
Japanese Communication 1 (M Level) LAJ7005M Module
Japanese Communication 2 1LLJA4 Module
Japanese Communication 2 LAJ4004M Module
Japanese Communication 2 (M Level) LAJ7006M Module
Japanese Continuation 1LJA02 Module
Japanese Intermediate 1 1LJA03 Module
Japanese Intermediate 2 1LJA04 Module
Japanese Language and Society 1 2LLJA5 Module
Japanese Language and Society 1 LAJ5001M Module
Japanese Language and Society 1 (M Level) LAJ7007M Module
Japanese Language and Society 2 2LLJA6 Module
Japanese Language and Society 2 LAJ5002M Module
Japanese Language and Society 2 (M Level) LAJ7008M Module
Japanese Language Project 1 3LLJA7 Module
Japanese Language Project 1 LAJ6001M Module
Japanese Language Project 1 (M Level) LAJ7009M Module
Japanese Language Project 2 LAJ6002M Module
Japanese Language Project 2 3LLJA8 Module
Japanese Language Project 2 (M Level) LAJ7010M Module
Japanese Language Teaching Methodology A MLG020 Module
Japanese Language Teaching Methodology B MLG021 Module
Japanese Proficiency 3LJA09 Module
Japanese Proficiency 1LJA09 Module
Japanese Society and Culture MLG022 Module
Key Concepts for Language Learning and Teaching LAL4007M Module
Key Concepts for Language Learning and Teaching 1LL306 Module
Key Concepts for TESOL LAL4015M Module
Key Presenting Issues 2CS206 Module
Key Presenting Issues COU5006M Module
Key Professional Issues and Debates in Counselling 3PY373 Module
Key Themes in Applied Linguistics MEL061 Module
Korean 1 LAK7001M Module
Korean 2 LAK7002M Module
Korean Beginners 1LKO01 Module
Korean Communication 1 LAK4003M Module
Korean Communication 1 (M Level) LAK7005M Module
Korean Communication 2 LAK4004M Module
Korean Communication 2 (M Level) LAK7006M Module
Korean Continuation 3LKO02 Module
Korean Continuation 1LKO02 Module
Korean Continuation 2LKO02 Module
Korean Language and Society 1 LAK5001M Module
Korean Language and Society 1 2LLKO5 Module
Korean Language and Society 1 (M Level) LAK7007M Module
Korean Language and Society 2 2LLKO6 Module
Korean Language and Society 2 (M Level) LAK7008M Module
Korean Language Project 1 3LLKO7 Module
Korean Language Project 1 LAK6001M Module
Korean Language Project 1 (M Level) LAK7009M Module
Korean Language Project 2 LAK6002M Module
Korean Language Project 2 3LLKO8 Module
Korean Language Project 2 (M Level) LAK7010M Module
LAK5002M LAK5002M Module
Language & Society MLL004 Module
Language Acquisition 2LL200 Module
Language and Cognition MLL003 Module
Language and Identities MLG015 Module
Language and Identities 3LL203 Module
Language and Interaction MLG011 Module
Language and Literacy 2LL307 Module
Language and Literacy LAL5008M Module
Language and Literacy 2LL201 Module
Language and Literacy MLG016 Module
Language and Society 1LL302 Module
Language and Society LAL4003M Module
Language and Society MLG007 Module
Language at Work 2LL206 Module
Language at Work 2LL306 Module
Language at Work LAL5007M Module
Language at Work (Distance) LAL5016M Module
Language at Work (Distance) 2LL318 Module
Language Development PSY6014M Module
Language Development PSY6056M Module
Language Development 3PY413 Module
Language in Inter-Action LAL6005M Module
Language in Inter-action 3LL204 Module
Language in Inter-Action 3LL304 Module
Language Learning Know-how 1LA020 Module
Language Myths LAL7014M Module
Language Myths LAL7006M Module
Language Structure MLL001 Module
Language Structure: Grammar 1LL207 Module
Language Structure: Phonetics 1LL206 Module
Language Teaching Methodology MEL020 Module
Language, Gender and Sexuality 2LL304 Module
Language, Gender and Sexuality 2LL204 Module
Language, Gender and Sexuality LAL5005M Module
Language, Identities and Cultures 3LL303 Module
Language, Identities and Cultures LAL6004M Module
Language, Identities and Cultures 3LL213 Module
Languages Carousel 1LA011 Module
Languages in the Workplace 2LA031 Module
Languages Research Project 3LA041 Module
Languages Research Project 3LA030 Module
Languages Research Project Part 1 3LA021 Module
Languages Research Project Part 2 3LA031 Module
Languages Research Study 3LA060 Module
Leading Across Professional Boundaries EDU7023M Module
Leading and Evaluating Change in the SEN Context EDU7026M Module
Leading and Managing Change through a Project EDU7020M Module
Learning and Imagination PSY6058M Module
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary School Centred) PGC7016M Module
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) PGC7007M Module
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) PGC6005M Module
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) PGC7005M Module
Learning and Teaching in Subject Studies (Secondary) PGC6007M Module
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum PGC7003M Module
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum PGC6003M Module
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (Primary) PGC6001M Module
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (Primary) PGC7001M Module
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (School Centred) PGC7014M Module
Learning and Teaching in the Primary Curriculum (University Centred) PGC7012M Module
Learning as a researcher CYE5007M Module
Learning in practice CYE5008M Module
Learning Outside the Classroom (Professional Elective) QTS6009M Module
Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Higher Education ACP7001M Module
Lifespan Development PSY6043M Module
Lifespan Development 3PY418 Module
Lifespan Development PSY6019M Module
Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom LAL5001M Module
Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom 2LL300 Module
Local Independent Project EDU7006M Module
Local Independent Project EDU7008M Module
Local Independent Study EDU7005M Module
Local Independent Study EDU7007M Module
Major Project: Early Childhood EDU7012M Module
Major Project: Education EDU7010M Module
Major Project: Mentoring EDU7018M Module
Major Project: Post-compulsory Education EDU7016M Module
Major Project: Research-engaged Setting EDU7014M Module
Mandarin Chinese Beginners 1LMC01 Module
Mandarin Chinese Continuation 1LMC02 Module
Memory Improvement 3PY359 Module
Memory Improvement 3PY404 Module
Memory Improvement PSY6040M Module
Memory Improvement PSY6005M Module
Mental Health and Contemporary Practice COU5004M Module
Mental Health and Well-being in Education (Professional Elective) QTS6020M Module
Mental health and wellbeing CYE5002M Module
Methods of enquiry CYE7002M Module
Mind, Mood and Tomorrow PSY6032M Module
MRes Thesis PSY7005M Module
MRes Thesis MPY104 Module
Multilingualism LAL4006M Module
Multilingualism 1LL205 Module
Multilingualism 1LL305 Module
National SENCo Award Outcomes Portfolio EDU7027M Module
Neurodevelopmental Disorders 3PY409 Module
Neurodiversity and learning CYE5003M Module
Neurodiversity in Development PSY6057M Module
Neurodiversity in Development PSY6010M Module
Neuropsychology 3PY414 Module
Neuropsychology PSY6038M Module
Neuropsychology 3PY356 Module
Neuropsychology PSY6015M Module
Non-Fiction Graded Readers - A2 Pre-Intermediate (Non-Fiction Graded Readers - A2 Pre-Intermediate) NON-FICTION-GRADED-READERS--A2-PRE-INTERMEDIATE Module
Non-Fiction Graded Readers - B1 Intermediate (Non-Fiction Graded Readers - B1 Intermediate) NON-FICTION-GRADED-READERS--B1-INTERMEDIATE Module
Non-Fiction Graded Readers - B2 Upper Intermediate (Non-Fiction Graded Readers - B2 Upper Intermediate) NON-FICTION-GRADED-READERS--B2-UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Module
Non-Fiction Graded Readers - C1 Advanced (Non-Fiction Graded Readers - C1 Advanced) NON-FICTION-GRADED-READERS--C1-ADVANCED Module
Occupational Psychology 3PY343 Module
Opt-In Placement Year PLA5002P Module
Origins of the Human Mind PSY6034M Module
Outdoor Learning (Professional Elective) QTS6017M Module
PADP PSY5009Z Module
PADP PSY4Z01Z Module
PADP PSY5Z01Z Module
PADP PSY7006Z Module
PADP PSY4010Z Module
PADP PSY6Z01Z Module
PADP PSY6029Z Module
PADP PSY7Z01Z Module
Peer assisted study session PSY4011Z Module
Peer Assisted Study Session PSY4Z02Z Module
Person-centred Therapy: Skills and Practice PSY6060M Module
Personal and Professional Development 1 COU7017M Module
Personal and Professional Development 2 COU7020M Module
Personality and Individual Differences PSY4007M Module
Perspectives on Crime PSY6052M Module
Perspectives on Crime PSY6030M Module
Philosophy and Thinking for Children (Professional Elective) QTS6006M Module
Phonetics 1LL304 Module
Phonetics LAL4005M Module
Phonetics and Phonology 2LL210 Module
Physiology of Training and Adaptation SPO5024M Module
Placement - Practice placement reading list (Placement) PLACEMENT Module
Placement 1 PSY8201P Module
Placement 1 DCP210 Module
Placement 1 PSY8209P Module
Placement 2 DCP220 Module
Placement 2 PSY8211P Module
Placement 2 PSY8204P Module
Placement 3 PSY8301P Module
Placement 3 PSY8309P Module
Placement 3 DCP310 Module
Placement 4 PSY8312P Module
Placement 4 DCP320 Module
Placement 4 PSY8304P Module
Placement resources for Youth and Community (Placement YC) PLACEMENT-YC Module
Polish Beginner 1LPL01 Module
Polish Beginner 2LPL01 Module
Political Discourse Analysis and Rhetoric MLG024 Module
Political Psychology PSY6006M Module
Political Psychology 3PY405 Module
Practical English Language Teaching MEL050 Module
Pre-validated ELL modules XLL0XX Module
Preparation for progression: independent project ECC3006M Module
Preparing for English Language Teaching 3LL209 Module
Preparing for External Examining: Academic Standards and Enhancing Student Learning ACP7003M Module
Proceed to Study Abroad 1 LAL4016M Module
Proceed to Study Abroad 2 LAL5024M Module
Professional and Academic Skills for the Student Teacher QTS4010M Module
Professional and Personal Development 3CS101 Module
Professional Counselling Psychology PSY8310M Module
Professional Counselling Psychology PSY8306M Module
Professional Counselling Psychology DCP323 Module
Professional Identity 3CS205 Module
Professional Identity COU6005M Module
Professional Practice in Counselling Psychology PSY8109M Module
Professional Practice in Counselling Psychology DCP110 Module
Professional Practice in Counselling Psychology PSY8101M Module
Professional Studies 1: Starting the Journey to QTS QTS4001M Module
Professional Studies 2: Becoming a Teacher QTS5001M Module
Professional Studies 3: The Emerging Professional QTS6001M Module
Prospective Psychology reading list PSY4PROSP Module
Protection and safeguarding in context CYE4004M Module
Psychobiology 2 2PY281 Module
Psychodynamic and Cognitive-behavioural Approaches 2CS203 Module
Psychodynamic and Cognitive-behavioural Approaches COU5003M Module
Psycholinguistics 2LL208 Module
Psycholinguistics LAL5009M Module
Psycholinguistics MLG014 Module
Psycholinguistics 2LL308 Module
Psychological Assessment Theories and Practice PSY8103M Module
Psychological Assessment Theories and Practice DCP113 Module
Psychological Assessment Theories and Practice PSY8108M Module
Psychological Interventions for Couples and Families PSY8206M Module
Psychological Interventions for Couples and Families DCP222 Module
Psychological Interventions Over the Lifespan DCP123 Module
Psychological Interventions Over the Lifespan PSY8106M Module
Psychological Interventions Over the Lifespan: (Theory, practice and Placement) PSY8112M Module
Psychological Research 1 PSY5011M Module
Psychological Research 2 PSY5014M Module
Psychological Research Methods MPY100 Module
Psychological Research Methods PSY7001M Module
Psychological Science: Perspectives and Practicalities MPY022 Module
Psychology at Work PSY4017M Module
Psychology in Education 3PY347 Module
Psychology in Education PSY6055M Module
Psychology in Education PSY6020M Module
Psychology in Practice PSY5008M Module
Psychology in the Light of Evolution 3PY416 Module
Psychology in the Light of Evolution PSY6017M Module
Psychology of Health 3PY345 Module
Psychology of learning and education CYE4007M Module
Psychology of Relationship 3CS102 Module
Psychology of Religion PSY6009M Module
Psychology of Religion 3PY408 Module
Psychology of Work 2PY287 Module
Psychology Professional Development PSY4019M Module
Psychology Professional Development PSY6037M Module
Psychology Professional Development and Participation PSY4012M Module
Psychology Professional Development and Participation 2 PSY5015M Module
Psychology Research Participation Scheme (PReP) PSY4009M Module
Psychopathology & Relational Psychotherapy Practice PSY8307M Module
Psychopathology and Advanced Psychotherapy Process DCP312 Module
Psychopathology and Advanced Psychotherapy Process PSY8303M Module
QTS Skills Test English TTAENX Module
QTS Skills Test Mathematics TTAMAX Module
Qualitative Research Methods PSY5003M Module
Qualitative Research Methods 2PY280 Module
Qualitative Research Methods 2PY402 Module
Questioning the purpose: philosophies of childhood, family and education CYE5009M Module
Reflecting on Work Placement 1: Independent Learning Unit QTS4006M Module
Reflecting on Work Placement 1: Independent Learning Unit (ILU) QTS4012M Module
Reflecting on Work Placement 2: Independent Learning Unit QTS5007M Module
Reflecting on Work Placement 2: Independent Learning Unit (ILU) QTS5014M Module
Reflecting on Work Placement 3: Independent Learning Unit QTS6010M Module
Reflecting on Work Placement 3: Independent Learning Unit (ILU) QTS6015M Module
Reflections and Connections in Linguistics 3LL207 Module
Reflections in Educational Linguistics LAL6009M Module
Reflections in Educational Linguistics 3LL309 Module
Reflections in Linguistics 3LL308 Module
Reflections in Linguistics LAL6008M Module
Reflective Report LAL5017M Module
Research in Applied Linguistics MEL090 Module
Research in Language and Linguistics MLG004 Module
Research Investigation COU7021M Module
Research Methods LAL7013M Module
Research Methods LAL7009M Module
Research Methods for Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring COU5002M Module
Research Methods for Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring 2CS202 Module
Research Methods in Counselling Psychology PSY8111M Module
Research Methods in Counselling Psychology DCP121 Module
Research Methods in Counselling Psychology PSY8104M Module
Research Paper PSY7002M Module
Research Paper PSY6036M Module
Research Paper MPY101 Module
Research Paper PSY6001M Module
Research Paper 3PY400 Module
Research Participation Scheme 2 2PY407 Module
Research Participation Scheme 3 3PY4_ Module
Researching issues in professional practice DOC8007M Module
Researching Issues in Professional Practice DOC8003M Module
School Experience 1 QTS4004P Module
School Experience 1 PGC6018P Module
School Experience 1 PGC6009P Module
School Experience 1 (SE1) QTS4011P Module
School Experience 2 PGC6010P Module
School Experience 2 PGC6019P Module
School Experience 2 QTS5013P Module
School Experience 2 QTS5005P Module
School Experience 3 PGC6011P Module
School Experience 3 PGC6020P Module
School Experience 3 QTS6014P Module
School Experience 3 QTS6003P Module
School library: new acquisitions SCHOOLLIB Module
Second Language Acquisition MLG006 Module
Second Language Acquisition MEL010 Module
Second Language Acquisition LAL7007M Module
Second Language Grammar and Phonology LAL6011M Module
Second Language Grammar and Phonology 3LL311 Module
Semantics and Pragmatics 1LL201 Module
Semantics and Pragmatics 1LL301 Module
Semantics and Pragmatics LAL4014U Module
Semantics and Pragmatics LAL4002M Module
Sikhism resources - Sikhism resources (Sikhism resources) SIKHISM-RESOURCES Module
Skills in Counselling Children & Young People 1 COU7010M Module
Skills in Counselling Children and Young People 2 COU7013M Module
Social divisions, inequities and inclusion CYE5004M Module
Social Influence and Social Interaction PSY6022M Module
Social justice in York: a historical perspective ECC3003M Module
Social Psychology 2PY283 Module
Social Psychology PSY5013M Module
Social Psychology PSY5001M Module
Social Psychology 2PY400 Module
Sociolinguistics LAL5010M Module
Sociolinguistics 2LL209 Module
Sociolinguistics 2LL309 Module
Sociolinguistics (Distance) LAL5018M Module
Sociolinguistics of British Sign Language 2LL315 Module
Sociolinguistics of British Sign Language 2LBS09 Module
Sociolinguistics of British Sign Language LAL5013M Module
SoLL Academic Tutorials LAL5Z02Z Module
SoLL Academic Tutorials LAL4011Z Module
SoLL Academic Tutorials LAL6Z02Z Module
SoLL Academic Tutorials LAL5020Z Module
SoLL Academic Tutorials LAL4Z02Z Module
SoLL Academic Tutorials LAL6013Z Module
SoLL Colloquium LAL6Z01Z Module
SoLL Colloquium LAL4Z01Z Module
SoLL Colloquium LAL5021Z Module
SoLL Colloquium LAL7Z01Z Module
SoLL Colloquium LAL6014Z Module
SoLL Colloquium LAL4012Z Module
SoLL Colloquium LAL5Z01Z Module
Spanish Advanced 1 1LSP06 Module
Spanish Advanced 2 1LSP07 Module
Spanish Advanced Language and Culture 1LSP08 Module
Spanish Beginners 1LSP01 Module
Spanish Continuation 1LSP02 Module
Spanish Intermediate 1 1LSP03 Module
Spanish Proficiency 1LSP09 Module
Spanish Proficiency 3LSP09 Module
Spanish Proficiency Language & Culture 3LSP060 Module
Special educational needs and inclusion CYE4008M Module
Speech and Language Pathology LAL6006M Module
Speech and Language Pathology 3LL306 Module
Speech and Language Pathology 3LL206 Module
Sports Biomechanics SPO5025M Module
Starting the Journey to QTS: Professional Studies 1 QTS4007M Module
State intervention: the individual and society CYE6005M Module
Statistics and Psychology 2 2PY286 Module
Statistics and Psychology 2 3PY355 Module
Statistics and Psychology III 3PY344 Module
Student Success Through Advising and Tutoring ACP7005M Module
Study Abroad 60-CR ELL 2LL212 Module
Subject Area 1 IFC3003M Module
Subject Area 1 0LS104 Module
Subject Area 2 IFC3008M Module
Subject Area 2 0LS110 Module
Supporting families CYE5005M Module
Survey Research Methods and Statistics PSY4008M Module
Syntax: Theory and Application MLG008 Module
TESOL Theories and Methods 3LL300 Module
TESOL Theories and Methods LAL5023M Module
TESOL Theories and Methods LAL6001M Module
TESOL: Decisions, Dilemmas and Design LAL6016M Module
TESOL: Foundations of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching LAL5025M Module
TESOL: Second Language Teaching Resources and Practices LAL6018M Module
Texts & Technology MLL002 Module
Thai 1 LAT7001M Module
Thai 2 LAT7002M Module
The Developing Professional (Primary School Centred) PGC7015M Module
The Developing Professional (Primary University Centred) PGC7013M Module
The Developing Professional (Primary) PGC6004M Module
The Developing Professional (Primary) PGC6002M Module
The Developing Professional (Primary) PGC7002M Module
The Developing Professional (Primary) PGC7004M Module
The Developing Professional (Secondary School Centred) PGC7017M Module
The Developing Professional (Secondary) PGC6006M Module
The Developing Professional (Secondary) PGC7008M Module
The Developing Professional (Secondary) PGC6008M Module
The Developing Professional (Secondary) PGC7006M Module
The Developing Professional (Studies) PGC7019M Module
The Early Years Foundation Stage QTS5004M Module
The Early Years Foundation Stage QTS5011M Module
The Emerging Professional: Professional Studies 3 QTS6011M Module
The Enquiring Leader EDU7022M Module
The Ethical and Reflective Professional 3CS203 Module
The Ethical and Reflective Professional COU6003M Module
The influence of policy and politics on practice ECC3002M Module
The Primary Core Curriculum 1 QTS4008M Module
The Primary Core Curriculum 1 QTS4002M Module
The Primary Core Curriculum 2 QTS5009M Module
The Primary Core Curriculum 2 QTS5002M Module
The Primary Wider Curriculum QTS4009M Module
The Primary Wider Curriculum 1 QTS4003M Module
The Primary Wider Curriculum 2 QTS5003M Module
The Primary Wider Curriculum 2 QTS5010M Module
The Professional Linguist 3LA051 Module
The Psychology of Adolescent Development MPY020 Module
The Psychology of Child Development MPY023 Module
The Psychology of Creativity and Innovation 3PY350 Module
The reflective, professional practitioner: placement ECC3004M Module
The Research Informed Professional 1 QTS5012M Module
The Research Informed Professional 1 QTS5006M Module
The Research Informed Professional 2 QTS6004M Module
The Research Informed Professional 2 QTS6013M Module
Themes in Applied Linguistics MEL060 Module
Themes in Japanese Linguistics MLG023 Module
Themes in Language and Linguistics MLG005 Module
Theoretical Perspectives on Offending Behaviour PSY6016M Module
Theoretical Perspectives on Offending Behaviour 3PY415 Module
Theories and Methodologies in TESOL 3LL200 Module
Theories of Offending PSY6054M Module
Theory and Practice in Language Teaching LAL7008M Module
Theory and Practice in Language Teaching MEL021 Module
Theory and Practice of Coaching and Mentoring COU5001M Module
Theory and Practice of Coaching and Mentoring 1 2CS201 Module
Theory and Practice of Coaching and Mentoring 2 2CS204 Module
Thesis LAL7016M Module
Thinking and Philosophy for Children (Professional Elective) QTS6018M Module
Transforming communities CYE6008M Module
Transitions Across the Life Course EDU7029M Module
Translation Methodology and Practice MEL070 Module
Translation Technology and Practice MEL080 Module
Trauma-informed practice CYE6009M Module
Understanding childhoods CYE4009M Module
Understanding Evidence: Science, Myth and Fake News PSY3003M Module
Understanding Evidence: Science, Myth and Fake News PSY3009M Module
Understanding Learning and Teaching (Studies) PGC7018M Module
Victim Perspectives PSY6048M Module
Victims and the Criminal Justice Experience PSY6029M Module
Virtual Reality and Human Behaviour PSY6051M Module
Wider Skills for the Student Teacher QTS4005M Module
World Englishes MLG017 Module
World Englishes 2LL302 Module
World Englishes 2LL202 Module
World Englishes LAL5003M Module
World Englishes (Distance) LAL5019M Module
XX - Languages in Business (XX - Languages in Business) XX--LANGUAGES-IN-BUSINESS Module

Lists linked to School of Education, Language & Psychology

Title Sort by title Semester Last updated Sort by last updated
Childhood Youth and Education - new library titles 2023/24 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 23/07/2024 14:44:12
Childhood Youth and Education - new library titles 2024/25 2024-25 15/01/2025 11:09:54
Childhood Youth and Education - new titles 2021/22 and 2022/23 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 23/07/2024 14:36:28
Conversation Analysis (Drew & Heritage, 2006) 12/11/2020 14:59:50
Department for Education recommended reading for Initial Teacher Education 2020-21 Ended 31/08/2021 25/01/2021 10:32:36
Education journal articles 2024-25 21/10/2024 14:04:54
ELP Ethics 2024-25 05/12/2024 10:16:17
Initial Teacher Education - new library titles 2023/24 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 23/07/2024 14:44:09
Initial Teacher Education - new library titles 2024/25 2024-25 15/01/2025 11:10:28
Initial Teacher Education - new titles 2021/22 and 2022/23 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 23/07/2024 14:36:33
Initial Teacher Education: Diversity and Inclusion 2024-25 23/07/2024 14:53:31
Initial Teacher Education: Diversity and Inclusion 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 23/07/2024 14:36:30
Initial Teacher Education: Diversity and Inclusion 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 23/07/2024 14:44:13
ITT Core Content Framework 2024-25 25/06/2024 12:19:43
ITT Core Content Framework 2021-22 Ended 31/08/2022 07/01/2022 11:43:23
ITT Core Content Framework 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 01/05/2024 12:12:28
ITT Core Content Framework 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 14/06/2022 15:21:51
LGBTQI+ centred/inclusive resources 2024-25 15/11/2024 09:02:27
LGBTQI+ centred/inclusive resources 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 07/06/2024 10:04:41
LGBTQI+ centred/inclusive resources 2020-21 Ended 31/08/2021 01/07/2021 11:25:50
LGBTQI+ centred/inclusive resources 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 01/06/2023 08:42:33
LGBTQI+ centred/inclusive resources 2021-22 Ended 31/08/2022 01/06/2022 10:00:02
PGCE revalidation 2024 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 16/05/2024 12:52:32
PGCE revalidation 2024 2024-25 23/07/2024 14:53:24
Primary Education revalidation 2024 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 23/07/2024 14:44:16
Primary Education revalidation 2024 2024-25 23/07/2024 14:53:29
Test list for links 2023-24 Ended 31/08/2024 20/06/2023 17:55:32
Test list for links 2024-25 25/06/2024 12:19:28
Test list for links 2022-23 Ended 31/08/2023 14/06/2022 10:35:52
Test list for links 2021-22 Ended 31/08/2022 21/06/2021 14:38:25
Test list for links 2020-21 Ended 31/08/2021 25/01/2021 08:49:01