Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic and Professional Skills BMB3001M Module
Academic reading, writing and study skills resources for international students STUDYINT Module
Accounting and Finance for Decision Making MBB7008M Module
Accounting journals ACCOUNTING-JOURNALS Module
Acquisitions LAW7014M Module
Advanced Auditing 3BMA04 Module
Advanced Communication Skills 3BM230 Module
Advanced Criminal Law and Practice LAW6020M Module
Advanced Criminal Law and Practice LAW5006M Module
Advanced Financial Management MBA7002M Module
Advanced Financial Reporting 3BMA03 Module
Advanced Financial Reporting BMA6003M Module
Advanced Performance Management MBA7001M Module
Advanced Research Methods 1 SSC7001M Module
Advanced Research Methods 2 SSC7002M Module
Advanced Taxation 3BMA05 Module
Advancing Policing Practice DPP6007M Module
Aligning Purpose, People, Process, Place, and Planet for Productivity and Performance MBR7007M Module
APM Project Management Qualification - PMQ BMP6007M Module
Applied Business Research 3BM280 Module
Applied Econometrics 2BME01 Module
Applied Environmental Economics BMI6006M Module
Asylum and Immigration Law LAW7029M Module
Asylum and Immigration Law LAW6041M Module
Asylum and Immigration Law LAW6017M Module
Auditing and Assurance Practice BMA6001M Module
Auditing Fundamentals BMA5004M Module
Becoming a HR Professional through People Practice BMH4002M Module
Becoming an Entrepreneurial Practitioner MBE7004M Module
Behavioural Psychology for Negotiations and Leadership MBR7008M Module
Beyond Economics: Understanding the Changing Global Economy BMI6003M Module
BMN4015M BMN4015M Module
BMN6010M BMN6010M Module
Bond and Equity Markets BMF4003M Module
Brand Management: Trends and Scandals BMM6011M Module
Branding and Psychology Capstone Project MBB7042M Module
Building and Leading High Performing Teams MBK7005M Module
Building Specialisation - The Older Fitness Customer MBB7032M Module
Building Success Through Coaching and Mentoring MBK7007M Module
Business & Commercial Law 2BMA01 Module
Business Analytics and the Block Chain BMD4002M Module
Business and Commercial Law BMN5007M Module
Business and Commercial Law BMA5002M Module
Business and Venture Creation BMB5004M Module
Business Case study research CASES Module
Business Consultancy Project MBB7011M Module
Business Creation Capstone Project MBB7034M Module
Business Creation Project 3BMB16 Module
Business Creation Project BMN6009M Module
Business Development and Value Creation MBB7006M Module
Business Enterprise BMB3003M Module
Business Environment BMN4016M Module
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility BMB6006M Module
Business Ethics and CSR 3BMB03 Module
Business Ethics and Sustainability BMB6013M Module
Business Ethics and Sustainability MBB7071M Module
Business Intelligence BMD6001M Module
Business Investigation BMR6004M Module
Business Law & Practice LAW7001M Module
Business Law and Corporate Governance LAW7034M Module
Business Law and Practice LAW6034M Module
Business Law and Practice LAW7023M Module
Business Operations BMN4004M Module
Business Research Project BMN6021M Module
Business Research Project BMN6011M Module
Business Research Project BMN6027M Module
Business Research Project 3BMH12 Module
Business Research Project BMN6038M Module
Business Research Project 3BME12 Module
Business Research Project 3BMI12 Module
Business Research Project 3BMA12 Module
Business Research Project 3BMF12 Module
Business Research Project 3BMM12 Module
Business Research Project 3BMT12 Module
Business Research Project 3BMB12 Module
Business, Creativity and Opportunism Skills for the Workplace of Today BMW5002M Module
Capstone Project LAW7040M Module
Capstone Project MBB7072M Module
Capstone Project MBK7011M Module
Capstone Project MBB7010M Module
Career Development and Employability BMW5003M Module
Charged: The Anatomy of a Crime 1 SSC3002M Module
Charged: The Anatomy of a Crime 2 SSC3003M Module
Civil Dispute Resolution LAW6042M Module
Civil Dispute Resolution LAW7030M Module
Clinical Legal Practice LAW6027P Module
Clinical Legal Practice LAW7019P Module
CMI Leadership and Management Development (CMI Leadership and Management Development) CMI-LEADERSHIP-AND-MANAGEMENT-DEVELOPMENT Module
Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Success MBK7006M Module
Coaching for Success MBL7003M Module
Collaboration, Negotiation, and Influencing for Success BMP5005M Module
Commercial Development and Football Business BMS6005M Module
Commercial Dispute Resolution LAW7012M Module
Commercial Law & Practice LAW7007M Module
Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution LAW7039M Module
Commercial Law and Practice LAW7035M Module
Commercial Law and Practice LAW5005M Module
Commercial Law and Practice LAW6019M Module
Commercial Law and Practice LAW6031M Module
Commercial Property LAW7015M Module
Communicating Ideas SSC4002M Module
Communicating in the Digital Age MBM7007M Module
Community Policing PCS4002M Module
Company Law LAW5019M Module
Company Law LAW6016M Module
Conducting Complex Investigations  DPP6009M Module
Consumer Behaviour BMN5014M Module
Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Trends BMM5003M Module
Consumer Culture and Tourism BMT6002M Module
Contemporary Business Economics 3BME01 Module
Contemporary Business Economics BMI6001M Module
Contemporary Business Economics BMN6014M Module
Contemporary Issues in Corporate Governance BMA6005M Module
Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship BMB5007M Module
Contemporary Issues in Hospitality BMN6035M Module
Contemporary Issues in Hospitality 3BMT09 Module
Contemporary Issues in Hospitality BMT6006M Module
Contemporary Issues in Hospitality 3BM250 Module
Contemporary Issues in Law and Social Science SSC3004M Module
Contemporary Issues in the Football Industry BMS5005M Module
Contemporary Issues in the Technological Era BMN6007M Module
Contemporary Issues in the Technological Era 3BMI03 Module
Contemporary Theories in International Business MBI7002M Module
Contemporary Visions for HR Policy and Practice BMH6001M Module
Contextualising Law and Social Science SSC3006M Module
Continuing Professional Development BMZ6Z02Z Module
Continuing Professional Development BMZ6002Z Module
Continuing Professional Development BMZ4003Z Module
Continuing Professional Development BMZ5003Z Module
Continuing Professional Development 1 1BMZ01 Module
Continuing Professional Development 2 2BMZ01 Module
Continuous Professional Development through Reflective Practice MBB7021M Module
Contract and The Civil Justice System 2 LAW4008M Module
Contract Law and The Civil Justice System 1 LAW4007M Module
Controversies in International Trade BMI5001M Module
Conveyancing LAW7024M Module
Conveyancing LAW6035M Module
Corporate Events and Hospitality BMN4022M Module
Corporate Finance 2BMF02 Module
Corporate Finance BMF5003M Module
Corporate Finance BMN5009M Module
Corporate Governance 3BMA02 Module
Corporate Governance LAW7032M Module
Corporate Governance BMN6006M Module
Corporate Reporting and Analysis BMF6003M Module
Counter Terrorism DPP6004M Module
Creating Business Ideas and Opportunities BMB4005M Module
Creating Effective Information Systems BMD5002M Module
Creative Approaches to Services Marketing BMM4002M Module
Creative Coding for Marketers BMD5003M Module
Creative Thinking for Design Innovation MBB7028M Module
Creative Thinking for Design Innovation DES7021M Module
Crime and Deviance in the Contemporary World CRI4002M Module
Crime and Media CRI6003M Module
Crime and Society LAW7025M Module
Crime and Society SSC7007M Module
Crime and Society LAW5007M Module
Crime and Society LAW6037M Module
Crime and the Economy CRI5003M Module
Crime Prevention and Public Protection DPP6018M Module
Criminal Investigating DPP4010M Module
Criminal Justice DPP4004M Module
Criminal Justice DPP4018M Module
Criminal Law and Diversity DPP4020M Module
Criminal Law and Diversity DPP4013M Module
Criminal Law and The Criminal Justice System 1 LAW4011M Module
Criminal Law and The Criminal Justice System 2 LAW4012M Module
Criminal Litigation LAW7031M Module
Criminal Litigation LAW6043M Module
Criminological Investigation CRI6001M Module
Criminological Theories, Models and Prevention DPP4016M Module
Criminological Theory and Practice SSC7005M Module
Criminology and Crime Prevention DPP4006M Module
Critical Criminology CRI6006M Module
Critical Economic Policy BMI6008M Module
Critical Issues in Policing PCS5004M Module
Cultural and Heritage Tourism 2BMT02 Module
Cultural and Heritage Tourism BMN5015M Module
Cultural and Heritage Tourism BMT5003M Module
Cultural Criminology CRI5006M Module
Culture, Leadership and Innovation in Organisations MBK7003M Module
Cyber Crime LAW6015M Module
Dark Tourism BMT5002M Module
Data Analytics and the Blockchain MBB7003M Module
Databases for Business 2BMI02 Module
Death SOC6007M Module
Decision Making and Discretion DPP6003M Module
Decisions in Personal Financial Planning BMF4001M Module
Delivering the Customer Experience BMN4012M Module
Design History and Contemporary Culture MBB7050M Module
Designing Evidence-based Policing Research DPP5001M Module
Designing Social Research SSC7003M Module
Designing Your Marketing Career BMD6004M Module
Destination Management BMT6001M Module
Destination Marketing 2BMT01 Module
Destination Marketing BMT5001M Module
Destination Marketing BMN5018M Module
Developing a Business Research Project BMN6037M Module
Developing a Business Research Project 3BMM11 Module
Developing a Business Research Project 3BMB11 Module
Developing a Business Research Project 3BME11 Module
Developing a Business Research Project 3BMI11 Module
Developing a Business Research Project 3BMF11 Module
Developing a Business Research Project BMN6026M Module
Developing a Business Research Project BMN6020M Module
Developing a Business Research Project 3BMT11 Module
Developing a Business Research Project 3BMA11 Module
Developing a Business Research Project 3BMH11 Module
Developing a Fitness Business Around a Strategy of Market Segmentation MBB7031M Module
Developing a Social and Community Ethos BMB3004M Module
Developing a Strategic Business Proposition and Plan MBB7022M Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project 3BMM13 Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project BMN6012M Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project BMN6028M Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project 3BMT13 Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project 3BMA13 Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project 3BMB13 Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project BMN6022M Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project BMN6039M Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project 3BMH13 Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project 3BMF13 Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project 3BMI13 Module
Developing an Organisation Based Project 3BME13 Module
Developing Analysis Techniques BMF4002M Module
Developing Crime Investigation and Prevention DPP5012M Module
Developing E-Commerce BMN6017M Module
Developing E-Commerce 3BMI02 Module
Developing Organisational Strategy in the Digital Age BMB6002M Module
Developing Services for Customers BMT3001M Module
Developing Talent in Organisations 2BMH02 Module
Developing Talent in Organisations BMN5008M Module
Developing Talent in Organisations BMH5003M Module
Developing the Brand Identity BMM6001M Module
Developing the Customer Experience BMM6005M Module
Developing Web Applications 3IT020 Module
Developments in Business and Society BMB3002M Module
Deviance SOC4005M Module
Devising a Product and/or Service and Distribution Strategy MBB7024M Module
Digital and Interactive Marketing MBM7011M Module
Digital and Interactive Marketing MBM7004M Module
Digital Change, Innovation and Disruption MBM7008M Module
Digital Marketing and Communication 3BMM01 Module
Digital Marketing and Communication BMN6024M Module
Digital Policing DPP6005M Module
Digital Policing and Counter Terrorism DPP5008M Module
Dissecting Work and Organisational Psychology BMH6005M Module
Dissertation BMN6019M Module
Dissertation BMN6025M Module
Dissertation BMN6036M Module
Dissertation 3BMF10 Module
Dissertation SSC7004M Module
Dissertation 3BME10 Module
Dissertation LAW6026M Module
Dissertation 3BMT10 Module
Dissertation LAW7018M Module
Dissertation 3BMB10 Module
Dissertation 3BMM10 Module
Dissertation BMN6008M Module
Dissertation 3BMH10 Module
Dissertation 3BMA10 Module
Dissertation 3BMI10 Module
Dissertation   LAW6009M Module
Driving Insight from Data Analytics MBM7006M Module
Driving Value through Change and Cultural Management MBL7004M Module
Dynamic Perspectives on Sustainable Business MBB7004M Module
E-Business 3BMI01 Module
e-business 3IT040 Module
Ebooks for London Executive MBA MBA-LONDON Module
Econometrics Modelling BMF5002M Module
Economic Geography Fundamentals BMI4006M Module
Economic Policy and Practice BMI4003M Module
Economic Policy and Practice BMN4010M Module
Economics of Crime BMI5005M Module
Economics of Happiness BMI6005M Module
Employee Resourcing BMN5005M Module
Employee Resourcing 2BMH01 Module
Employee Resourcing for Effective Organisations BMH5002M Module
Employment Law LAW6038M Module
Employment Law LAW6021M Module
Employment Law LAW5009M Module
Employment Law LAW7026M Module
Employment Law & Practice LAW7009M Module
Employment Law and Practice LAW7037M Module
Employment Law in Practice MBH7003M Module
Employment Relations in the Contemporary Organisation MBH7004M Module
Employment Relations in the Contemporary Organisation MBH7010M Module
Enhanced Research Skills BMZ6003Z Module
Enhanced Research Skills BMZ6Z03Z Module
Enhancing Public Protection DPP5013M Module
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship MBB7014M Module
Entrepreneurship and Business Development BMW5004M Module
Entrepreneurship and Society MBK7008M Module
Entrepreneurship and the Business Environment BMB4003M Module
Equity and Trusts LAW6025M Module
Equity and Trusts LAW6001M Module
Establishing a Financial Framework MBB7027M Module
Ethics, Scandal and Business Decisions BMN4002M Module
Ethnicity, Nationality and Social Control CRI5004M Module
European Union Law LAW5002M Module
Evaluating Information and Intelligence DPP6012M Module
Evaluating Response Policing DPP6008M Module
Evaluating Community Policing  DPP6011M Module
Evaluating Roads Policing  DPP6010M Module
Evaluation of Operational Policing Areas DPP6022M Module
Event Impact, Legacies and Regeneration 3BMT03 Module
Event Legacy and Impact BME6001M Module
Event Planning and Development BME4002M Module
Events Planning 2BMT03 Module
Events Tourism BME5002M Module
Evidence LAW6006M Module
Evidence-based Policing PCS5002M Module
Evidenced-based Policing Dissertation DPP6001M Module
Executive Capstone Project MBB7020M Module
Executive Perspectives on Innovation, Change and Leadership MBB7012M Module
Executive Professional Development through Reflective Practice MBB7058M Module
Experimental Economics BMI6009M Module
Exploring Society SSC3001M Module
Extended Study DPP6015M Module
Family Law LAW6010M Module
Family Law & Practice LAW7008M Module
Family Law and Practice LAW6032M Module
Fashion and Luxury Capstone Project MBB7051M Module
Fashion Branding MBF7007M Module
Fashion Buying, Merchandising and Logistics MBB7046M Module
Fashion Career Planning and Portfolio BMM6008M Module
Fashion Communication and New Media BMM6007M Module
Fashion Retail Strategy BMM6006M Module
Fashion Strategy and Management MBF7001M Module
Fashion Trends, Buying and Analytics BMM5007M Module
Fashion, Society and Culture BMM4005M Module
Finance and Capital Markets BMN4009M Module
Finance journals (Finance journals) FINANCE-JOURNALS Module
Financial Accounting BMA4003M Module
Financial Accounting Fundamentals BMA4001M Module
Financial Analysis and Application BMB5005M Module
Financial Concepts and Planning BMB4006M Module
Financial Planning and Control 2BMA03 Module
Financial Planning and Control BMA5003M Module
Financial Regulations and Ethics BMF5004M Module
Financial Reporting BMA5001M Module
Financial Reporting 2BMA02 Module
Financial Solutions for Real Estate Development MBR7011M Module
Football Development BMS4004M Module
Football Marketing and Strategy BMM5008M Module
Foundations of Economic and Financial Analysis BMF3001M Module
Full Operational Competence DPP6013M Module
Full Operational Competence DPP6024M Module
Fundamentals of Criminological Theory CRI4001M Module
Fundamentals of Policing Practice DPP4008M Module
Future Trends in Design MBB7029M Module
Future Trends in Design DES7022M Module
Gender, Body and Power SOC6009M Module
Gender, Sexuality and Media SOC5001M Module
General management journals GENERAL-MANAGEMENT-JOURNALS Module
Global and Cross Cultural Marketing BMM6004M Module
Global Business Issues MBI7003M Module
Global Business Strategy MBB7007M Module
Global Business Strategy MBB7070M Module
Global Business Strategy and Development MBB7067M Module
Global Fashion Brand Development and Omni-channel Communications MBB7048M Module
Global Fashion Consumers MBF7002M Module
Global Fashion Marketing MBF7004M Module
Global Issues in Sports Management BMS5002M Module
Global Marketing in the Digital Age MBB7069M Module
Global Strategic Human Resource Management in Context MBH7001M Module
Global Trends and Developments in Luxury MBB7045M Module
Globalisation and Contemporary HR BMH6003M Module
Globalisation and Contemporary HR BMN6005M Module
Globalisation and Contemporary HRM 3BMH02 Module
Green Criminology: Social and Ecological Justice CRI6011M Module
Health, Illness and Society SOC6005M Module
High Impact Management Consulting MBK7010M Module
Hospitality & Service Operations 2BMT04 Module
Hospitality and Events in the 21st Century BMN4021M Module
Hospitality and Service Operations BMN5019M Module
Hospitality and the Customer Experience  BMT4004M Module
Hospitality in the 21st Century BMT4003M Module
Hospitality Internship Project 3BMT08 Module
Hospitality Internship Project BMR6005M Module
Hospitality Retail 3BMT05 Module
Hospitality Retail Operations BMT6008M Module
Hospitality Retail Operations BMN6034M Module
Hospitality Service Operations BMT5004M Module
Hospitality Trends and Analytics MBT7002M Module
Hotel Operations Management 3BMT07 Module
Hotel Operations Management BMT6005M Module
Hotel Revenue Management MBT7001M Module
HR Policy and Practice 3BMH01 Module
HR Professionals: Driving Culture Through Change BMH6004M Module
Human Resource Management Journals HUMAN-RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT-JOURNALS Module
Human Rights LAW5003M Module
Immigration Law & Practice LAW7010M Module
Independent Patrol Status DPP4012M Module
Independent Patrol Status DPP6019M Module
Independent Project SSC7010M Module
Independent Project SSC3005M Module
Industrial Economics BMI5004M Module
Industry Experience MBB7047M Module
Industry Experience MBB7026M Module
Information Management Journals INFORMATION-MANAGEMENT-JOURNALS Module
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Journals INNOVATION-AND-ENTREPRENEURSHIP-JOURNALS Module
Innovative Solutions for Real Estate Development Practice MBR7010M Module
Insurance and Risk Management BMF6004M Module
Insurance and Risk Management BMN6015M Module
Insurance and Risk Management 3BMF03 Module
Integrated Fashion Communications MBF7006M Module
Integrated Marketing Communications 2BMM03 Module
Integrated Marketing Communications BMN5010M Module
Integrated Marketing Communications BMM5004M Module
Intellectual Property LAW7028M Module
Intellectual Property LAW6014M Module
Intellectual Property LAW6040M Module
Intellectual Property Law and Practice LAW7038M Module
Intelligence and Information DPP5005M Module
International Business Journals INTERNATIONAL-BUSINESS-JOURNALS Module
International Corporate Governance MBI7006M Module
International Corporate Governance MBI7004M Module
International Criminal Law LAW6013M Module
International Fashion Branding BMM5005M Module
International Finance BMN5012M Module
International Finance BMF5001M Module
International Finance 2BMF01 Module
International Marketing 3BMM02 Module
International Marketing BMN6004M Module
International Marketing 3BM060 Module
International Political Economy and Development MBI7005M Module
International Political Economy and Development 3BME02 Module
International Strategy and Global Dynamism BMI5003M Module
International Trade 2BME02 Module
International Trade BMN5013M Module
International Trade and Business MBI7007M Module
International Trade and Business MBI7001M Module
International Trade Law LAW7036M Module
Introduction to Auditing 2BMA07 Module
Introduction to Auditing and Taxation 2BMA04 Module
Introduction to Business Research 3BM290 Module
Introduction to Case Study Research 3BM220 Module
Introduction to Economics BMN4008M Module
Introduction to Policing DPP4014M Module
Introduction to Policing DPP4015M Module
Introduction to Sociological Theory SOC4001M Module
Introduction to Study Skills DPP4017M Module
Introduction to Taxation 2BMA06 Module
Introduction to the Criminal Justice System CRI4005M Module
Investigating Contemporary Issues in Business BMB6009M Module
Investigating Crime PCS6004M Module
Investigation DPP5006M Module
Investment and Portfolio Management BMF6002M Module
Issues in Criminal Justice CRI5002M Module
Jurisprudence LAW6011M Module
Jurisprudence LAW5020M Module
Labour Economics BMI5006M Module
Law and Socio-Legal Studies PCS4003M Module
Law and the State 1 LAW4009M Module
Law and The State 2 LAW4010M Module
Law Clinic LAW6022M Module
Law in a Global Context 1 LAW5015M Module
Law in a Global Context 2 LAW5018M Module
Law in Action 2 LAW5008M Module
Law in our Community LAW5017M Module
Law in Society LAW5016M Module
Law of Evidence LAW6030M Module
Law of Evidence LAW7022M Module
Law of Succession LAW6002M Module
Leadership and Management MBB7040M Module
Leadership and Organisation Studies Journals LEADERSHIP-AND-ORGANISATION-STUDIES-JOURNALS Module
Leadership and Strategy in Hospitality BMT6009M Module
Leadership in Context BMB6004M Module
Leadership in Organisations MBL7001M Module
Leadership Skills for High Impact Success MBR7002M Module
Leadership, Innovation & Change 3BMB04 Module
Leadership, Innovation and Change BMN6002M Module
Leadership, Innovation and Global Change MBB7066M Module
Leading and Developing High Performing People BMB5006M Module
Leading Global Business BMI4002M Module
Leading Innovation and Change MBK7001M Module
Leading Innovation and Cultural Change MBB7005M Module
Legal Placement LAW7020P Module
Legal Placement LAW6024M Module
Legal Placement LAW6028P Module
Legal Practice Project LAW7017M Module
Legal Skills – Law Clinic LAW7016M Module
Litigation & Advocacy LAW7004M Module
Luxury Brand Strategy MBB7049M Module
Management & Leadership 2BMB01 Module
Management Accounting BMA4004M Module
Management and Leadership BMN5001M Module
Management in Fashion and Luxury MBB7030M Module
Management Practice in Disruptive Times BMB5001M Module
Management Project 3BMB15 Module
Management Project BMN6030M Module
Management Research Methods BMR5001M Module
Managerial Economics BMI6007M Module
Managing Business Resources BMB4004M Module
Managing Creativity and Innovation in Fashion BMM6009M Module
Managing Cultural Complexity BMI5002M Module
Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Technological Revolution BMH5001M Module
Managing Employee Performance BMN4005M Module
Managing Employee Performance and Reward in a Competitive Environment MBH7002M Module
Managing Employee Performance in the Contemporary Workplace BMH4001M Module
Managing Events 3BMT04 Module
Managing Events BME5001M Module
Managing Events BMN6033M Module
Managing Finance 2BMB02 Module
Managing Finance BMN5002M Module
Managing Financial Performance MBB7055M Module
Managing Football Facilities and Venues BMS5003M Module
Managing Human Resources 2BMB05 Module
Managing Human Resources BMN5016M Module
Managing Learning and Development MBH7006M Module
Managing Organisational Development 3BMH03 Module
Managing Organisational Development BMN6018M Module
Managing Organisational Development and Design BMH6002M Module
Managing People and Process BMB3006M Module
Managing People in Projects MBP7008M Module
Managing People in Service Industries BMB5002M Module
Managing Projects and Programmes MBP7001M Module
Managing Sports Facilities BMS5001M Module
Managing the Project Environment MBB7017M Module
Market Equilibrium and Market Failure BMI4007M Module
Marketing and Brand Strategy for New Businesses MBB7023M Module
Marketing and Data Analytics MBB7009M Module
Marketing Communications MBM7001M Module
Marketing Communications BMM4011M Module
Marketing Communications and Planning MBM7010M Module
Marketing Communications Social and Digital BMM4010M Module
Marketing Journals MARKETING-JOURNALS Module
Marketing Principles BMN4013M Module
Marketing Research BMM4003M Module
Marketing Research BMN4014M Module
Marketing through Digital Activity BMM5002M Module
Mastering Strategic Consulting MBK7009M Module
Media Culture and the Social World SOC5008M Module
Media, Communications and Football Business BMS6004M Module
Medical Law LAW6029M Module
Medical Law LAW7021M Module
Mental Health Law & Practice LAW7011M Module
Mental Health Law and Practice LAW6033M Module
MSc Project Management MSCPM Module
Multinational Corporations in Emerging Markets BMI6002M Module
New Real Estate Products for New Markets MBR7004M Module
New Solutions for Measurement, Appraisal and Performance of Real Estate MBR7009M Module
New Venture Creation MBE7002M Module
Operational Competence Analysis and Evaluation DPP6014M Module
Operational Competence Portfolio DPP5014M Module
Operational Policing Contexts DPP4011M Module
Operations & Project Management 3BMB01 Module
Operations and Project Management MBB7052M Module
Operations and Project Management BMB6001M Module
Operations and Project Management BMN6001M Module
Operations Management Journals OPERATIONS-MANAGEMENT-JOURNALS Module
Organisation Based Project 3BMI14 Module
Organisation Based Project 3BMB14 Module
Organisation Based Project 3BMA14 Module
Organisation Based Project 3BMT14 Module
Organisation Based Project 3BME14 Module
Organisation Based Project BMN6013M Module
Organisation Based Project 3BMF14 Module
Organisation Based Project 3BMH14 Module
Organisation Based Project 3BMM14 Module
Organisation Based Project BMN6029M Module
Organisation Based Project BMN6040M Module
Organisation Based Project BMN6023M Module
Organisation Based Research BMR6003M Module
Organisation Behaviour BMN4017M Module
Organisational Behaviour in a Digital Age BMB4002M Module
Organisational Behaviour in the Digital Age BMN4001M Module
Organisational Design and Strategic Thinking MBB7013M Module
Organisational Strategy and Decision Making 3BMB02 Module
Organisational Strategy and Decision Making BMB6012M Module
Organisational Strategy and Decision Making BMN6003M Module
People Management 2BMB04 Module
People Management BMN5004M Module
People Management and Analytics MBH7011M Module
Performance Management BMA5006M Module
Performance Management 2BMA05 Module
Personal and Professional Development BMM4009Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMI6004Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMB4007Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMF6005Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMA4005Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMM5008Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMS5004Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMI5004Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMF4004Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMA5007Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMA6006Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMH4003Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMI4005Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMB6009Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMM6010Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMS4003Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMT4003Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMS6004Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMH5004Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMT5004Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMT6005Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMH6006Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMB5008Z Module
Personal and Professional Development BMF5005Z Module
Personal Injury & Clinical Negligence LAW7013M Module
Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence LAW6039M Module
Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence LAW7027M Module
Perspectives on Economic Growth and Development BMI4005M Module
Perspectives on People Management MBL7002M Module
Perspectives on Quality Assurance Management MBB7053M Module
Perspectives on Sustainable Business MBB7002M Module
Placement Year BMB5009P Module
Placement Year BMB5008M Module
Pleasure, Leisure and Social Interaction SOC4006M Module
Police and Partnerships PCS4004M Module
Police and Policing PCS4001M Module
Policing and Serious Crime Investigation SSC7008M Module
Policing Communities DPP5011M Module
Policing Communities and Problem Solving DPP4019M Module
Policing Communities and Problem Solving DPP4005M Module
Policing Investigation PCS6003M Module
Policing Policy and Practice DPP6017M Module
Policing the Roads DPP5004M Module
Policing the Roads DPP5010M Module
Political Sociology SOC5004M Module
Portfolio Management 3BMF01 Module
Practising Responsible Business Behaviours BMB4001M Module
Practitioner Development BMP4004M Module
Preparing for Business 1BMB01 Module
Preventative Measures and Investigation DPP6021M Module
Preventing and Punishing CRI4003M Module
Principles of Applied Economics BMI4001M Module
Principles of Criminal Law and Practice SSC7009M Module
Principles of Fashion Marketing BMM4004M Module
Principles of Innovation BMB5003M Module
Principles of Marketing BMM4001M Module
Principles of Taxation BMA5005M Module
Prisons and Penology CRI6004M Module
Problem Solving Using Programming 2BMI01 Module
Product Development: Concept to Consumer BMM4006M Module
Professional Accounting and Academic Skills BMA4002M Module
Professional Accounting Dissertation MBA7005M Module
Professional and Academic Skills BMV4000M Module
Professional and Organised Crime CRI6010M Module
Professional Conduct & Regulation LAW7003M Module
Professional Placement BMW5001M Module
Professional Practice 2BMB10 Module
Professional Practice BMN5011M Module
Professional Review BMP6006M Module
Professional Standards in Policing DPP5007M Module
Professionalising Policing DPP6006M Module
Professionalising the Police Service DPP6020M Module
Project Business Environment BMP4003M Module
Project Commercial Management MBP7005M Module
Project Contract and Legal Considerations BMP6003M Module
Project Delivery Management MBP7007M Module
Project Finance BMP5001M Module
Project Fundamentals BMP4001M Module
Project Governance BMP5002M Module
Project Leadership and Change Management MBB7019M Module
Project Leadership and Team Management MBP7004M Module
Project Leadership, Innovation and Change BMB6011M Module
Project Management People & Organisations 3BMP01 Module
Project Management People and Organisations BMP6001M Module
Project Management Processes BMP6002M Module
Project Management Processes 3BMP02 Module
Project Management: Planning, Tools and Techniques MBB7018M Module
Project Planning and Control BMP5004M Module
Project Planning, Control and Analysis MBP7003M Module
Project Risk Management BMP5003M Module
Property Law LAW5014M Module
Property Law & Practice LAW7002M Module
Prototyping the Fitness Businesses of the Future MBB7033M Module
Public Protection DPP6002M Module
Public Protection and Vulnerability DPP4009M Module
Public Relations Strategy in Sports Business BMS6001M Module
Quantitative Analysis BMN4011M Module
Reflections on the Application of Learning to Operational Policing DPP6016M Module
Regulation and Governance in Football Business BMS6003M Module
Research Investigation BMR6001M Module
Research Investigation for Accounting BMR6002M Module
Research Methods BMR5003M Module
Research Methods and Project Management BMN5003M Module
Research Methods and Project Management 2BMB03 Module
Research Methods for Service Industries BMR5002M Module
Researching and Presenting SSC4001M Module
Researching Contemporary Business Issues MBB7001M Module
Researching in Hospitality 3BMT06 Module
Researching in Hospitality BMT6007M Module
Resources Management BMN4018M Module
Response Policing DPP5009M Module
Response Policing DPP5002M Module
Responsible Business BMN4003M Module
Responsible Business Practices BMB4008M Module
Responsible Tourism 3BM110 Module
Responsible Tourism BMT6003M Module
Responsible Tourism 3BMT02 Module
Responsible Tourism BMN6032M Module
Risk and Issue Management MBP7006M Module
Sex Work CRI6002M Module
Social and Political Perspectives in Tourism BMT6004M Module
Social Enterprise: A New Frontier for Co-operation, Collaboration and Craft Work MBE7003M Module
Social Inequalities: Contemporary Debates SOC5007M Module
Social Inequalities: Key Themes SOC4004M Module
Social Justice, Communities and Partnerships SSC7006M Module
Social Media, Content and Branding BMM6002M Module
Social Media, Content and Influencer Marketing BMM6012M Module
Social Research Methods 1 SSC5001M Module
Social Research Methods 2 SSC5002M Module
Social Science Investigation SSC6001M Module
Sociological Investigation SOC6001M Module
Sociology of Everyday Life SOC4002M Module
Sociology of the Very Worst SOC5005M Module
Sociology of Work SOC5002M Module
Solicitors’ Accounts  LAW7006M Module
Sourcing, Supply Chain, Ethics and Distribution BMM5006M Module
Spatial Sociology SOC6002M Module
Specialist Research Study DPP6023M Module
Stakeholder Engagement and Communication BMP4002M Module
State, Nation and Migration SOC6004M Module
Strategic Brand Management MBM7005M Module
Strategic Brand Management MBB7037M Module
Strategic Brand Management BMM5010M Module
Strategic Business Leader MBA7004M Module
Strategic Business Reporting MBA7003M Module
Strategic Corporate Finance BMN6016M Module
Strategic Corporate Finance 3BMF02 Module
Strategic Corporate Finance BMF6001M Module
Strategic Corporate Real Estate Solutions for Financial Advantage MBR7005M Module
Strategic Corporate Real Estate Solutions for Health & Wellness MBR7006M Module
Strategic Decision Making and Management in Football Business BMB6010M Module
Strategic Decisions for Sports and Events Business BMB6003M Module
Strategic Digital Marketing Analytics and Metrics MBM7013M Module
Strategic Digital Marketing Communication MBM7012M Module
Strategic Events Sponsorship BMS6002M Module
Strategic Human Resource Management MBB7054M Module
Strategic Human Resource Management 3BM170 Module
Strategic Leadership for Innovation and Change BMB6007M Module
Strategic Management Accounting BMA6002M Module
Strategic Management Accounting 3BMA01 Module
Strategic Marketing Planning MBM7002M Module
Strategic Marketing Planning BMN5006M Module
Strategic Marketing Planning 2BMM01 Module
Strategic Marketing Planning BMM5001M Module
Strategic Project Management MBP7002M Module
Strategic Resource Management MBB7015M Module
Strategic Resource Management MBB7068M Module
Strategic Resource Management for Real Estate Solutions MBR7001M Module
Strategic Thinking in Digital Marketing MBM7009M Module
Study and Employability Skills DPP4003M Module
Study Skills - Study Skills (Study Skills) STUDY-SKILLS Module
Study skills books for London STUDYLON Module
Study Skills for Postgraduate BMZ7Z01Z Module
Successful Strategic Thinking MBK7004M Module
Supply Chain, Ethics and Logistics MBF7005M Module
Sustainability and Responsible Business PRME2023 Module
Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Development MBT7003M Module
Taking your Business from Vision to Reality BMB6005M Module
Taking your Product or Service into the Marketplace BMM6003M Module
Taxation BMA6004M Module
Technological Issues in Digital Era BMD6003M Module
Technologies for the Data Driven Age BMD5001M Module
Technology and Society SOC6003M Module
Terrorism and Law LAW6007M Module
The Branding Lab MBB7041M Module
The Business of Luxury and Fashion Marketing MBB7043M Module
The Changing World BMB3005M Module
The Creative Entrepreneur MBB7025M Module
The Creative Entrepreneur DES7020M Module
The Culture of Contemporary Policing PCS5003M Module
The Digitised Real Estate World MBR7003M Module
The Dynamics of Recruitment and Selection MBH7005M Module
The Dynamics of Sports Marketing BMS4002M Module
The Entrepreneurial Practitioner BMB6008M Module
The Essence of Entrepreneurship and Innovation MBE7001M Module
The Essence of Healthcare Management MBB7056M Module
The Essence of Leadership MBK7002M Module
The Global Events Industry BME4001M Module
The Global Football Industry BMS4003M Module
The Global Sports Business BMS4001M Module
The Police Service DPP4007M Module
The Politics of Business BMN4007M Module
The Politics of Business BMI4004M Module
The Psychology of Branding MBB7035M Module
The Psychology of Consumption MBB7039M Module
The Psychology of Marketing MBM7003M Module
The Psychology of Marketing Communications MBB7038M Module
Theory and Practices of Experiential Luxury MBB7044M Module
Theory Now SOC6010M Module
Tort Law LAW5001M Module
Tort Law LAW5013M Module
Tourism Industries BMN4020M Module
Tourism Insight and Industry BMT4001M Module
Tourism Journals TOURISM-JOURNALS Module
Tourism Policy and Planning 3BM030 Module
Tourism Policy and Planning 3BMT01 Module
Tourism Policy and Planning BMN6031M Module
Tourism: Past, Present and Future BMT4002M Module
Trend Forecasting and Fashion Buying MBF7003M Module
Understanding Customers and Markets BMM4008M Module
Urban Criminology CRI6005M Module
Using E-CRM and Web Analytics BMD6002M Module
Ventures in Entrepreneurship BMN4006M Module
Victimology CRI4004M Module
Visual Fashion Communication BMM4007M Module
Vulnerability and Risk DPP5003M Module
Website Craft and Creation BMD4001M Module
Wills & Administration of Estates LAW7005M Module
Wills and Administration of Estates LAW6036M Module
Work Based Learning (Management and Leadership Skills) BMN5017M Module
Work Based Learning (Managing Self and Personal Development) BMN4019M Module
Work Based Learning 2 2BMW01 Module
work placement 2BMWZ1 Module
Work Placement BMZ5001Z Module
Work Placement BMZ4001Z Module
Work Placement - Preparation BMZ5Z01Z Module
Work Placement - Preparation BMZ4Z01Z Module
Work-based Project BMP6005M Module
Working in the Social Sciences SOC5009M Module
Working with Criminology CRI5001M Module
Year In Industry Preparation BMZ7Z02Z Module
Youth and Resistance CRI6009M Module

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