Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Artist as Witness (Theatre) 2TE060 Module
Community Dance Practice (Dance) 3DA020 Module
Composition 1 2MU170 Module
Facilitation for Applied Theatre (Theatre) 2TE030 Module
It's in the Finishing: Post-Production Editing and Sound 2FT210 Module
Multimedia Performance (Theatre) 2TE130 Module
Performance of the Self (Theatre) 2TE010 Module
Politics and the Play (Theatre) 2TE120 Module
Theatre in Social Context (Theatre) 2TE090 Module
21st Century Music Business MUP4009M Module
21st Century Music Business MUP4016M Module
Academic Tutorial Groups (Theatre) PER4009Z Module
Acting PER4005M Module
Acting for Screen: The Performer as Auteur PER5006M Module
Acting Vignettes PER5011M Module
Advanced Composition MUS6005M Module
Advanced Composition MUS6006M Module
Advanced Composition 3MU303 Module
Advanced Mixing and Mastering MUP6005M Module
Advanced Mixing and Mastering 3MP105 Module
Advanced Production Skills (Cinematography/Production Design) MDP6004M Module
Advanced Production Skills (Cinematography/Production Design) 3MD004 Module
Advanced Production Skills: Directing 3MD006 Module
Advanced Production Skills: Directing MDP6006M Module
Advanced Production Skills: Post Production (Image) 3MD005 Module
Advanced Production Skills: Post Production (Image) MDP6005M Module
Advanced Production Skills: Sound/Audio MDP6003M Module
Advanced Production Skills: Sound/Audio 3MD003 Module
Advanced Solo Performance 3MU302 Module
Advanced Solo Performance MUS6009M Module
Advanced Solo Performance MUS6010M Module
Advanced Solo Performance 3MU170 Module
Advanced Solo Performance (single semester) MUS6011M Module
Advanced Studio (Fine Art) ART6008M Module
Advanced Studio (Illustration) ART6010M Module
Advanced Studio (Photography) ART6012M Module
Advanced Studio and Exhibition Practice 3FA100 Module
Advanced Studio Practice (Fine Art) ART6002M Module
Advanced Studio Practice (Fine Art) 3AR301 Module
Advanced Studio Practice (Illustration) 3AR311 Module
Advanced Studio Practice (Illustration) ART6004M Module
Advanced Studio Practice (Photography) ART6006M Module
Advanced Studio Practice (Photography) 3AR321 Module
Adventures in Performance 3DD013 Module
Analogue and Digital Studio Systems MUP4018M Module
Analysis, Composition and Dissemination MUS7003M Module
Analysis, Composition and Dissemination MMU003 Module
Animation Major Proct DES6017M Module
Animation Practice 1 DES4015M Module
Animation Practice 2 DES5019M Module
Animation Principles DES4010M Module
Applied Production Skills MDP4006M Module
Applied Production Skills 1MD008 Module
Applied Theatre Independent Project MPR233 Module
Applied Theatre Independent Project PER7003M Module
Applied Theatre Practice MPR150 Module
Applied Theatre Practice MPR200 Module
Applied Theatre Practices MPR232 Module
Applied Theatre Practices PER7002M Module
Art: Ethics and Aesthetics ART5021M Module
Artist as witness PER5008M Module
Artist as Witness 2DD008 Module
Audience and engagement 3FA031 Module
Audio Mastering MUP6016M Module
Auto/biography & Performance PER5003M Module
Auto/biography Performance 2DD007 Module
Being a Producer 1MP011 Module
Beyond Production 3MP012 Module
Big Ideas in Performance PER4009M Module
Big Screen Project 2FT206 Module
Brand Identity and Experiences MLD024 Module
Brand Identity and Experiences DES7019M Module
British School of Design - Professional Project DES7015M Module
British School of Design - Professional Project MLD005 Module
Cabaret PER4016M Module
Calibrating Ensemble Leadership MUS7005M Module
Children & Young People PER5004M Module
Children and Young People 2DD009 Module
Choreographic Project (Dance) 3DA030 Module
Choreography, Site, Environment 2DD005 Module
Cinematography and Production Design Project MDP6015M Module
Client Project: Animation DES6001M Module
Client Project: Animation 3DG101 Module
Client Project: Furniture Design DES6003M Module
Client Project: Furniture Design 3DG103 Module
Client Project: Games Design DES6005M Module
Client Project: Games Design 3DG105 Module
Client Project: Graphic Design DES6011M Module
Client Project: Graphic Design 3DG111 Module
Client Project: Graphics 3DG004 Module
Client Project: Interior Design 3DG109 Module
Client Project: Interior Design DES6009M Module
Client Project: Interiors 3DG003 Module
Client Project: Product 3DG002 Module
Client Project: Product Design 3DG107 Module
Client Project: Product Design DES6007M Module
Collaborative Design 2DG006 Module
Collaborative Practice DES5018M Module
Collaborative Project MUS6002M Module
Collaborative Project (Music) 3MU309 Module
Collaborative Project (Music: Composition) 3MU311 Module
Collaborative Project (Music: Education and Community) 3MU312 Module
Collaborative Project (Music: Performance) 3MU310 Module
Collaborative Projects 2DG109 Module
Collaborative Projects DES5009M Module
Commissions and Collaborations MPR190 Module
Communication Design DES7031M Module
Communication Design DES7005M Module
Communication Design MDG014 Module
Community Music Independent Project MMU002 Module
Community Music Independent Project MUS7002M Module
Community Music Perspectives MMU001 Module
Community Music Perspectives MUS7001M Module
Community, Education and Wellbeing 3MU304 Module
Company 1 PER6008M Module
Company 2 PER6009M Module
Company: Commission and Actualisation PER6003M Module
Company: Research and Development PER6002M Module
Composing and Arranging MUP5018M Module
Composing and Arranging MUP5007M Module
Composing and Arranging 2MP107 Module
Composition 2MU307 Module
Composition (single semester) MUS5008M Module
Composition 2 2MU180 Module
Composition 3 3MU140 Module
Composition 4 3MU160 Module
Composition and Form 1FA100 Module
Composition and Reflection (Music Composition) MPR170 Module
Composition and Reflection (Performance) MPR120 Module
Composition Strategies MUS5001M Module
Confirm Fine Art ART7014M Module
Confirm Illustration ART7015M Module
Confirm Photography ART7016M Module
Contemporary Music 3MU110 Module
Contemporary Performance Practice 1: Forming a Company 3DD011 Module
Contemporary Performance Practice 2: Commission 3DD012 Module
Contemporary Solo Performance 3MU120 Module
Contemporary Storytelling PER5014M Module
Contemporary Theatre Practice (Theatre) 3TE010 Module
Context of Practice DES4020M Module
Context: Making art and artists ART4018M Module
Copyright and Contracts in the Music Industry MUP5023M Module
Coëxistents ART7011M Module
Creative and Music Industry Futures MUP6017M Module
Creative Business and Entrepreneurship 2MP109 Module
Creative Business and Entrepreneurship MUP5009M Module
Creative Business Portfolio MUP5004M Module
Creative Business Portfolio 2MP104 Module
Creative Business Research Project MUP6010M Module
Creative Business Research Project 3MP110 Module
Creative Composition MUP4019M Module
Creative Entrepreneur DES7023M Module
Creative Entrepreneur DES7026M Module
Creative Entrepreneurship PER7009M Module
Creativity and Knowledge (1) MPR080 Module
Creativity and Knowledge (2) MPR090 Module
Critical and Contextual Studies 1 DES5016M Module
Critical and Contextual Studies 2 DES6015M Module
Critical and Contextual Studies: Independent Research Project DES6014M Module
Critical and Cultural Theory 2FA104 Module
Critical Concepts in Applied Theatre MPR210 Module
Critical Contexts 1AR300 Module
Critical Contexts 1 ART4007M Module
Critical Contexts 1 1AR308 Module
Critical Contexts 1 (Photography) ART4009M Module
Critical Contexts 1 (Photography) 1AR310 Module
Critical Contexts 2 ART4008M Module
Critical Contexts 2 1AR309 Module
Critical Contexts 2 (Photography) 1AR311 Module
Critical Contexts 2 (Photography) ART4010M Module
Critical Enquiry 2AR300 Module
Critical Enquiry (exchange) 2AR307 Module
Critical Enquiry 1 2AR308 Module
Critical Enquiry 1 ART5007M Module
Critical Enquiry 1 (Photography) 2AR310 Module
Critical Enquiry 1 (Photography) ART5009M Module
Critical Enquiry 2 2AR309 Module
Critical Enquiry 2 ART5008M Module
Critical Enquiry 2 (Photography) 2AR311 Module
Critical Enquiry 2 (Photography) ART5010M Module
Critical Listening Skills MUP4008M Module
Critical Listening Skills 1MP108 Module
Critical Media 2FT207 Module
Critical Perspectives on Music Production MMP001 Module
Critical Studies in Music and Technology MUP5021M Module
Critical Studies in Music Production MUP5006M Module
Critical Studies in Music Production 2MP106 Module
Critical Studies in Music Production 2MP014 Module
Critical TV Studies MDP5017M Module
Dance for Musical Theatre PER4017M Module
Dance in Popular Culture 1DD011 Module
Dance in Popular Culture PER4008M Module
Dance Practice Placement 2DD004 Module
Dancing Archives 2DD003 Module
Degree show (Fine Art) ART6009M Module
Degree show (Illustration) ART6011M Module
Degree show (Photography) ART6013M Module
Demos YSJ1234 Unit
Design Affordances and Interactions MLD004 Module
Design Affordances and Interactions DES7014M Module
Design and Emerging Technologies DES7008M Module
Design and Emerging Technologies MDG017 Module
Design Innovation Project: 3D Design and Technologies MDG018 Module
Design Innovation Project: 3D Design and Technologies DES7009M Module
Design Innovation Project: Virtual and Augmented Reality DES7003M Module
Design Innovation Project: Virtual and Augmented Reality MDG012 Module
Design Innovation Project: Visual Communication MDG015 Module
Design Innovation Project: Visual Communication DES7006M Module
Design of Experiences DES7012M Module
Design of Experiences MLD002 Module
Design Practice 1DG001 Module
Design Practice - 3D DES4001M Module
Design Practice - 3D 1DG101 Module
Design Practice - Digital DES4002M Module
Design Practice - Digital 1DG102 Module
Design Process DES4009M Module
Design Research and Innovation Proposal 3DG001 Module
Design Research and Innovation Proposals 3DG113 Module
Design Research and Innovation Proposals DES6013M Module
Design Research for the Designer Maker 1DG103 Module
Design Research for the Designer Maker DES4003M Module
Design Research for the Digital Domain 1DG104 Module
Design Research for the Digital Domain DES4004M Module
Design Thinking DES7025M Module
Design Thinking MDG010 Module
Design Thinking DES7001M Module
Developing a Producer's Ear 2MP108 Module
Developing a Producer's Ear MUP5008M Module
Developing practice ART4017M Module
Developing Your Digital Music Portfolio MUP5002M Module
Developing Your Digital Music Portfolio 2MP102 Module
Developing Your Independent Music Production Portfolio 2MP103 Module
Developing Your Independent Music Production Portfolio MUP5003M Module
Developing Your Music Production Portfolio 2MP101 Module
Developing Your Music Production Portfolio MUP5001M Module
Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) MUP4013M Module
Digital Content Creation MDP4014M Module
Digital Design and Brand Communication MLD022 Module
Digital Design and Brand Communication DES7017M Module
Digital Design and Interactive Technologies DES7013M Module
Digital Design and Interactive Technologies MLD003 Module
Digital Design Applications 2DG104 Module
Digital Design Applications DES5004M Module
Digital Design Applications 2DG001 Module
Digital Music MUP5012M Module
Digital Music 2MP112 Module
Digital Music Portfolio MUP4002M Module
Digital Music Portfolio 1MP102 Module
Digital Music Project MUP6002M Module
Digital Music Project 3MP102 Module
Digital Music Research Project 3MP108 Module
Digital Music Research Project MUP6008M Module
Directing: Individual Project MDP6016M Module
Dissertation ART6014M Module
Dissertation 3DD024 Module
Dissertation MUP6014M Module
Dissertation 3FT991 Module
Dissertation PER6001M Module
Dissertation MUS6001M Module
Dissertation (Applied Music) 3CR080 Module
Dissertation (Dance) 3CR020 Module
Dissertation (Music Studies) 3MU994 Module
Dissertation (Music) 3MU305 Module
Dissertation (Music) 3CR010 Module
Dissertation (Music: Composition) 3MU306 Module
Dissertation (Music: Composition) 3CR060 Module
Dissertation (Music: Education and Community) 3MU308 Module
Dissertation (Music: Performance) 3CR070 Module
Dissertation (Music: Performance) 3MU307 Module
DIY Musician 2MP115 Module
DIY Musician MUP5015M Module
Documentary Production MDP5026M Module
Documentary Production MDP5012M Module
Documentary Production: Broadcast Contexts 3FT150 Module
Documentary Production: Constructing Reality 3FT151 Module
Documentary Production: Form and Context 1FT150 Module
Documentary Studies MDP5010M Module
Drama and Digital Media 2DD013 Module
Drama Project MDP4012M Module
Drawing ART4013M Module
Drumming MUS4003M Module
Drumming 1MU120 Module
Drumming 1MU302 Module
Electronic Dance Music MUP5033M Module
Electronic Music 2MP116 Module
Electronic Music MUP5016M Module
Emerge ART7013M Module
Emerging Environments DES7028M Module
Engagement ART5013M Module
Engineering & Production 1MP010 Module
Ensemble Performance 2MU300 Module
Ensemble Political Performance PER4011M Module
Ensemble Strategies MUS5004M Module
Ensemble Theatre Making PER4003M Module
Ensemble: Dance 1DD004 Module
Ensemble: Dramatic Texts 1DD005 Module
Ensemble: Visual Texts PER4004M Module
Ensemble: Visual Texts 1DD006 Module
Ensembles and Leadership MUS6003M Module
Ensembles and Leadership 3MU300 Module
Ensembles and Teamwork MUS4006M Module
Enterprise and Employability MUS6004M Module
Enterprise and Employability 3MU301 Module
Establishing practice ART4015M Module
Experiemental Film Practice MDP5015M Module
Experiential Anatomy 1DD008 Module
Experiment ART7010M Module
Experimental Film Practice MDP5011M Module
Experiments in Music 2MU311 Module
Explore ART7012M Module
Fiction Production: Small Screen Fictions 3FT153 Module
Fiction Production: the Cinematic Experience 3FT152 Module
Film Music 2MU310 Module
Final Project 3MD001 Module
Final Project MDP6001M Module
Final Project MDP6021M Module
Fine Art Explorations 1AR304 Module
Fine Art Explorations ART4004M Module
Fine Art Exposition ART5004M Module
Fine Art Exposition 2AR304 Module
Fine Art Fundamentals ART4001M Module
Fine Art Fundamentals 1AR301 Module
Fine Art Practice and Development ART5001M Module
Fine Art Practice and Development 2AR301 Module
Form and Ground ART4011M Module
Funny Bones PER5012M Module
Funny Bones 2DD015 Module
Funny Words 2DD014 Module
Future Design Trends DES7024M Module
Future Design Trends DES7027M Module
Game Design Practice 1 DES4016M Module
Game Design Practice 2 DES5020M Module
Game Design Principles DES4011M Module
Games Design: Major Project DES6018M Module
Genre MDP5031M Module
Getting started in Media Production and Media Production: Film & Television 1MDFTNEW Module
Graphic Design - Major Project DES6019M Module
Graphic Design Practice 1 DES4017M Module
Graphic Design Practice 2 DES5021M Module
Graphic Design Principles DES4012M Module
History and theory of practice 1 ART4020M Module
History and theory of practice 2 ART4021M Module
Identities and Artistic Practice 2CR010 Module
Illustration Explorations 1AR305 Module
Illustration Explorations ART4005M Module
Illustration Exposition 2AR305 Module
Illustration Exposition ART5005M Module
Illustration Fundamentals ART4002M Module
Illustration Fundamentals 1AR302 Module
Illustration Practice and Development ART5002M Module
Illustration Practice and Development 2AR302 Module
Immersive Design DES7002M Module
Immersive Design DES7037M Module
Immersive Design MDG011 Module
Improvisation 2MU110 Module
Improvisation 2MU301 Module
Independent & Entrepreneurial Media Production MMD001 Module
Independent and Entrepreneurial Media Production MDP7001M Module
Independent Music Production Portfolio 1MP103 Module
Independent Music Production Portfolio MUP4003M Module
Independent Music Production Project MUP6003M Module
Independent Music Production Project 3MP103 Module
Independent Music Production Research Project 3MP109 Module
Independent Music Production Research Project MUP6009M Module
Independent Practice and Professional Portfolio Drama and Dance PER6005M Module
Independent Practice and Professional Portfolio Drama and Theatre PER6006M Module
Independent Practice and Professional Portfolio Drama Education and Community PER6007M Module
Independent Practice and Research (Comedy) 3DD025 Module
Independent Practice and Research (Dance Education and Community) 3DD022 Module
Independent Practice and Research (Dance) 3DD020 Module
Independent Practice and Research (Drama and Dance) 3DD023 Module
Independent Practice and Research (Drama and Theatre) 3DD019 Module
Independent Practice and Research (Drama Education and Community) 3DD021 Module
Independent Practice as Research (Applied Theatre) 3TE030 Module
Independent Practice as Research (Performance Practice) 3TE040 Module
Independent Practice as Research (Performance Writing) 3TE050 Module
Independent Practice as Research (Theatre) 3TE020 Module
Independent Project MPR140 Module
Independent Project - Acting PER6004M Module
Independent Project 1 (Dance Education & Community) - Research 3DD007 Module
Independent Project 1 (Dance) - Research 3DD003 Module
Independent Project 1 (Drama & Dance) - Research 3DD009 Module
Independent Project 1 (Drama & Theatre) - Research 3DD001 Module
Independent Project 1 (Drama Education & Community) - Research 3DD005 Module
Independent Project 2 (Dance Education & Community) - Practice 3DD008 Module
Independent Project 2 (Dance) - Practice 3DD004 Module
Independent Project 2 (Drama & Dance)- Practice 3DD010 Module
Independent Project 2 (Drama & Theatre) - Practice 3DD002 Module
Independent Project 2 (Drama: Education & Community) - Practice 3DD006 Module
Independent Research PER7010M Module
Independent Research Project 3AR300 Module
Independent Research Project ART6001M Module
Indies: To Indiewood and Beyond MDP5014M Module
Indies: To Indiewood and Beyond 2MD009 Module
Indies: To Indiewood and Beyond MDP5009M Module
Innovation Project Graphic Design DES7032M Module
Innovation Project Interior Design DES7029M Module
Innovation Project Product Design DES7035M Module
Innovation Project Virtual and Augmented Reality DES7038M Module
Interactive Music Production MUP5017M Module
Interactive Music Production 2MP117 Module
Interior Design Practice 1 DES4018M Module
Interior Design Practice 2 DES5022M Module
Interior Design Principles DES4013M Module
Interior Design: Major Project DES6020M Module
Intertext 2DD011 Module
Intertext (Theatre) 2TE050 Module
Introduction to Digital and Experience Design DES7011M Module
Introduction to Digital and Experience Design MLD001 Module
Introduction to Digital and Visual Brand Design DES7016M Module
Introduction to Digital and Visual Brand Design MLD021 Module
Introduction to Film & Television 1FT200 Module
Introduction to Media 1MD001 Module
Introduction to Media MDP4001M Module
Introduction to Production Musicology MUP4006M Module
Introduction to Production Musicology 1MP106 Module
Journalism and Society MDP5024M Module
Journalism in Practice MDP6010M Module
Journalism in Practice 3MD010 Module
Journalism Work Placement MDP6023M Module
Journalism: Sound & Vision  MDP4016M Module
Live Industry Project MDP6020M Module
Live Performance Recording MUP5034M Module
Live Sound Reinforcement MUP5028M Module
Location Production MDP4010M Module
Location Recording 2MP111 Module
Location Recording MUP5011M Module
Magazine Production MDP5018M Module
Magazine Production 3MD002 Module
Magazine Production MDP6002M Module
Major Design Project: 3D Design and Technologies DES7010M Module
Major Design Project: 3D Design and Technologies MDG019 Module
Major Design Project: Virtual and Augmented Reality MDG013 Module
Major Design Project: Virtual and Augmented Reality DES7004M Module
Major Design Project: Visual Communication MDG016 Module
Major Design Project: Visual Communication DES7007M Module
Major Project 3MP001 Module
Major Project Graphic Design DES7033M Module
Major Project Interior Design DES7030M Module
Major Project Product Design DES7036M Module
Major Project Virtual and Augmented Reality DES7039M Module
Major Project: Animation 3DG102 Module
Major Project: Animation DES6002M Module
Major Project: Furniture Design 3DG104 Module
Major Project: Furniture Design DES6004M Module
Major Project: Games Design DES6006M Module
Major Project: Games Design 3DG106 Module
Major Project: Graphic Design 3DG112 Module
Major Project: Graphic Design DES6012M Module
Major Project: Graphics 3DG007 Module
Major Project: Interior Design DES6010M Module
Major Project: Interior Design 3DG110 Module
Major Project: Interiors 3DG006 Module
Major Project: Music Business MUP6013M Module
Major Project: Music Production MUP6011M Module
Major Project: Music Technology MUP6012M Module
Major Project: Product 3DG005 Module
Major Project: Product Design DES6008M Module
Major Project: Product Design 3DG108 Module
Making and Touring (Dance) 3DA010 Module
Making Ensemble Performance PER4010M Module
Making Music 1MP107 Module
Making Music MUP4007M Module
Making Musical Theatre PER5018M Module
Making, sensing, thinking ART5020M Module
Marketing and PR for the Independent Musician 2MP110 Module
Marketing and PR for the Independent Musician MUP5010M Module
Marketing in the Music Industry MUP5025M Module
Masters Project ART7009M Module
Masters Project MAR009 Module
Material explorations ART4016M Module
Material Intelligence MAR001 Module
Material Intelligence ART7001M Module
Media Contexts and Debates MDP4011M Module
Media Law MDP4018M Module
Media Law and Public Affairs MDP5003M Module
Media Law and Public Affairs 2MD003 Module
Media Production Independent Project MMD002 Module
Media Production Independent Project MDP7002M Module
Media Production Independent Project continued MEDPXZZ001 Module
Media Production Skills MDP4004M Module
Media Production Skills 1MD005 Module
Media Production Skills 1MD002 Module
Media, Time & Space 1FA102 Module
Methods of Reflective Practice PER7006M Module
Minor Project 3MP002 Module
Mixing Music MUP5022M Module
Moodle Test YRL_EXAMPLEPAGE Module
Movement for Performance PER4014M Module
Movement Invention 1DD003 Module
Moving image traditions: digital futures, celluloid pasts MPD004 Module
Multicamera Project MDP6017M Module
Multimedia Newsroom Practice MDP6024M Module
Multimedia Newsroom Practice (Sports) MDP6025M Module
Music and Sound for Videogames MUP5035M Module
Music and Technology Studies MUP4017M Module
Music Composition Independent Project MUS7004M Module
Music Composition Independent Project MMU004 Module
Music Creative Practice PER7008M Module
Music Ensembles 1 2MU150 Module
Music Ensembles 2 2MU160 Module
Music Ensembles 3 3MU130 Module
Music Ensembles 4 3MU150 Module
Music in Education 2MU100 Module
Music in Education 3MU190 Module
Music in Education and Lifelong Learning 2MU308 Module
Music in the Community 2MU120 Module
Music in the Community 2MU309 Module
Music Independent Project PER7012M Module
Music Production Enterprise Portfolio 1MP104 Module
Music Production Enterprise Portfolio MUP4004M Module
Music Production for the Moving Image MUP5032M Module
Music Production for the Moving Image 2MP113 Module
Music Production for the Moving Image MUP5013M Module
Music Production Independent Project MMU006 Module
Music Production Independent Project MUP7002M Module
Music Production Independent Project continued MS01ZZ001 Module
Music Production Portfolio 1MP101 Module
Music Production Portfolio MUP4001M Module
Music Production Practice 1 MUP4015M Module
Music Production Practice 2 MUP5020M Module
Music Production Project 3MP101 Module
Music Production Project MMP005 Module
Music Production Project MUP6001M Module
Music Production Research Project 3MP107 Module
Music Production Research Project MUP6007M Module
Music Production Techniques 1MP001 Module
Music Production Techniques 2 2MP001 Module
Music Skills 1MU300 Module
Music Skills MUS4001M Module
Music techniques 1MU110 Module
Music Techniques 2 2MU190 Module
Music Techniques 3 3MU180 Module
Musical Exploration MUS5006M Module
Musical Leadership Independent Project MUS7006M Module
Musicking MUS4008M Module
Musicking MUS4005M Module
Musics and Societies 2CR020 Module
Navigating and Locating Practice ART7005M Module
Navigating and Locating Practice MAR005 Module
New Music, New Ideas (Music) 2MU302 Module
New Music, New Ideas (Music: Composition) 2MU304 Module
New Music, New Ideas (Music: Education and Community) 2MU305 Module
New Music, New Ideas (Music: Performance) 2MU303 Module
New Stock NEW_STOCK Unit
New Venture Creation and the Entrepreneur MUP5024M Module
Newsdays (Radio and Online) MDP5002M Module
Newsdays (Radio and Online) 2MD002 Module
Newsdays (TV and Online) 2MD006 Module
Newsdays (TV and Online) MDP5006M Module
Opt-In Placement Year PLA5001P Module
Performance & Digital Media PER5015M Module
Performance & Ecology PER5016M Module
Performance Histories 1 PER4001M Module
Performance Histories 1 1DD001 Module
Performance Histories 2 1DD002 Module
Performance Histories 2 PER4002M Module
Performance in Social Context PER5009M Module
Performance in Social Context 2DD010 Module
Performance Methods PER4022M Module
Personal & Professional Practice 1 DES5017M Module
Personal & Professional Practice 2 DES6016M Module
Perspectives on Music MUS4004M Module
Perspectives on Music 1MU303 Module
Perspectives on Music 1 MUS4007M Module
Perspectives on Music 2 MUS5005M Module
Perspectives on Music Production MUP7001M Module
Perspectives on Music Production MMU005 Module
Perspectives on Musical Theatre PER4020M Module
Perspectives on Musical Theatre II PER5019M Module
Photography and Society ART5015M Module
Photography Explorations ART4006M Module
Photography Explorations 1AR306 Module
Photography Exposition ART5006M Module
Photography Exposition 2AR306 Module
Photography Fundamentals ART4003M Module
Photography Fundamentals 1AR303 Module
Photography Practice and Development ART5003M Module
Photography Practice and Development 2AR303 Module
Photography: The History, Technology and Theory of Practice ART4022M Module
Physical Theatre PER5005M Module
Physical Theatres 2DD006 Module
Podcast Project 2MD010 Module
Podcast Project MDP5005M Module
Podcast Project MDP6022M Module
Podcast Project 2MD016 Module
Politically Engaged Practice 1 2DD001 Module
Politically Engaged Practice 1 PER5001M Module
Politically Engaged Practice 2 PER5002M Module
Politically Engaged Practice 2 2DD002 Module
Politics & the Play PER5007M Module
Politics and The Play 2DD016 Module
Post Production Individual Project MDP6014M Module
PR and Communications MDP5019M Module
Practice and Context 2FA103 Module
Practice and Dissemination (Music Composition) MPR180 Module
Practice as Research (Theatre) 2CR030 Module
Practice in Context MPR230 Module
Pre-Production MPD001 Module
Presenting Representation ART4019M Module
Principles of community music MUS5002M Module
Producing Music 2MP010 Module
Producing Recorded Music MMP004 Module
Product Design - Major Project DES6021M Module
Product Design Practice 1 DES4019M Module
Product Design Practice 2 DES5023M Module
Product Design Principles DES4014M Module
Product Innovation DES7034M Module
Production Management: Individual Project MDP6019M Module
Production Practice 1 1MP002 Module
Production Practice 2 2MP002 Module
Production Practice 3 3MP003 Module
Production Project 3FT200 Module
Production Project 3MP010 Module
Professional & Reflective Practice 3FT201 Module
Professional and Reflexive Practice 3F158 Module
Professional Context and Practice MUS5007M Module
Professional Engineering Practice MUP4014M Module
Professional Futures (Fine Art) ART6015M Module
Professional Futures (Illustration) ART6016M Module
Professional Futures (Photography) ART6017M Module
Professional Networks (Exchange) ART5022M Module
Professional Networks (Fine Art) ART5017M Module
Professional Networks (Illustration) ART5018M Module
Professional Networks (Photography) ART5019M Module
Professional Portfolio 2DG005 Module
Professional Portfolio 3MD011 Module
Professional Portfolio MDP6011M Module
Professional Portfolio 2DG108 Module
Professional Portfolio DES5008M Module
Professional Portfolio (Dance) 3DD015 Module
Professional Portfolio (Drama & Comedy) 3DD026 Module
Professional Portfolio (Drama and Dance) 3DD018 Module
Professional Portfolio (Drama and Theatre) 3DD014 Module
Professional Portfolio (Drama: Education and Community) 3DD017 Module
Professional Portfolio for Journalists MDP6012M Module
Professional Portfolio for Journalists 3MD012 Module
Professional Practice 2MD007 Module
Professional Practice MDP5007M Module
Professional Practice Portfolio 3FA102 Module
Professional Practice Portfolio (Dance) 3DA040 Module
Professional Practices in Community Music MUS6008M Module
Professional Practices in Community Music MUS6007M Module
Professional Production PER5021M Module
Progressing Your Career MUP6015M Module
Progressing Your Music Production Career MUP6006M Module
Progressing Your Music Production Career 3MP106 Module
Project Management and Productivity MUP4010M Module
Project Management and Productivity 1MP110 Module
Questions of Practice MPR220 Module
Radio Newsdays MDP5020M Module
Radio Project 2MD005 Module
Re-Performing Dance Archives PER5013M Module
Realisation and Exposition ART5016M Module
Repertoire 1 PER6010M Module
Repertoire 2 PER6011M Module
Reporting (News and Features) MDP4005M Module
Reporting (News and Features) 1MD006 Module
Research and Enterprise in Music 3MU100 Module
Research Design Methods 1DG002 Module
Research Project 3MD007 Module
Research Project 3FT202 Module
Research Project MDP6013M Module
Research Project 3MP011 Module
Research Project MDP6007M Module
Researching Media Industries MDP4008M Module
Scenes Through Songs PER5020M Module
Schools Project (Theatre) 2TE080 Module
Screen Language 1FT201 Module
Screen Production MDP5001M Module
Screen Production 2MD001 Module
Screenwriting MDP4013M Module
Screenwriting: concept development 1FT151 Module
Screenwriting: Original Project Development 2FT211 Module
Screenwriting: Special Project 3FT155 Module
Screenwriting: Writing to Order 3FT154 Module
Short Film Project 2MD004 Module
Short Film Project MDP5004M Module
Short Film Project MDP5027M Module
Short Film Project MDP5013M Module
Site Specific Dance PER5010M Module
Situated Professional Practice 3AR302 Module
Situated Professional Practice ART6003M Module
Situated Professional Practice (Illustration) 3AR312 Module
Situated Professional Practice (Illustration) ART6005M Module
Situated Professional Practice (Photography) ART6007M Module
Situated Professional Practice (Photography) 3AR322 Module
Small Screen Project: Television 2FT201 Module
Society on Screen 1FT204 Module
Solo Performance 2MU306 Module
Solo Performance 2MU140 Module
Solo Performance Strategies MUS5003M Module
Something and Nothing ART5012M Module
Song & Artist Development 2MP013 Module
Song Production MUP5029M Module
Song Writing 1MP012 Module
Songwriting MUP5030M Module
Sound and Acoustics 1MP111 Module
Sound and Acoustics MUP4011M Module
Sound Design for the Moving Image MUP5014M Module
Sound Design for the Moving Image MUP5031M Module
Sound Design for the Moving Image 2MP114 Module
Sound Engineering and Music Technology MUP4005M Module
Sound Engineering and Music Technology 1MP105 Module
Sound Engineering and Recording Studio Practice MUP4012M Module
Sound: Individual Project MDP6018M Module
Specialist Expansive Studio Practice (Fine Art) MAR002 Module
Specialist Expansive Studio Practice (Fine Art) ART7002M Module
Specialist Expansive Studio Practice (Illustration) ART7003M Module
Specialist Expansive Studio Practice (Illustration) MAR003 Module
Specialist Expansive Studio Practice (Photography) ART7004M Module
Specialist Expansive Studio Practice (Photography) MAR004 Module
Specialist Professional Practice (Fine Art) MAR006 Module
Specialist Professional Practice (Fine Art) ART7006M Module
Specialist Professional Practice (Illustration) ART7007M Module
Specialist Professional Practice (Illustration) MAR007 Module
Specialist Professional Practice (Photography) ART7008M Module
Specialist Professional Practice (Photography) MAR008 Module
Specialist Project 1DG003 Module
Specialist Project - 3D 1DG105 Module
Specialist Project - 3D DES4005M Module
Specialist Project - Digital DES4006M Module
Specialist Project - Digital 1DG106 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Animation DES5002M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Animation 2DG102 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Animation (Student Exchange) 2DG112 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Animation (Student Exchange) DES5012M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Furniture Design DES5001M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Furniture Design 2DG101 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Furniture Design (Student Exchange) DES5011M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Furniture Design (Student Exchange) 2DG111 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Games Design DES5003M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Games Design 2DG103 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Games Design (Student Exchange) 2DG110 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Games Design (Student Exchange) DES5010M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Graphic Design (Student Exchange) 2DG115 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Graphic Design (Student Exchange) DES5015M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Graphics DES5007M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Graphics 2DG107 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Graphics 2DG004 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Interior Design (Student Exchange) DES5014M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Interior Design (Student Exchange) 2DG114 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Interiors DES5006M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Interiors 2DG003 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Interiors 2DG106 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Product 2DG002 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Product Design DES5005M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Product Design 2DG105 Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Product Design (Student Exchange) DES5013M Module
Specialist Studio Practice: Product Design (Student Exchange) 2DG113 Module
Spoken Word Performance PER4018M Module
Sports Journalism and Society MDP5025M Module
Sports Radio Newsdays MDP5021M Module
Sports TV Newsday MDP5023M Module
Story to Script 1MD004 Module
Story to Script MDP4003M Module
Storytelling (Factual) MDP4002M Module
Storytelling (Factual) 1MD003 Module
Studio Production (Radio) MDP6009M Module
Studio Production (Radio) 3MD009 Module
Studio Production TV 3MD008 Module
Studio Production TV MDP6008M Module
Studio Recording and Computer-based Production MUP5005M Module
Studio Recording and Computer-based Production 2MP105 Module
Studio Recording, Synthesis and Sampling MUP5019M Module
Stuff and Things ART5011M Module
Technology & Creativity MMP003 Module
Texts, scripts, scores (Theatre) 2TE100 Module
The 21st Century Audience 2MP012 Module
The 21st Century Audience 2MU130 Module
The Body Is The Frame: Performance 2FT202 Module
The Business of Media 2FT203 Module
The Business of Music Production MMP002 Module
The Professional Producer 2MP011 Module
The Reflective Practitioner PER7001M Module
The Reflective Practitioner MPR231 Module
Theatre and Performance Independent Project PER7005M Module
Theatre and Performance Independent Project MPR235 Module
Theatre and Scenography (Theatre) 2TE110 Module
Theatre Environments PER7007M Module
Theatre for Social Change PER4019M Module
Theatre Independent Project PER7011M Module
Theatre Making PER7004M Module
Theatre Making MPR234 Module
Theories of Practice 1FA103 Module
Time and Space ART4012M Module
Transmedia Practice 2MD008 Module
Transmedia Practice MDP5008M Module
Transmedia Practice MDP5016M Module
TV Newsdays MDP5022M Module
TV Studio Production MDP4009M Module
Visual Design and Brand Innovation DES7018M Module
Visual Design and Brand Innovation MLD023 Module
Visual Narratives ART4014M Module
Voice for Musical Theatre PER4021M Module
Voice Workshop PER4015M Module
VOX 1MU301 Module
VOX MUS4002M Module
What's in the Frame? Cinematography & Production Design 2FT212 Module
Working in the Creative Industries 2FA105 Module
Workshop Facilitation PER4012M Module
Workshop Practice 1DD010 Module
Workshop Practice PER4007M Module
Writing after Beckett PER5017M Module
Writing after Beckett 2DD012 Module
Writing and Theatre PER4006M Module
Writing and Theatre 1DD009 Module
Writing for Digital News Media MDP4017M Module
Writing for Performance PER4013M Module
Writing News and Features MDP4015M Module
Writing Sports News and Features MDP4019M Module
Written Research Project 3FA101 Module
Your Creative Business Project 3MP111 Module
Your Music Business Project 3MP104 Module
Your Music Business Project MUP6004M Module

Lists linked to School of the Arts

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Photography books - new 2019/20 06/01/2020 12:01:10